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Singaboy and Sullla's team thread

Turn played, report will come later tonight. There wasn't anything too important happening, nothing that should stop you from going ahead and playing if the turn comes your way Singaboy. :)
Follow Sullla: Website | YouTube | Livestream | Twitter | Discord

Yeah, I mean don't get me wrong, logically it makes sense that archeaology would be tied with digging up oil from the ground in at least some way. It's just odd from a thematic purpose that a military-focused tech that unlocks the powerful tank unit comes from moving an archaeologist around on the map. crazyeye OK, finally the Turn 139 report:

[Image: PBEM7-847.jpg]

Still no attack from Russia/Germany against Bandar Brunei. I'll keep posting this picture each turn as a good luck charm to stave off an attack. By the way, Russia is up over 1000 power now as EmperorK stacks up horsemen for future cossack upgrades. Glad that we didn't try to invade him, with Defender of the Faith and all those units faith-purchased via Theocracy, I think that would have ended up going poorly for us.

[Image: PBEM7-848.jpg]

I call this picture "a lot of ships waiting to be upgraded." lol They are actually all choked up in the canal waiting on the injured quadrireme to finish healing. For whatever reason, the game's pathfinding will not let me move units through the quadrireme healing inside the city of Genova, an interesting little quirk. Thanks to the Great Scientist super-medic, that ship will be back to 81/100 HP next turn, and then I can move it to the side for a final turn of healing and let the other ships through. It's actually a bit tricky in this area since I can only upgrade units inside my territory or Singaboy's territory. I will need to dance units in and out of my borders to get everything upgraded.

There's another piece of valuable information in this picture: Chevalier has built or upgraded to a frigate. This means that he has Square Rigging tech, and that's actually good news for our team. My biggest nightmare was Chevalier holding off that tech and building an absolutely insane fleet of quadriremes for upgrading. Seriously, with Maritime Industries in place he could get close to 300 production from a single stone harvest, which equals 2.5 quadriremes, which equals 5 quadriremes from the Venetian Arsenal. From one stone resource! Now, he can harvest a stone resource for essentially one frigate with Press Gangs policy, and of course that gets doubled to two frigates with Venetian Arsenal. But that's the kind of math we can deal with. Five ships per stone resource is not something we can face. Chevalier is also in Merchant Republic government so he's also obsoleted Maritime Industries policy. It will be all caravels and frigates for him from this point forward. And if he wants ironclads, he needs to research about 1300 beakers at his current science rate of 80 beakers/turn - have fun with that, buddy.

[Image: PBEM7-851.jpg]

Speaking of harvesting, it appears as though Woden founded this city for the sole purpose of harvesting crab resources. I can't think of another reason why he wanted this spot. With his faith-purchased monument (Valletta), the borders will expand quickly and he'll be able to harvest four crabs here for roughly 1000 gold in total. Is that worth planting an otherwise useless city? Probably; Woden has the worst gold/turn income of anyone in the game, and he desperately needs money to fuel crossbow into field cannon upgrades. Obviously this will be a useless city thereafter, but he's probably terrified about defending against Singaboy and possible Russia/Germany as well. The weak economy of Nubia has been a real drag on this team's progress.

[Image: PBEM7-850.jpg]

The big harvesting play for Roma this turn was destroying the deer resource at Lucca to get another use out of the Limes policy. The city picked up 292 production from the harvest, and overflowed about 240 of that into its Commercial district. I'll harvest the forest tile underneath it next turn to complete the Commercial district for +12 gold/turn immediately and more sweet trade route income once I can finish a trader. Then I can harvest the wheat tile to the northwest, which is probably worth enough food to take this city to size 5. Who cares about housing, heh. Too bad I don't really have tiles for this city to work. Maybe I can get some more builders later to at least mine the plains hill tiles and plantation the cocoa resource.

[Image: PBEM7-852.jpg]

Roma officially started the Terracotta Army wonder this turn. I delayed it until the last second so that no other team will get a popup message in their diplo logs stating that I had started a wonder. The city walls were prepped to 207/225 production, and next turn I'll pull the same Limes wall chop overflow abuse to get 117 * 2 = 234 production, or 216 production after the walls finish. Add in the city's base production of 35 per turn, and it should go like this:

Turn 139 = 0 production
Turn 140 = 35 -> 251 production
Turn 141 = 286 production
Turn 142 = 313 production -> midturn chop finishes wonder

In other words, completed start to finish in 3 turns and done in midturn. I scanned the map and looked at every city with an Encampment district. None of them have the wonder under progress, and I don't think any of them are in position to snipe it with chops/harvests. Hopefully no one else is thinking about this wonder at all and we'll be able to land it for all those yummy free promotions.

[Image: PBEM7-853.jpg]

Northern overview. I finished two caravels this turn and Firenze (which has been holding a caravel 1 turn from completion for some time now) will finish it next turn, just before caravels are obsoleted by Steam Power. A bunch of other cities are preparing to squeeze out a frigate before they get obsoleted by Steel tech on Turn 148. I'll need to adopt Press Gangs at the next civic swap to make that happen, but I should have just enough production to make it work.

[Image: PBEM7-854.jpg]

Southern overview. Venezia, Firenze, Ravenna, and Palermo should all be able to finish frigates before Turn 148, if just barely in some cases. I'll be swapping civics back into Press Gangs on Turn 141, right after that Limes forest chop at the capital next turn. Parma is going to chop out some frigates, hopefully two of them in that same time frame. That would give me 20 frigates in total (6 new to go with my current 14 quadriremes) if all goes as planned, and wow, that would make for an awful lot of potential battleships. I don't have enough gold to upgrade all of that - plus the quadrireme into frigate upgrades, plus the caravel into ironclad upgrades, to say nothing of the crossbow into field gun upgrades - but I can stay in Professional Army civic and upgrade as I go. Better to have too many units and have to save before upgrading them than not enough. And I do have a copper and crab harvest of my own coming due that will be worth about 300 gold each, which will help a lot.

Chevalier spent about 1200 gold this turn on upgrades, taking him from 1600 gold down to 400 gold. That's almost certainly money that went into unit upgrades, perhaps 10 quadrireme into frigate upgrades? I have a scout heading over to his western coastline to see if I can spot anything there. Chevalier is also limited in what he can do by his smaller income, which has been unable to top 120 gold/turn. With only 400 gold in the bank and an income about half of mine, he won't be able to play the upgrade game as well as I can. Hopefully that will offset his advantage in Great Admirals and the Venetian Arsenal. More importantly, he needs to outnumber me enormously if we end up having a battleships versus frigates match, and I don't think that he's going to be able to do that.

My one big regret this turn: I forgot to offer Singaboy my newly connected cocoa luxury. Argh! duh Have to do that next turn. Sorry man.
Follow Sullla: Website | YouTube | Livestream | Twitter | Discord


Industrialization is done, on to military science (never mind the screenshot). In order not to waste the overflow, I will swap a turn to banking after that and then continue with ballistics. This wai, banking will be down to maybe 1 turn too. I would like to start some banks rather than wasting production on other stuff. Science has been increases thanks to the science project in Hangzhou though to 105. It will drop as I am chopping the rain forest there into a knight.

Bejing's university will be done a turn earlier thanks to the mines. With two universities in place in 3 turns, science will be at 110 beakers at least. Every bit to get to steel and combustion earlier will count.

The other thing I notice (I played before Sulla's report came in), there is no cocoa from Rome. I request it per trade during my turn in case he forgets it again nono

[Image: 5lTvvYj.jpg]

Project pop 15:
Hangzhou at pop 12 shows growth in 11 turns. However, with the citrus connected, housing is 14 now, this means no growth penalty to pop 13. I am planning to let the city grow to pop 13 by itself as there is no growth reduction. In fact, maybe the added cocoa might lift Hangzhou to be ecstatic again (currently there is only 1 city at that status). Once at pop 13, I will then harvest both rice and marsh and probably remove the rain forest below the bananas. In order to do that, I would have to remove the tile improvement, chop the rain forest and then improve the bananas again.

[Image: 37F0iqu.jpg]

I forgot to take more screenshots, but what else happened?

A trade route was up for renewal and I decided to send that to Lisbon too. Taking another drafted crossbow at Acre into account, my income is around 150 gpt. There, Nubia's knight is trying to figure where our units are, but I won't let him see them.

Faith is down to 300 now and the last crossbow will be drafted next turn. I will then draft knights and bombards. Of course, I need to have more faith for that as well as a second niter resource for bombards. Being suzerain of Lisbon would give me that. I need the Inspiration for natural History for that from Rome. The Holy Site at Acre will help a little as does the finished temple at Shanghai. I was thinking whether to 'hand' produce a wat there (takes 13 turns) or to continue with a frigate even without Press Gangs. I went with the latter for now.

I made 50 gold via the barbarian camp. I am also checking England's envoys in Nan Madol every turn and they are still at 6. Would he increase that to 7, I would invest my envoy most like in Muskat for more income. And, as Rome mentioned before, I have exactly ZERO coal resources in my land.

By the way, we should probably work on a plan for the attack on Nubia as it requires proper coordination in this case.

(April 27th, 2018, 23:45)Sullla Wrote: 1) Seriously, with Maritime Industries in place he could get close to 300 production from a single stone harvest, which equals 2.5 quadriremes, which equals 5 quadriremes from the Venetian Arsenal. From one stone resource! Now, he can harvest a stone resource for essentially one frigate with Press Gangs policy, and of course that gets doubled to two frigates with Venetian Arsenal. But that's the kind of math we can deal with.

2) In other words, completed start to finish in 3 turns and done in midturn. I scanned the map and looked at every city with an Encampment district. None of them have the wonder under progress, and I don't think any of them are in position to snipe it with chops/harvests. Hopefully no one else is thinking about this wonder at all and we'll be able to land it...

3) My one big regret this turn: I forgot to offer Singaboy my newly connected cocoa luxury. Argh! duh Have to do that next turn. Sorry man.

1) Your math doesn't include their lack of a treasury, seems every other team is scrambling for gold just as much as they scramble for beakers as they don't have the reserves and potential of your civs. That kind of move sounds good in theory but theory and practice are the same only in theory.

2) How many times have we heard this? Keeping fingers crossed anyway

3) How many times have we heard this too? smile

And seeing the last screenshot from Singaboy, always cringing to see a game that uses more than three yields per tile having an interface that accounts only for three.

It looks like the turn cycled through everyone incredibly quickly last turn, getting back to me in less than six hours. I wasn't able to play the turn until this morning. It's tough being on a work trip and still getting to the turn in a reasonable time frame when everyone else is playing their turns so fast! Here's Turn 140:

[Image: PBEM7-855.jpg]

Now this is a nasty surprise for someone: the barbarian camp down to the south of Russia spawned a frigate. I really hate how this works in Civ6, with units just magically appearing out of nowhere. In Civ4, barbarian units only appear in fogged tiles and you can keep down their spawns by fogbusting wilderness areas. Here in Civ6 the units just appear out of thin air, which is both immersion-breaking and makes it hard to plan a strategy around. I was forced to flee to the west with my caravel instead of heading to the east underneath Russian territory as I was originally planning. Hopefully this ship will go cause trouble for Chevalier or EmperorK and leave my ship alone.

[Image: PBEM7-856.jpg]

Germany planted its new city on the island this turn. Hopefully this won't come back to bite us in the rear in the future, letting TheArchduke set up shop on that piece of land. Somewhat surprisingly, TheArchduke has two more settlers out on the map right now. It's an odd time to be building settlers; why now? Why not 30 turns ago when there would have been more time to develop cities? Germany was stuck on eight cities for about 50 straight turns and it's the biggest reason why TheArchduke isn't ahead of our team. I'm sure that one of these settlers is heading for the double coal spot to secure more copies of those resources. No idea where the other one is heading though.

For what it's worth, TheArchduke has temporarily stopped building ships at the moment. He's already finished Square Rigging tech so he can't build cheap ships anymore, only frigates and caravels. That said, Germany has enough production to build a lot of frigates and add to the current fleet.

[Image: PBEM7-866.jpg]

My scout is checking out what he can see of Chevalier's fleet over here along the English coast of the eastern ocean. I suspect it's mostly caravels and frigates, although there could be some Sea Dogs as well. They would be really hard to spot since they're invisible unless a unit is right next to them. Chevalier has burned his whole treasury on upgrades, down to 40 gold in the bank with an income down under 100 gold/turn. It looks like he's getting ready for the upcoming war and won't be able to upgrade too much more in the way of units. I'm not sure if he's even going to bother with upgrading his poor land units camped out around Nan Madol; those swords will get slaughtered almost immediately if he does't spend the money to turn them into muskets. Chevalier's power went up to 1800 this turn, and it should still be increasing since there's a lag on the power rating before it shows up in the Demographics. How much of that power is up here in the eastern ocean is unclear. The fact that Chevalier's port cities are split between two oceans with no connection between them is a massive help, just massive. I'm hoping that we can eliminate the navy on this ocean and then turn to deal with either Chevalier's other fleet or Germany's fleet, depending on how things shake out.

[Image: PBEM7-867.jpg]

Now for the best part of any turn report: forest chopping screenshots. smile I had four different forest/jungle chops this turn and this turn was a culmination of sorts for the decision to plant these additional new cities. Here at Ferrara, this forest chop was enough to finish the Harbor district and unlock another trade route, up to 15 total. This builder will now head off to improve the truffles, iron, and whales resources. I'd love to improve the cocoa as well, but I only have three charges remaining and this city isn't likely to grow too far past size 3 anyway. It's already at the housing cap at size 2, although improving the truffles and whales will add another point of housing.

[Image: PBEM7-868.jpg]

The same pattern took place at Lucca, where my builder followed up the deer harvest from last turn with a forest chop on the same tile this turn. The deer forest hill is pretty much the best tile in the game; as you can see, it's easy to turn two builder charges into any district that you want. This wasn't a hill tile unfortunately and now the bare plains tile underneath is worthless, but I was able to turn this resource into a Commercial district worth 12 gold/turn immediately and another available trade route. That makes 15 trade routes in total once I can build the traders to fill them out.

[Image: PBEM7-869.jpg]

On we go to Roma, where the medieval walls were prepped to 207/225 production cost. This chop therefore produced the standard 234 production with 218 overflow into the Terracotta Army wonder, as described in yesterday's turn report. Here's what the city looked like up close:

[Image: PBEM7-870.jpg]

Terracotta Army down to 5 turns build time, and as we know, it will finish mid-Turn 142 when the second forest chop lands. While I know we've had the unpleasant outcome of being sniped on a number of races before, I think we're going to land this project without any surprises. No one else has started the wonder on the map. As for Roma itself, the city clearly needs a bit more builder attention. I've neglected it a bit and it's been forced to work some unimproved tiles, yuck. This builder will be mining three plains hill tiles after doing the two forest chops, and I'd love to bring another builder back later to harvest the wheat tiles for some more population sizes. I still don't have a Bath district here either, which could be placed on top of one of the wheats. Getting this city to size 13 would be nice to unlock another district; there's an Industrial district locked here that would be cheap to finish too. After completing Terracotta Army, I will probably go back and finish the half-done Commercial district project in the hopes of locking down that sweet 500 gold / 2 envoy Great Merchant.

[Image: PBEM7-871.jpg]

And we're still not done yet with this jungle chop taking place at Milano. No multipliers here to get bonus production, just a straight addition of 58 food and 58 production. That grew the city another size and finished the university:

[Image: PBEM7-872.jpg]

The food put Milano about 1/3 of the way to size 10 and the production knocked a trader down to 2 turns cost. I think Milano may be my favorite city in this game, since it was complete and utter wilderness at the start and it's been turned into a magnificent metropolis. I chose the current tile configuration pictured above while playing the turn, but in retrospect I think this was a mistake. There's no point in slowly crawling towards size 10 at minimal growth; I may as well fire the citizen working the unimproved 3/0 rice tile and work another scientist specialist in the Campus district. Milano will grow in size via harvesting the rice tile, not by limping along from tiles worked. Sooner or later I'll do another round of builders and make that happen.

[Image: PBEM7-873.jpg]

Northern overview for Turn 140. I'm finishing up with more universities, building ships, and working on traders for the newly unlocked trade routes. Science had another nice jump upwards with the finishing of that university, now at 165 beakers/turn. I also managed to get income back up to 232 gold/turn despite three caravels completing in the last two turns. That number is going to drop precipitously as I upgrade units; I need those new trade routes to help keep me solvent. 3000 gold in the bank and a copper harvest on the way will help out.

[Image: PBEM7-874.jpg]

Southern overview. There are units EVERYWHERE down here. lol Singaboy, my units west of Napoli are heading for the Parma region to face off against Chevalier's units up there. The trailing group back by Savoia will head straight east towards Napoli to be there on the front lines when war breaks out. I have another request: do you think you can have your envoys ready to be invested in Nan Madol on Turn 142? I know we had suggested Turn 143 previously, but I think I can have enough ships in position for a Turn 143 attack. I upgrade them on Turn 141, move into position on Turn 142, and then attack on Turn 143. Hopefully Rome would then capture Nan Madol on Turn 144 and be ready to defend it on Turn 146. I would prefer to hit the city state sooner rather than later to create a little bit more of a buffer between taking the city state and going to war with Chevalier. I think we can line that up, right?

[Image: PBEM7-875.jpg]

Finally, here's the list of units that I have right now. Despite this huge military, I only have 5 total different types of units, heh. This makes it easy to estimate the cost of upgrading:

14 quadriremes: 125 gold cost each = 1750 gold
6 crossbows: 125 gold cost each = 900 gold
9 caravels: 112 gold cost each = 1008 gold

I only have 5 caravels in the current theatre of war against Chevalier, so that knocks the price down to about 3300 gold to ugprade everything in this area. This means that I actually can upgrade all of these units, nice! Unfortunately it doesn't cover the expense of battleship upgrades, which are another 125 gold apiece. If I have 20 frigates and I want to upgrade all of them into battleships, that's another 2500 gold. Well darn.

In the intervening 8 turns before unlocking battleships, I should pick up about 1000 more gold. I would make way more than that at my current rate, but I'll be lucky to make 125 gold/turn over that span once I upgrade everything. I will harvest a copper and crabs resource for another 600 gold, which would get me roughly 1500-1600 gold for battleship upgrades on Turn 148. That's enough for about 13 battleship upgrades - not bad! I'll be able to upgrade most of these ships right away and I can keep upgrading the rest over subsequent turns. I was expecting things to be worse here, but I really can upgrade most of my units for this war. If I can win the fleet versus fleet clash and start taking English cities, I'll get to capture his Harbor districts too. All five cities have Royal Navy Dockyards finished, even in the little size 1 mudballs.

As a final note, I'm traveling today so I won't be able to get to the turn until very late or tomorrow morning. Have fun Singaboy.
Follow Sullla: Website | YouTube | Livestream | Twitter | Discord

(April 28th, 2018, 10:13)Sullla Wrote: I suspect it's mostly caravels and frigates, although there could be some Sea Dogs as well. They would be really hard to spot since they're invisible unless a unit is right next to them.
From what I see Sea Dogs still have to obey the 1upt rule so you could look for empty tiles in a bunch of English ships as potential Sea Dogs.
There's also that combat indicator that appears every time you hover over an unit no matter how far it is, could that be used to reveal where Sea Dogs are? It would be a bug but if it works like that no point in not using it.


Military Science is in and I use the huge overflow to finish banking in a mere turn. That's nice. This means I could produce some banks if there is nothing else to be produced.

The cocoa from Rome means that now 4 cities are ecstatic instead of one. The builder in the south is moving towards the dyes and will improve them on T143 for more happiness. Beijing still has an arena one turn from completion for a little more of that. This will all be very important once the war starts and war weariness kicks in. For now, all stats are slightly better due to the happiness. I actually suggested an amenity trade with Russia, but they don't want it. Fine.

It seems everyone is now rushing for gold and that's pretty understandable. 10 cavalry in the east will cost me 1900 gold alone. That will leave me with around 1500 gold for crossbow upgrades to field cannons. Certainly not enough. Upgrades will come bit by bit after the initial rush.

As Rome needs me to invest my envoy into Nan Madol on T142, I will upgrade two crossbows then with ballistics being finished on T142 (I will swap into that technology next turn to finish a turn later).

Look at poor England's scout, it is now trapped. I am getting units there to make sure that little fellow can't do anything the turn we declare war as England will play before China. The builders at Hangzhou are moving into position to harvest stuff the moment Hangzhou hits pop 13. Timing is just nice as nationalism is now 4 turns from finish. I would like to delay that for a potential double swap together with national history. Let's see how that will work out.

[Image: ZC8QtjP.jpg]

In the east, the crowd situation is pretty bad. I am having a hard time to keep my units in check while being able to upgrade them all later. I will do this over two turns and of course, start with two field cannons on T143. Then, I will upgrade the bulk of units on T144 and T145 so that I am ready for war the turn after. It will be a line of shock absorbing cavalry followed by field cannons. We will have to see how many units Nubia has before running our units into certain death. With Rome pounding the shoreline of England, Nubia will have to do something, I guess.

Acre gets a mined grass hill before the builder is moving onto the stone next turn. Nubia's knight has vanished from sight and I can only assume it is moving west in the very south or embarking.

By the way, to faith draft a bombard would cost 495 faith, that's quite something. Might want to produce one by myself in the core maybe. And yes, England's power rating is now 2000, 150 higher than mine. I am glad that England upgraded their units early as this means much less gold for them. Nubia is on a crab harvesting spree, which will help their team some though, even if they have to purchase those tiles for quite a bit of gold.

[Image: ltFv8m1.jpg]

I didn't get back from traveling until about midnight yesterday, which meant that I couldn't play the turn until this morning. Full turn report to come in a little bit; in case the turn cycles around to Singaboy in the meantime, two suggestions:

* I would upgrade crossbows/archers into field cannons first before upgrading horses into cavs. For one thing, the crossbow into field cannon upgrade is cheaper in terms of gold cost. More importantly though, the units in this part of the map are so choked together that ranged units are probably going to be more useful than the melee cavalry attackers. (This is why the game normally gives access to corps at this point in time; it would be really nice to be able to turn a few cavs into cavalry corps.) 10 cavalry are unlikely to be able to all get into the fight on a single turn. I would upgrade the ranged units first, and there will still be gold enough left over to upgrade most of the horses into cavs.

* Small reminder that our plan has us dumping three envoys into Nan Madol on China's NEXT turn, Turn 142, so that Rome can attack it on Turn 143. smile
Follow Sullla: Website | YouTube | Livestream | Twitter | Discord

It looks like for once Woden didn't immediately rush through the turn after me, making that last post unnecessary. Oh well. Here's the turn report for Turn 141:

[Image: PBEM7-876.jpg]

It looks like Chevalier's caravel was the one hit by that barbarian frigate, nice. thumbsup Since his ships can't heal in neutral waters, Chevalier will need to send this caravel back to his territory for repairing. That's one ship we won't have to worry about for some time. My own caravel continued heading west and will pass below the Kongo/Khmer continent en route back to home waters.

[Image: PBEM7-877.jpg]

With Civil Engineering civic finishing, I was able to make a policy swap. We bid a fond farewell to the obsoleted Limes, and I picked up Press Gangs in its place to get some more ships built. Then the painful replacement: I was forced to substitute Professional Army for Conscription, at an immediate cost of 40 gold/turn. Ouch! It's too bad that I'm not Germany or Greece to have an extra policy slot to play around with. There was nothing else that I could drop though: Triangular Trade already brings in more income than Conscription thanks to having 12 active trade routes, and Meritocracy / Rationalism are both mandatory policies. I would happily drop Merchant Confederation if there were something more useful in the Diplomatic policy slot, which there isn't at the moment. (TheArchduke is running the spy policy, and I might use that in the future but not right now.) I have enough units to upgrade that I'm going to be in this configuration for a little while before I can go back to Conscription again.

This meant that it was time to start spending that treasury:

[Image: PBEM7-878.jpg]

Caravel to ironclad upgrades cost 110 gold, crossbow to field cannon upgrades cost 115 gold, and quadrireme to frigate upgrades cost 125 gold. I was helped here by having just shy of 3300 gold on hand in the bank, and I spent liberally this turn to upgrade as many units as possible. Note that my income fell from 229 gold/turn down to 186 gold/turn as a result of losing Conscription policy, just about what I expected it would cost. By the end of this turn you can look at my income again and see how much the newly advanced units dragged down my income.

[Image: PBEM7-879.jpg]

After finishing with the upgrades, I ended up with the unit roster seen here. A little bit more than half the quadriremes have been turned into frigates, with the main limitation being the number of water tiles available to be used for upgrading. Ships must be within your borders (or the borders of an ally) to be upgraded. I was similarly able to get 2/3rds of the crossbows upgraded, with one still moving outside my borders and another one that I held off on upgrading until next turn since there was no need to do it this turn. There are four more caravel into ironclad upgrades as well, so overall I'd say that roughly half of the unit upgrades were completed this turn. When all of them are upgraded, it should drop me down to about 125 gold/turn; fortunately, I have three more trade routes incoming to get that back up to the 150-160 or so gold/turn range. It's essentially impossible to field a military this large without the assistance of trade routes to city states, and in particular trade routes to Commercial city states. Thank you Lisbon!

Obviously getting back into Conscription policy would be a huge help too. Levee en Masse, which is where we're heading at Mobilization civic, would be amazing. Although that's still a little distance away, it's not as far off as you might think. Singaboy is only 3 turns away from finishing Nationalism, and after that we'll have the boost for everything else required for Mobilization.

[Image: PBEM7-880.jpg]

Also featured this turn: chopping and harvesting resources. The copper resource yielded a much-appreciated 302 gold, and I have a crabs harvest incoming in a few more turns as well. Sadly that's it for my territory, which lacks much in the way of copper/crabs. After the first builder harvested the copper, I swapped Parma to a frigate and the second builder chopped a forest tile. This almost but not entirely finished the ship, leaving it at 240/280 production. I'll have Parma complete that frigate and harvest the stone east of the city into another frigate, which will give me the expected 20 frigates in total for upgrading into battleships.

[Image: PBEM7-881.jpg]

Over at Lucca, I harvested this wheat tile for 151 food. The city grew instantly to size 2 and it should grow several more sizes over the next few turns; the interfaced bugged out and said that the city had -467 food, so yeah, typical Civ6 interface at work there. crazyeye In theory, this should be enough food to take the city to size 5. We'll see if that actually happens, I'm never quite sure with the food harvesting if it works correctly. I'll mine one of the plains hills next and then use the last builder charge on this guy to harvest my one crabs resource.

[Image: PBEM7-882.jpg]

Here's the overview in the north, mostly unchanged aside from the Civ6 graphics engine changing over to night. I'm expecting to discover Steel tech in 7 more turns on Turn 148 and note that my cities are set to finish frigates in 6 turns before they become obsoleted. Good timing there. Milano's trader finishes next turn and Ostia almost has a second one done, both of them badly needed. Roma should complete Terracotta Army next turn in mid-turn when the forest chop completes, and I'll probably have the capital overflow onto its Commercial district project. Useful both for getting the Great Merchant faster (and hopefully get him at all!) and to provide a little bit more gold/turn income.

[Image: PBEM7-883.jpg]

Down here in the south, Palermo also completes a frigate in 6 turns and Ravenna will get its done in 6 turns as well after growth and an incoming mine on one of its hill tiles. I'll be harvesting the sheep tile at Napoli next turn for another population point and that will let me work another one of the natural wonder tiles when borders expand. Research overflow from Steam Power completing was enough to finish Military Science in 1 turn with Rifling up next. On the civics side, Natural History is 1 turn away from finishing and can be completed as needed for a policy swap. I'm dumping culture into Nationalism right now since that's the only option available to move the civics tree forward. No need for the optional side techs Opera and Ballet or Scorched Earth (which we did boost via having multiple field cannons).

One more reminder for Singaboy that we'll need him to invest 3 envoys into Nan Madol *NEXT TURN* (Turn 142) so that Rome can look to attack on Turn 143. Apologies for repeating this several times, just trying to make sure that we coordinate properly on this. I keep checking Nan Madol and Chevalier still has 6 envoys inside. Only need to make it through two more of his turns with him at 6 envoys to pull this off.

[Image: PBEM7-884.jpg]

Check this out: TheArchduke is going for Oxford University in one of his core cities. It's a supremely expensive wonder at 1250 production cost, and I couldn't figure out why he was doing this... and then I remembered that he is set to land Gustave Eiffel the Great Engineer in the near future. That guy provides a pair of 480 production charges towards wonder, so that will give TheArchduke most of the wonder's cost. Smart move on his part, as usual for TheArchduke. I don't really see any way to stop this either. We simply have to hope that the two random technologies that TheArchduke picks up won't be particularly useful ones. Too bad that the game didn't randomly select one of the other less useful Great People for the Industrial era (to be fair though, we were lucky to avoid one of the earlier Great Engineers with wonder charges).

Here's my military plan for next turn, spoilered for size:

[Image: PBEM7-885.jpg]

Five frigates and an ironclad move into position on Turn 142, then they move and attack the city state on Turn 143. I can have four frigates shoot the city plus attack with two knights, a musket, and a field cannon. I don't think that I can take the city on Turn 143, but it should be easy prey for a Turn 144 capture. I also have no idea where Chevalier's units are going to be sent when they get bumped out of Nan Madol's territory. The fact that Chevalier's defensive formation is going to be all messed up is another reason why I'm excited about this play that we're setting up. Hopefully Chevalier is not sitting on some extra envoys and he doesn't earn an additional one via a random quest. He upgraded his swords into muskets, and I was happy to see that because it was money not going into ship upgrades. I think we can easily kill those muskets if they get teleported into random spots on the map. My overwhelming concern right now is winning the naval battle in the eastern ocean, and any resources that Chevalier puts into other places are resources that didn't go into his navy.

Chevalier's power has indeed risen to 2000 power, but he has 33 gold in the bank and 90 gold/turn income, so we shouldn't see much more upgrading from him. Woden has 900 gold and 119 gold/turn income, which will probably be enough to upgrade his crossbows into field cannons without being able to upgrade much else. Yes, he also has some crab harvests incoming, we need to remember that as well. Singaboy already has double Woden's power and that's without including Chinese upgrades, which should be even more effective because Singaboy has triple the gold on hand that Woden does (2700 gold to 900 gold). I should also mention that Woden reached Rationalism policy last turn and he's now up to 135 beakers/turn. Rome is comfortably outpacing Germany and Nubia, while China is far ahead of both England and especially Russia. Hopefully we'll continue to hold the research edge.

We are technically last in culture/turn as a team, although we make 200 culture compared to 202 culture for Russia/Germany and 210 culture for England/Nubia. Chevalier gets 125 culture/turn and I think roughly half of that comes from Nan Madol; if we can take the city state, his team's civic research will crater. Chevalier also finished yet another Royal Navy Dockyard this turn; I have him down for 11 of them and 6 of all other district types combined, not exactly balanced. I am itching to capture his cities on the eastern ocean and take those trade routes away from him.

I think that's all for now. Good luck Singaboy!
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(April 29th, 2018, 12:21)Sullla Wrote: Roma should complete Terracotta Army next turn in mid-turn when the forest chop completes, and I'll probably have the capital overflow onto its Commercial district project.
Have you considered holding on to completing it for now? As long as you can still monitor the other Encampment cities and be sure it is not contested (as I'm sure the other players already know you're building it) would it have made sense to wait until you have more units to upgrade / heal at a critical moment?

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