There's a lot going on here. Ichabod switched to an interesting mix of civics, notably away from slavery. But every unit he builds will have +4 exp. (+7 with barracks, +9 with stables).
It looks like Mackoti spawned a Merchant and bulbed economics, switching to FM in his golden age. Free Market is even buffed in RBMod! It gives an additional +25% trade route yield now, even though it is already extremely powerful at the time you get it in BtS. (Up to when you have State Property.) I didn't show it but someone has a GNP in the 1300's and it's likely to be him.
Plako ate another city from Dhalphir and the general shows he's doing some significant fighting.
We got iron. So where is it?
We have one source in our culture, but just barely! And nowhere we can take advantage of the hammers. That iron does give a reason for being for the eastern fort city though. I'm not sure whether to get on that, but I'm inclined not to prioritize it before trying to eat Retep. I still like a lot that we need no defenders in Die Walkure, because we have enough advanced warning to move defenders from elsewhere if needed. On the other hand, Ichabod could settle around there any minute.
Iron around Retep and Bacchus:
Ichabod is showing Engineering which will really add to his surprise attack options.
I'm not sure about our next tech. Going for Engineering ourselves is tempting. It might give a 1-turn jump on Retep since it allows more options to attack from an invisible tile. This is in addition to the other benefits: defensive maneuverability, ability to whip pikes.
Alternatively CoL -> CS is a free large economic bonus from Bureau, though it does require a switch away from Vassalage. If we were playing for the long haul, surely we'd want to invest in courthouses by now. Aesthetics -> Lit is not too expensive and the HE would be extremely nice to build nearly 1-turn knights out of Turandot.
There's also Alphabet. Though, I'm not that sold on the value of spies with no sight radius for scouting. They could easily be a false negative: everything seems safe but we actually missed the key tile. There's Compass for cheap harbours (meh, maybe if we had coastal cities). Banking and Gunpowder are even possible, though they seem way too far out there for now.
So what's going on with Commodore?
He settled another city to the south. And the dreaded Mindybanes got left in range of a C1 spear! It has to cross a river, but their chance is still 65%. You can't give that to me and have me not take it:
And we discovered that Bathurst only has the CG1 crossbow defending. With this info, after some thought, I'm going to go for it all-in:
So there are 3 lbs, 1 cat, 2 axe, 1 chariot, and the redlined spear that can attack. Also the two longbows guarding the worker can get G2 and join into if necessary, so we could hit with 5 longbows.
If we could take Bathurst, it's not entirely clear we should keep it and not raze, though it would probably be too tempting to pass up.
Note Magic Flute is completely empty, though it could have 3 longbows next turn: 1 built and 2 from the mainland. He could theoretically take it if he unloads 2 workers and a 2-mover next turn out of 2 galleys. Or there's always tricks with a GG. But I'm willing to take the chance he isn't planning on that.
Your move, Krilliphants. Can Comm have a trick that can save Bathurst? If he does, and the elephant was a clever bait somehow, I just bow down I guess.
Commodore has Compass and I think there's a pretty good chance he either has or is going for optics and caravels, and may try to cut off our reinforcement channel eventually.