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PBEM5e - Dazed and scooter

dazedroyalty Wrote:We do NOT have Sailing so I'm not sure if that last leg of the river counts or not. Do I need another road one west of my worker? Or are we good to go?

I believe you do need one more road or Sailing. To tell for sure, zoom out to globe view and click the button for "Show different trade groups". If the two adjacent tiles show as the same color, they're connected.

So I've been able to scout out the northern part of their map, which obviously is identical to ours. Here's what I saw, which was quite interesting:

[Image: t38_their_north.JPG]

Hmmmmm. Let's take a look at ours real quick for reference:

[Image: t38_our_north.JPG]

So this means we can formulate a more accurate guess at what the north looks like. In case we need a reminder, here was the initial two guesses as to how the north might look:

[Image: north_island_1.png]

[Image: north_island_2.png]

It's looking like I was wrong - it's actually a combo of the two! Something like this:

[Image: north_islands_guess2.png]

This puts a lot of importance on settling that big island... Something to keep in mind.

scooter Wrote:This puts a lot of importance on settling that big island... Something to keep in mind.

Especially if those are the only horsies!

So I opened up the forums a few minutes ago and saw that Bob apparently updated their thread, putting them as the most recent thread in this section. This is 100% unacceptable, so I decided I'm going to update just so that we have the most recent thread in this section. Petty? Yes. Effective? Yes. On we go:

[Image: t49_myland.JPG]

(Note: Ignore the Monarchy research for Dazed - it was a 0% science placeholder, and I'm writing this report off a save I played an hour ago)

I was the first person to settle a second city, which was pretty cool, especially since I gifted away both a warrior and a worker to Dazed already. I'm currently chopping out the monument there in the new city, and WHAT ON EARTH?!? I'm really sorry - literally as I'm writing this - I realized that I haven't named my second city to fit my (American) football theme yet... Which was funny, but then I realized my capital is named Uppsala! How did that happen?? Errr wait. Krill had to replay the first 12 turns because he decided to take away our copper (that jerk), and in the process my city has since not been renamed... And if you even think about mentioning that it's T49 which means I went 37 turns without noticing, then I will chop your arm off and beat you with the bloody end.

Aaaaanyways, sorry for the tangent, but it's somewhat late so this is very much a stream-of-consciousness post. So yes, I'm chopping out a monument... On second thought, that's stupid. I need to swap to a work boat and put the chop hammers into that instead. Right? Seems like the much better option. So I'll probably do that instead, chop work boat, whip monument. This will also give time for a lucky religion spread to save me the hassle of a monument.

I went straight on to a second settler, and it'll be going to one of the two spots you see up above. I'm sorry for cutting out the rest of the land up there, but I'm somewhat torn between the two spots. C1 is definitely the stronger city, as it picks up some grassland tiles that you cannot see. The flipside is that the city is never going to be a great one anyways, and C2 allows for a quality city further north rather than a filler city. I'm probably going to just go with C1 so that I can ignore the monument for awhile, but C2 is still a (distant) possibility. Enough about me, let's check the demos:

[Image: t49_demos.JPG]

Alright, fine, the only reason I'm posting this is because I'm doing well in the demos. I admit it. So I guess that was still about me. Next is something I'm not doing so hot in, but something we need to keep an eye on:

[Image: t49_power.JPG]

We thought for sure we'd have copper hooked up first, but Bob's Woodsman 2 warrior pulled some fancy moves on us and was able to pillage our roads. Really, Dazed and I screwed up and should have seen it coming, but live and learn. So Bob got copper before Dazed I'm guessing (as we got set back a good 6 turns), so we should be scared of an Impi rush right? Well when Dazed got copper, his first build was actually:

[Image: t49_axe.JPG]

Not an Impi. So we're (hopefully) ready for it. I also have an axe that is off chasing Sareln's scout in the north, so when that finishes and comes back down he'll have another one at his disposal.

As I was typing that last paragraph, I got the next turn from Sareln, which was accompanied with this message:

Sareln Wrote:This is turn 50, so it would be good to take a few screenshots for the crowds.

I replied real quick:

scooter Wrote:Know what's funny is I'm in the middle of typing a large update based on *last* turn, and didn't realize I was just 1 turn away from the milestone.... Whoops


Well I guess you guys get a T49 update and not T50. But it's ok, 49 is divisible by 7, which is a lucky number, which is much cooler than being rounded off at 50. So there.

We're starting Writing now, and I'm thinking the way to go is to head straight for the Hanging Gardens, as that's a big deal in a game like this - as both civs get benefits from it. Can someone confirm that please? I'm 90% sure, but I'll look stupid if I'm wrong because I assured Dazed that it worked that way. Great Engineer points are wonderful too. That's about as much of a plan as we have right now besides just have fun, which we're succeeding at so far. smile

HG benefits all of the civs on the team that builds it.
Current games (All): RtR: PB80 Civ 6: PBEM23

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 Games ded lurked: PB18

is this going on?

Yes, but due to some RL stuff that came up for a couple players, we sort of took a short break. Over the last 2-3 weeks we've probably played 5ish turns, so things are kind of disjointed right now in general. Hopefully it'll pick up soon and I can come up with some kind of decent report.

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