Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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The nag feature is not in yet, but he says it might be in this weekend.


Cyneheard Wrote:Sorry, forgot that we'd decided to keep the game going while waiting for T-Hawk. Save sent to Whosit.

We're waiting for Mist at the moment (more precisely Mist's computer), trying to brute-force crack amnesiac Krill's admin password.

Which at the moment is at :

(a-z, A-Z, 0-9) bruteforce
passwords 5 letters or shorter - checked and rejected
6 letter password - over 6% progress
7 letter password - around 2%
8 letter password - under 1%

(a-z, A-Z, 0-9) birthday attack
6 letter password - pass with distance 30000 finished, distance 29889 in progress

(a-z, 0-9) bruteforce
started, at password length 6

In queue.

Since my computer won't handle any more parallel attempts and that's basically everything I can throw at it. So keep playing and don't mind me, it *will* take time. But I'm still odds-on to finish before you're done with the game lol If the password is under 10 letters smoke

Mist Wrote:Which at the moment is at :

(a-z, A-Z, 0-9) bruteforce
passwords 5 letters or shorter - checked and rejected
6 letter password - over 6% progress
7 letter password - around 2%
8 letter password - under 1%

(a-z, A-Z, 0-9) birthday attack
6 letter password - pass with distance 30000 finished, distance 29889 in progress

(a-z, 0-9) bruteforce
started, at password length 6

In queue.

Since my computer won't handle any more parallel attempts and that's basically everything I can throw at it. So keep playing and don't mind me, it *will* take time. But I'm still odds-on to finish before you're done with the game lol If the password is under 10 letters smoke


This seems like it would be a really parallel task. Is there any way you can make some sort of "holding@home-esque" distributed computing thing? wink

You're right. It would be an excellent material for @home style processing, but I'm working within my limitations here. I'm an amateur coder with no prior experience in distributed computing. The closest I can get to that model is compile a bunch of small C++ apps with sub-ranges to check and upload them via dropbox for anyone interested to run.

But that would smack of desperation smoke lol

I still hope Krill set something shorter than 8. Once/if length 6 gets included and Epiphany throws a blank ( it's not like I can write anything that beats 21 days in a dedicated cluster anyhow ) I'll get back to this and raise a general call to arms.

Actually the best/fastest way to do this would be to get a hold of a set of Rainbow Tables with the software to use them. But at 24GB+ for the range we need it's well outside capabilities of my connection and free HDD space.

sunrise089 Wrote:Mist,

This seems like it would be a really parallel task. Is there any way you can make some sort of "holding@home-esque" distributed computing thing? wink

Just reading this I wish I could make available some of the parallel computing power I use at work for this. 2048 CPUs?

"You have been struck down!" - Tales of Dwarf Fortress
"moby_harmless seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!"

On another angle entirely:

Mist, you said you found where in the save the MD5 hash is stored. Is it possible to change that value to the MD5 hash of a known string and store it back into the save? Will that run afoul of any checksum or anything?

I made an attempt along these lines last night. In the DLL, I found where the admin password (hashed) is read from the save into a variable. I replaced that variable by setting it to a known string (hashed). That got Pitboss past the admin password check, but then it threw an error "You are trying to load a corrupt save". I couldn't figure out what was going on there - best guess is some additional password or checksum done in the Pitboss executable rather than the DLL.

If you get desperate there's always the cloud...

36 cents a day per computer at work.
I have to run.

Quote:Mist, you said you found where in the save the MD5 hash is stored. Is it possible to change that value to the MD5 hash of a known string and store it back into the save? Will that run afoul of any checksum or anything?
When I tried that, my Civ reacted with a splendid CtD. There are 4 md5 hashes in the save header that are not storing passwords and another one at end of file. So far I can't figure out how, and what for are they used - probably options, assets check and file integrity but I had no luck figuring out details . No progress from this angle.

If anyone's interested and has other ideas, hash we need to break is this one:

Mist Wrote:If anyone's interested and has other ideas, hash we need to break is this one:

Oh THAT one! I have the same combination on my luggage.

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