December 17th, 2010, 15:44
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Ladies and gentlemen, some pictures of the current state of the game.
Dazed has been shoving out warriors like there will be no tomorrow as his team beelines for hinduism. He managed to pillage Bob's wheat before being beaten back. He now has 4! warriors that we can see.
Our own team has picked up archery and pottery, I've been doing some whipping to get out a granary, 2 workers, and 2 archers and my copper just came online. I'm going to try and get that road out to Bob post-haste so that we can solidify our front line and start expanding. Our team also plans to pick up Buddhism now or Judaism if Scooter/Dazed grab Buddhism.
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1
December 17th, 2010, 15:47
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34 turns into the game and scores are identical for each player in opposite positions. Cool.
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December 17th, 2010, 18:31
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Krill Wrote:34 turns into the game and scores are identical for each player in opposite positions. Cool.
Made cooler by the fact that we did it with different techs, different whips, and different builds :neenernee
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1
December 23rd, 2010, 21:45
Not a vast amount to report, but I figure I might as well type something up for scooter & dazed to read after we annihilate them.
Here is my half of the empire:
I believe that I'm the first person to build an expansion, although Dazed probably isn't far behind. My military consists of two axes (one is C1 + a free promo, the other unpromoted and a gift from sareln), two archers (one is guerrilla I, the other unpromoted and also a gift), a warrior, and a the starting scout which scooter keeps unsuccessfully chasing with an axe somewhere off on his side of the map.
There have been a few skirmishes so far, but the kill counts and damage done to both sides have been just about equal, and all of it has been minor.
Sareln and I aren't running the most well-focused game of civ ever, but we both have reasonably developed short-term plans. Mine is to chop / whip that galley Mimigma Village has started, and to pair it with a settler that I'll chop in First Cave to take the central island ASAP. After that I'll try to establish a presence and hopefully a city in the center of the land bridge, and work on getting a horse city up. I've made the center island a priority because getting a large amount of culture in there will be very useful for controlling visibility and movement on the two land bridges. Also, it looks like a pretty sweet city site.
As for how we'll win the game, that's waaay off in the future, but a cultural victory would be pretty neat and should be fairly simple with teams.
By the way, I will name a unit (!!!) for anyone who guesses my naming theme. And you suck forever if you use google. If it helps, my workers are named Quote, Curly Brace, and Balrog. I also have an un-themed axeman named HAX because, really, how could I resist, and my scout used to be called "The Bed Intruder" for the same reason.
December 27th, 2010, 18:40
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Oooh, I haven't played Cave Story in awhile now.
My Hell Run record was 4 minutes 3 seconds - could never push it below 4 minutes...
December 28th, 2010, 05:51
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Yeah. Never played, but the Deceased Crab lets play of it was good. Balrog is awesome.
December 29th, 2010, 09:10
Some new screenshots:
My gracious, this is a great city spot. As far as I can tell, Dazed doesn't have a port to the middle sea yet, so I think I can safely skimp on defenses here for a little while. I want to get as much culture in this town as possible, so that I can gain visibility over both land bridges.
Dazed continues his bizarre strategy of trickling in random crap to annoy me. I have an ambush of an impi and axe set up on my cottage tile which can take out his impi next turn depending on how he moves. Mimigma Village should be safe from his axe, with two archers on a hill (one of them promoted to Guerrilla I). I stuck an axe on my galley, and I'm going to try to ambush his warrior with an amphibious attack next turn. I'll finish off Dazed's axe with one or two of my own- First Cave will slow-build its axe to completion before growing to size 6 and then starting a worker.
I might settle for my horses next, I'd really like to have a couple galleys based in the center lake holding two axes and two chariots, to prevent dazed from establishing his own port in the area.
December 29th, 2010, 14:11
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In the minimap, do I see one of scooter's units to the north of your capital?
December 29th, 2010, 15:35
Yeah, he has his starting scout up there. I'll kill it with an impi when I have the time / patience.
January 28th, 2011, 15:07
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Game has slowed down rather prodigiously. I'm making a half-assed run on the oracle, chopping it out over the course of 2 turns (even with pre-chops, just need more workers to get all the forests chopped at once...)
If I do land oracle I'll be grabbing metal casting with it. Both Bob and I will have access to Gold/Gems/Silver, so Forges are +3 Happy, +25% production. I've gone to two cities total, I have no idea where to plant my 3rd though.
If we do oracle metalcasting, we could consider the colossus with this much water on the map. Dunno if the hammers would be better spent on units/settlers/and workers though...
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1