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[SPOILERS - PBEM17] darrelljs - Elizabeth of Egypt

Errr...second. Jesus regoarrarr loves to post.


He is a spammer.

Darrell, I think you need to post the trash talk that was happening between you and regoarrarr...
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

Okay, so I will post the chat logs with Krill later so you can get the full discussion, but I really do have to go see what crap my kids broke before my wife gets home. Briefly, my leader order was Pacal -> Liz -> Willem -> Mansa. I got my second leader with the fourth pick, probably because 2 and 3 went with civs? I was able to get my top civ in Egypt.

I'll go into more details when I post the chat with Krill on the "why", and also an analysis of the other players' choices. Tomorrow smile. I think this map will take a while to make, and I'll have plenty of time to post my thoughts.

Oh, and as everyone knows regoarrarr is a thread post spam whore. Please post as many random things as you can think of in the next 12 hours to make him feel like the small, pathetic wretch we all know he is smile.


Krill Wrote:Darrell, I think you need to post the trash talk that was happening between you and regoarrarr...

Yes definitely...but of course that will get its own post.


This was the chat today, it basically goes over everything that we've talked about for the past few days as well, and gives a few hints about hte trash talk that has been going on in the background...

21:02 Darrell: Am I 4th?
That's shite
21:03 Krill: well,youmight want to ask about map size and sea level before picking unless you luck out
21:04 Darrell: I think Huayna Capac of Scandinavia might be fun
21:05 Krill: ugh
Darrell: At least I will get one of the good civs
I'm assuming the landmass is probably good for 6-8 cities, almost all of which are coastal
Krill: It will be a hand crafted map
21:06 Darrell: I predict one of my top 3 will be available
Krill: top three are?
pacal, Willem, Liz?
Darrell: Liz, Willem
21:07 Next best FIN leaders IMO are Huayna and Mansa, at least in a builder game
Krill: If you can really abuse SPI, and you should be able to, take it
Darrell: There is as I mentioned part of me that wants to give Vicky another, better go
Krill: not really worth it, it'll save you very few hammers
very different maps
21:08 Darrell: I like SPI as a top 3 trait with an FE
I guess I'd need a civ that starts with Myst
21:09 Krill: Going for religion?
Darrell: There is a decent chance of being able to get EXP/Inca, but then I really think FIN is going to be critical
I rarely if ever go for a religion
I guess if Pacal falls to me I won't bother, I'll try and get Inca
Krill: Spain
Darrell: Mansa of Spain...hmm
Krill: Korea/India
21:10 HRE
Darrell: I think Trading Posts are going to be very useful
Krill: Byz, aztecs, arabia
Darrell: I like axtecs
but again with farms
Byz is always good
Krill: arabia is decent if you get Liz
Darrell: I am surprised you are not mentioning the "water" civs at all
21:11 Krill: They are just the civs that start with myst
Darrell: This is essentially a water map
oh yeah
Krill: pacal falls first...
Darrell: already happened
ass will get Inca cause no one else wants them
Krill: Dutch will mean you have got a target on your back and start with fishing
21:12 they aren't actually a bad pick if you really want to deny them
I just think there are better picks for you to leverage
otoh, if you want myst, they do come with Agri
Darrell: dutch come with fish/agr
Krill: Vikings are Fishing/Hunting
Darrell: remember the start is inland
fishing is a really bad starting tech
Krill: yeah
21:13 Dutch and Vikings have those as drawbacks
Darrell: I like agr/myst as the best
Krill: Carthage is fishing mining
if that is the case...
Darrell: inland capital actually makes for a nice flavor
inca is myst/agr
I'm going to fucking take sury
Krill: it's the only choice actually
21:14 Darrell: just to deny shoot inca
Krill: no
just take Inca
Darrell: its dumb
Krill: doesn;t have to have synergy
Darrell: inca with cre is stupid
Krill: it saves you a monument
Darrell: yeah
you are 100% correct
Krill: just take Inca to piss him off
Darrell: EXP is nice, because you can whip with less pop
Krill: but pick leader first
21:15 if last place then takes Inca, StM still loses out and you can pick whatever fits your pick
Darrell: I think it is possible I get liz
Krill: it is
Darrell: if I get willem, inca makes little sense
liz of inca
fast shrine
cutlure from religion and terrace is redundant though
Krill: you'd have difficulty getting that shrine
21:16 Darrell: liz of egypt
Krill: that is fast shrine but no myst
Darrell: I think if liz falls in my lap I will go for egypt
they start with wheel/agr
not myst
Krill: however
easy to get cottages
Darrell: quite true
Krill: tech to mono
get the obelisk out fast in second city, grow to size 3 or 4
21:17 Darrell: pottery/mining/myst/poly/masonry/mono?
Krill: and get it going while teching to mono
Darrell: that's a long ass haul
Krill: if you lose hte religion race you can still bulb theo
Darrell: yeah
Krill: oh, not that early
Darrell: OR is going to be huge
I will need BW at least for whips and chops
Krill: get Mining/BW first at least
Darrell: and AH is likely for resources
and Fishing by then
for my second city
It would actually be quite nice to start with a scout
21:18 arabia?
willem of arabia
man I like the thought of that
starting techs are tough though
cant' really go worker and religion first
liz of egypt is probably a damn fun game
21:19 like you say, cottages are up failry quickly
my only problem is I tend to focus on production early, it will be hard to deal with cottages
21:20 Krill: make a simulation save once you have settled your capital and plan out tech routes and worker actions
Darrell: Yeah for sure. My last few games have been "3 mintues with teh save and move on"
I actually want to play this one well. Need to have a good plan, and also want to be able to update my thread consistently
21:21 RL has finally given me some daylight over the next 3+ months at least
Krill: lucky
Darrell: I'll sim it out until at least the first settler
Krill: I suppose that is because of your trip?
Darrell: yeah, that was part of a lot done
21:22 Krill: on quick speed that's about until t30 at hte latest
good to hear
Darrell: With no barbs too
Krill: what, on your trip?
21:23 that's why they have a wall
Darrell: Depending on the resources it is possible that settler at size 1 is correct
Krill: very very rare that happens, but it is possible
Darrell: yeah, got a lot done on the trip
if I have a kick ass second site I would at least consider it
would be REALLY nice to start with a Scout
21:24 irrigated corn grows ti size three so fast though
probably not likely
surely I'll have irrigated grasslnad river corn
Krill: without plains hill, that is a very long time to build a settler
you say that
Darrell: yeah
well like you say, I will sim it out and find the best path
21:25 rego is not answering my IMs, lazy punk
So if willem or liz are still available, I will take them.
21:26 Krill: Lizzie first, right?
Darrell: If not...Mansa I think
Liz -> Willem -> Mansa
I can't imagine both Liz and Willem would be on the board
21:27 If I get willem, I will probably go for India as my civ
Krill: fair enough
you do know you will have something like 80 tiles to improve?
India is a bit weird
21:28 Darrell: I think fast border pops and fast workers will give me good turn advantage
happy cap would be a concern I guess
Krill: Yeah, it's not actually that great
21:30 Darrell: Darrell: yeah
pacal is off teh board
you are up
go pick someone

Dan: who we got here
i'm 3rd
gotta wait for novice

Darrell: well tell me your top two so I can figure out if I need to plan for a 4th
it won't affect anything

Dan: let's think

Darrell: actually I have a 4th probably

You know, ther eisn't a lot to pick from
21:31 Krill: there never is
It's why I've spent 8 months trying to balance the leader traits with Cyneheard
Darrell: My instinc is with a builder game to take India, esp with CRE
the flip side is I cant leverage myst as I'll liekly need AGR out the gate
Krill: You'll cottage basically every tile excluding possible IW city
Darrell: I'll surely have a GP pump
21:32 but yeah, that sounds about right
Krill: GP pump uses food res and nothing else
farms are bad choice, cottage the land instead
This is, in fact, if it is an islands based map as oppoesed to archi type map
Darrell: wow
check out the second pick
21:33 Krill: IOndia
novice told me in chat
Darrell: I have no issue with that
Krill: makes me happy, now you can't commit civ suicide
Darrell: :P
Liz or Willem
Krill: slow down though
see if you can react
Darrell: dan was considering india as well
That's just crazy
I think they ar ea good pick on the back haul
21:34 but really, its a bit early now
Krill: Eh
I've never really seen the power of India in an FFA game
partly because I don;t need them due to how I play I suppose
Darrell: they are stronger on a land map, I think they extend the ability to strike with surprise
21:35 uh
another civ down
Krill: hahahaha
Lizzie it is
21:36 Darrell: So it is
Krill: good choice IMO
for islands map
Darrell: Yeah
Yeah I am really happy
Krill: picked your civ yet?
Darrell: I think Pacal is probably a bit better, but to get her at 4th is really nice
I'm still thinking Egypt
21:37 Now that i have a leader I am going through the list (again) to see if I can find something better
Krill: well there is no myst/agri combo
Darrell: No there isn't
Krill: and the other 2 civs chosen start with myst
Darrell: there is also that
21:38 Krill: so perhaps wise idea to go for monotheism
Darrell: Yeah, unless someone tries to get a collection
like you say, I can always bulb theo
Dan: nope
so captain trusting, who is your pick for civ?

Darrell: Inca

Dan: i think they're taken
21:39 Krill: hahaha
21:42 Darrell: Okay, so the options I think are worth considering are in no particular order Arabia, Carthage, Dutch, Egypt, Korea, Viking. Okay that was alphabetical order.
Let's see what reaons I can come up with not to take them.
Krill: Arabia, no agri, expensive UB for purposes of getting Theo, needs writing
21:43 Darrell: Arabia is nice, I really like the Madrassa with PHI, but too tough on the religion and no Agr anyway so I can't start with it.
Carthage is actually okay I guess, except I think everyone will freeze me out if I build lots of Cothons. I am assumign people are going to pay attention in this game, the list of players is fairly decent.
21:44 Dutch...actually I really like the Dike. Fishing and Agr are good starting techs. East Indiaman really dominates until Frigates.
Dutch are a possibility but they are not a good econ civ
And econ feels like the key for this game
The bonuses are late as well
Really late
So Dutch are out
21:45 Egypt doesn't really have much of a downside if I don;'t plan on rushing a relgion,
War Chariots are of no value
21:46 Krill: no barbs game?
Darrell: Korea is pretty good, I like the Seowon a lot. NO Agr and again mysticism is of dubious value
yeah no barbs
Krill: ok
means you don;t even need to fogbust so less reliance on hammers
Darrell: I think trading posts are reallly great in this game
beserker is iffy, it depends on how tight the map is really
starting techs are shite
21:47 It really is Carthage, Egypt, or Viking I guess.
Egypt seems fun, and I am pretty sure I can get them.
21:48 I think I will reat them Egypt -> Carthage -> Viking.
I am guaranteed to get one of them.
In fact I didn't need to find 3, just one
21:49 Cothon or Obelisk. I think Obelisk just leverages PHI better and I think Agr/Whe leverage FIN better
ALthough Fishing/Mining ain't all that bad
There is always the chance I start with Pigs and no grain
Then I will be hating the lack of Agr.
21:50 Krill: Yeah, I found that out with Rome...damned Plako
Darrell: Liz of Egypt.
You're start is really good with some leaders
Really, really good with liz of egypt in fact
Krill: stop rubbing it in tongue
21:51 Darrell: smile
Krill: yeah well I'm probably going to get 2 workers out and a settler by t27
and still ignore that pig
21:53 Darrell: YOu are EXP?
this is with the mod so you get the hammer boost?
Krill: no, GG/PRO and you can now pick Egypt
21:54 Darrell: done
21:55 AGG/PRO? Tokugawa?
Krill: yeah
Darrell: I bet you can't get 2 workers and a settler by t27
you start with min/fish?
Krill: I've alreayd run the numbers and sim
Darrell: send me you sim
Krill: on quick speed remember
Darrell: I want to see if I can do it
Yeah I am still Normal calibrated
I need to install that mod too
21:57 Krill: sent
Darrell: thansk
21:58 Krill: np
Darrell: is this before or after you moved?
Krill: now just need to hope for a good map and start
Darrell: yes
Krill: that is up to date sim
Darrell: I want my corn and some floodplains
22:00 Krill: you'll get a plains cow and like it
or, if the map maker is twisted, freshwater crab
Darrell: I like freshwater crab, as long as I can build a workboat for it
22:01 freshwater fish is nicer
If I get a plains cow as my food resource, I will probably move my settler
you had pigs and floodplains and still moved
22:02 unirrigated rice is just about the worst tile there is though
its a really bad tile
Krill: ah, I had pigs and no way to get AH before I built hte worker
Darrell: right
agr is such a good starting tech
Krill: well, except in PB4 snigger
22:03 Darrell: It was insane moving their capital, but then I did the same thing in pbem4
At lesat they got tGL and someone to open borders with them
Not a total loss
Krill: it'sworking out for them
need 5 more cities very fast
but they'll get them
Darrell: yeah but I think they will do that
Krill: and they have the continent to cottage spam
Darrell: on this map commerce is really quite important, and they are getting a lot of it for free
22:04 we keep saying "they", but I don't think sunrise089 is doing a whole lot
I think he participated more in pbem2
Krill: sounds about right
22:05 wonder where the PBEM4 save is
Darrell: dunno
The only think keeping me in the game is you, funny enough
I can't think of any other reason that sunrise089 hasn't rolled over me with his tech edge than fear of his other front
22:06 Krill: That would be a good...assumption
Darrell: hmm
22:07 rego went in an unexpected direction
Krill: spam out an early settler and send it to the coast
Darrell: Darrell: you are holding the game up

Dan: lol

Sent at 5:01 PM on Sunday
Dan: done

Darrell: going wonder whoring are me?
oracle -> metal casting
don't lie

Dan: maybe

Darrell: its insulting to us both
Krill: get a proper GLH blockade up
22:08 Darrell: I t5yped me, I meant you
of course
Krill: that's another choice
22:11 Darrell: Willem of Dutch and Bismarck of Inca
YOu know, Willem of Dutch is prett good
22:12 If you can get Astro early, you can really do some good damage
Krill: I think he made a good choice there
Darrell: Bismarck of Inca. Hmm...there are a lot of things you can do there as well
I don't know that ofr this game setup it is a great idea
but hey
It should be pretty fun and good
Krill: Thing is you don;t really care
22:13 get good land and spam workers
Darrell: No, I don't. My approach is fairly independent of others
No wonder races
one religion race that if I lose won't kill me
Krill: yeah
Darrell: The key will be making sure I do have enough workers to keep pace with my pop
Krill: you pretty much can't go broke if you get a good sized continent
Darrell: yeah
22:14 Krill: Oh goody
I have another reason to help you as much as I can now
22:15 Darrell: a shrine and several academies
what's the plural of academy?
Krill: you got it right
Darrell: maybe one bulb
I plan on leverage PHI much better than spulla did
Krill: you will do
Darrell: after there first academy (which admittedly was key) they didn't do jack
22:16 cyneheard you mean?
Krill: yeah
Darrell: hah-hah
check this out:
Krill: Also, start the spoiler thread
we need to win the post war
Darrell: Dan: krill's your lurker?

Darrell: Yeah, he's my lurker
be sure to let cyneheard know he was not the first choice
Krill: lol
22:17 fantastic
Darrell: yeah
that has to go in the tread of course
22:19 Darrell: how much will you give me not to tell cyneheard he was your backup choice?

Dan: who was my first choice?

Darrell: Again, you insult my intelligecne
This isn't even pointing 2 and 2 together. There's just 2.
22:20 Sury of India
22:22 I have to think he was planning on that when he took India and Pacal being off the board.
Krill: Sury or Bismarck, perhaps Peter
Darrell: rego is now pointing out that we have the 4 PBEM5 players, but that my team has the loser as the driver
22:23 That's a tough one to respond to
Krill: the driver just has to do as he is told by the conductor
Darrell: Between rego being in the game and not playing well in pbem4 (man I can't believe we are up to 17), I am highly motivated to not suck
Krill: or pilots get directed by air traffic control
Darrell: yes yes
22:24 You developed some bad habits in pbem2 I fear wink
Krill: This is looking like a really good game
Darrell: Yeah I think so
I ilke all invovled, the setup, etc.
should be interesting
Krill: Definitely glad that I'm not playing by myself; much better to have novice and Space in after they have demolished everyone in 13
22:25 Darrell: shoot did well in 8 as well
Krill: I developed many bad habits in PBEM2 that were a consequence of lack of focus and no rthym, same as happens to me in SP player
22:26 Darrell: I don't recall lurkign Kyan, ever
was he in pbem4 rookie game?
Krill: and Kyan has destroyed evveryone in 4greens and again in PBEM12
and did well from a crap start in PB3
Darrell: I probably have the worst MP resume, actually
I had a nice start in PBEM2, that's about it
PB2 was a disaster
PBEM4 and PBEM5 were disasters
22:27 FFH2 might end up okay, despite the terrible starting location
Dan: i hope stm picks a crappy civ
i'm looking forward to giving him a beatdown after pbem8
i mean you, i've already given you a beatdown
22:30 Krill: I can't think about a reply to that.
Darrell: no
Darrell: I think I'm going to have to request we enforce the no out-of-game contact before in-game contact if you keep it up.
That's the best I could do
or worst I guess
sometimes self deprecating humor is your last line of defense
Krill: Tell him I couldn;t think of a reply to that, because I've never had to
22:31 Darrell: done
Krill: thanks.
You starting a PBEM17 lurker thread, btw?
22:34 ...Has regoarrarr ever won a game other than PBEM5 series game?
Darrell: I don't think so, no
Yeah I will start that soon
22:35 Krill: cool, thanks smile#
22:38 That order seems wrong
22:39 unlessyou can play every morning?
Darrell: refresh
I plan in the morning (preferred)
can also play noon and evening
but morning is best for me
shoot was off though
22:40 Krill: actually, makes sense now
22:41 Darrell: thread is up
22:42 good grief he is already at 4 posts
22:44 Krill: we need to do somethign about that.
22:45 Darrell: way ahead of you
22:46 Krill: I'll do this convo
and others between us
you go be a good parent
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

So let's go through the choices:

StM: Pacal of Ottomans

Obvious first choice, even if it was also obvious Inca wouldn't be around on the way back. Ottomans I'm always against, but here they kinda make sense.

nospace: Sury of India.

Why India, on an island map (and regardless of what they say, this is going to be an island map if it is on small, simply because of lack of land). Why pick India when you only have about 100 tiles to improve? Surry I think they picked when they chose India simply because no one else was likely to pick it (no synergy between Sury and Inca).

regoarrarr/Cyneheard: Bismark of Inca

Inca on the way down...again, why? someone else would likely pick it to annoy StM, you are the second guy picking Myst (so religion is annoying choice for both of you) and Bismark, well, Bismark I can see for EXP, but no Fin on an islands map? Ouchie.

Darrell/Krill: Lizzie of Egypt. OK, Lizzie is not the fastest starter, but no one has really used both Fin and Phi well at the same time, and on an islands map, it is going to mean the most efficiency from limited resources (and a high resource map should give us a fast enough start anyway). Egypt means that we can go either Academy or Shrine first...and we can always go for Mono for a religion, and if we miss that we'll get Theo first for sure.

Kyan/TT: Willem of Dutch.

Best choice given options IMO. Fast starting civ and just needs to get to Galleons, then he should be able to defend to get to dikes or invade someone with help. Kyan said it was boring, but really, I disagree. I like it.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

Greater detail, lets go down as everything is picked:

Pacal: obvious, for fast expansion and faster tech given limited opportunities for others to choke and slow you down.

India: WTF? On an islands map? Have the others actually looked at how much land there is going to be on a small map? Gives Mining/Myst, so AH start is bad and says to everyone else to be careful if you plan on early religion.

Inca: Why pick Inca this early? It gives you the only Agri/Myst pair in the game, so clouds the early religion choice even more so (no way to tech religion at start and be sure you'll get it). Doesn't need to be paired with EXP for a good performance, you'll still save 20 hammers on monuments, but there won't be many good FIN leaders left IMO

Lizzie: Fin was decided as a must due to high levels of coast line expected in this game, and EXP had gone. PHI also allows early options for bulbing, academy, or possible priest for shrine for horizontal growth.

Willem of Dutch: Decent choice, early game safety, Fishing is bad, but Agri is best starting tech as Myst is no longer wanted and Hunting is of questionable value with known limits to scouting. Dutch will be useful when wars are expected to heat up (early astro) and Dikes are the obvious OP UB, but EIM should defend you to get there better than the other civ choices.

Lizzie of Egypt: allows for early priests. Plan is to get Mono first, if that fails to bulb to Theo for religion. Simply put, steal a bit of the Egyptian PB3 plan and adjust for NTT game, but Fin should allow for tech ability (and we'll do something sane this game).

Bismark of Inca: So decides against FIN. Only IND in game so far, so there are options (Henge is out, obviously), Oracle to MC for Collosus and cheap forges, GLH which we will blockade in this game, HG etc etc. But no fin to tech to the later wonders fast, no Phi for bulbing. Going to have to leverage their traits to stay up in the game IMO, but they do have the skill and MM knowledge to do that. Got to hope that Astro falls late so they can make as much use out of the Collosus as possible if they do go that way.

Sury of India: Expand as fast as possible and work more cottages sooner than the rest. It'll work, too, they are good enough at doing that. Probably ignore early religion, get agri and focus 100% on growth.

Pacal of Ottomans: The leader won't synergise with any civ, most UU are fairly useless, so pick on the UB, and starting techs, and The Wheel and Agri are probably the best pair if you want a fairly usable UB for this game (otherwise China), but 2 free happy on a building you aren't likely to build if it is a lush map? Not a great idea IMO. And the UU probably won't get a look in unless the game devolves into an early Astro and fight for your life game, which admittedly, it might, if they team up with Willem of Dutch.

They are all viable, looking at it, but I think I'd most like to play Lizzie of Egypt, followed by Pacal. I can see this game being a real good tech racing game.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

Okay, first off some of the trash talking highlights between myself and regoarrarr.

Quote:me: hurry up and pick
I need to see if I have to find a 4th leader
Dan: oh is it up to me?
me: yeah
pacal is off teh board
you are up
go pick someone
Dan: who we got here
i'm 3rd
gotta wait for novice
me: well tell me your top two so I can figure out if I need to plan for a 4th
it won't affect anything
Dan: let's think
me: you are so untrusting

Then at 4:34 we have this:

Quote:Dan: krill's your lurker?
me: Yeah, he's my lurker
YOu think that's a mistake?
Dan: nah

Followed by this:

Cyneheard Wrote:And I'm checking in as Rego's Dead Lurker.

Then this:

Quote:me: how much will you give me not to tell cyneheard he was your backup choice?
Dan: who was my first choice?
me: Again, you insult my intelligecne
This isn't even pointing 2 and 2 together. There's just 2.

I was feeling pretty good about how things were going already smile. Unfortunately, I should have really logged off at this point, because the situation rapidly degenerated:

Quote:Dan: i pointed out that we have the 4 original players of pbem5 and pbem5 (the copy)
1 winner each
me: Yes, that's quite ture
Dan: too bad your winner's on the back seat...
me: Too bad I'm going to try hader this time :P
Dan: yes i'm looking forward to the every turn post


Quote:Dan: yeah
i hope stm picks a crappy civ
i'm looking forward to giving him a beatdown after pbem8
i mean you, i've already given you a beatdown
me: I think I'm going to have to request we enforce the no out-of-game contact before in-game contact if you keep it up.
Dan: lol
me: I am at a severe disadvatnage, having died spectacularly

My "dedicated" lurker was of little help; when I asked for help coming up with a snappy reply I got:

Quote:Krill: Tell him I couldn't think of a reply to that, because I've never had to


darrelljs Wrote:My "dedicated" lurker was of little help; when I asked for help coming up with a snappy reply I got:

Hee hee. Thanks for posting that chat Darrell! I enjoyed it muchly! Especially the last bit. wink

Now some commentary on my real time chat with Krill during the selection process. It started off like this:

Quote:me: I think Huayna Capac of Scandinavia might be fun
Krill: ugh

I can relate to Bush. Having Dick Cheney as VP certainly comes with strings attached, but really, if there is an evil genius lying around best to put it to use. After that, we got down to brass tax:

Quote:me: I predict one of my top 3 will be available
Krill: top three are?
pacal, Willem, Liz?
me: Liz, Willem
Next best FIN leaders IMO are Huayna and Mansa, at least in a builder game

One thing we both agreed on, is that FIN was a very important trait for this map. While we were debating the merits of the various leaders, the next two players selected civilizations instead yikes.

Quote: me: wow
check out the second pick
Krill: IOndia
novice told me in chat
me: I have no issue with that
Krill: makes me happy, now you can't commit civ suicide
me: :P


Quote:me: they are stronger on a land map, I think they extend the ability to strike with surprise
another civ down
Krill: hahahaha
Lizzie it is
me: So it is

Now it was time to zero in on the civ. I initially wanted to go for an early relgion, but both civs taken stated with Mysticism (in fact Inca had Agr/Myst which is what I really wanted), so I knew I was going to get my second leader at the fourth pick. I certainly wanted Agriculture in case I had a strong AH resource. Fishing was weak as the capital would be inland. I liked Hunting as scouting is such a big deal, but as Krill pointed out with no huts and a limted area to scout, this was also not a top tech. Here is a snippet of our chat from before Pacal was selected:

Quote:me: if I get willem, inca makes little sense
liz of inca
fast shrine
cutlure from religion and terrace is redundant though
Krill: you'd have difficulty getting that shrine
me: liz of egypt
Krill: that is fast shrine but no myst

Which lead to the beginnings of a plan:

Quote:me: I think if liz falls in my lap I will go for egypt
they start with wheel/agr
not myst
Krill: however
easy to get cottages
me: quite true
Krill: tech to mono
get the obelisk out fast in second city, grow to size 3 or 4
Krill: if you lose hte religion race you can still bulb theo

Before settling on Egypt I wanted to run down the contenders one last time (Krill's comments snipped for conciseness):

Quote:me: Okay, so the options I think are worth considering are in no particular order Arabia, Carthage, Dutch, Egypt, Korea, Viking. Okay that was alphabetical order.
Let's see what reaons I can come up with not to take them.
me: Arabia is nice, I really like the Madrassa with PHI, but too tough on the religion and no Agr anyway so I can't start with it.
me:Carthage is actually okay I guess, except I think everyone will freeze me out if I build lots of Cothons. I am assumign people are going to pay attention in this game, the list of players is fairly decent.
me:Dutch...actually I really like the Dike. Fishing and Agr are good starting techs. East Indiaman really dominates until Frigates.
Dutch are a possibility but they are not a good econ civ
And econ feels like the key for this game
The bonuses are late as well
Really late
So Dutch are out
me:Egypt doesn't really have much of a downside if I don;'t plan on rushing a relgion,
War Chariots are of no value
me: Korea is pretty good, I like the Seowon a lot. NO Agr and again mysticism is of dubious value
me: I think trading posts are reallly great in this game
beserker is iffy, it depends on how tight the map is really
starting techs are shite
me:It really is Carthage, Egypt, or Viking I guess.

The nice thing about Egypt is you have a UB that really shines with PHI, and the map really shines with FIN. There is better overall game synergy with Liz of Egypt, it should be quite a fun combo to play smile.


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