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[SPOILERS - PBEM17] darrelljs - Elizabeth of Egypt

I appreciated your C&D. I don't know how to read those charts at all so if you actually update your thread with those kinds of analyses, it will definitely be interesting to me.

Oh, I see. I missed the one in the northeast. That would be 40% then, since you got four tiles revealed in the northwest.

There's a much less painful way to count the tiles on the map - if you hover your cursor over your own score, it will give you a breakdown that looks something like:

[Image: Land%20tiles%20C%26D.JPG]

The circled number is the number of land tiles on your map. So in the game I took this from, there are 3484 tiles on the map.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Okay, last turn going NW, will head back NE the next two turns towards the hill tile:

[Image: civ4screenshot0020z.jpg]

No rivers, which kind of sucks. We found the coast but no seafood. And no new resources. Good things just around the corner no doubt smile. On to C&D. First off, verification that everyone else settled last turn:

[Image: civ4screenshot0024b.jpg]

Other verfication [Image: mischief.gif]:

[Image: civ4screenshot0021.jpg]

So what do the demographics tell us?

[Image: civ4screenshot0023.jpg]

The rival lowest GNP of 16 has to be a non-CRE leader working a forest tile, and reseraching a tech without an arrow bonus. That has to be EXP/IND regoarrarr. The rival best GNP of 21 has to be a CRE leader with an arrow bonus, or a CRE leader working a 3C tile out the gate. Since we can assume no seafood due to inland start restructions, that would mean an Oasis and a FIN leader. I am going to tentatively say Kyan is researching Animal Husbandry and working the Rice tile. If we assume that Shoot is still working the Corn and teching Pottery for 19 commerce, and we assume the GNP average uses mean() instead of ceil() or floor(), AND that the rival average does not include Egypt, then the unknown civ is pulling either 16-18 beakers. If my other theories are correct (a large assumption) then Novice is working a forest tile as well. If floor() is used then 19 is also possible and he could be working the Rice tile.

Now on to production. Someone is pulling 4H/turn, which is an odd number huh. If you are EXP and building a Worker, you can't have 4. That leaves Kyan , but we already pegged him as working a tile with one (or three) commerce. This calls for worldbuilder! After doing some fast checks, odd techs will give tha research bonus. Sury in fact gets 21 GNP if he is teching Meditation, Polytheism or Bronze Working. Masonry gives a whopping 23 rolleye. It is real too, if I end turn on Meditation the box says 13 beakers invested (not sure wha it isn't 12). So new theory: Novice is going for an early religion and working a commerce tile (the Rice) to speed it up. This mean Kyan's GNP is NOT 21, which frees him to be working the forest tile. His GNP is likely 18, maybe 19 if floor() is used. Certainly 19 makes more sense as the Rice is just as fast with a Worker.

Let's see if crop yield can solidify anything. What th-. Some is only yielding 2F, meaning they are working a plains hill tile! Or could a FIN leader be working a river gold tile (0/2/3 yield). Ugh duh. I need to make a spreadsheet and get back to this.

Opening Theory (which doesn't fit facts)
Novice (Sury): Settled 1N, working Rice, teching Polytheism
Kyan (Willem): Settled 1N, working Forest, teching Mining
regoarrarr (Bismark): Settled 1N, working Rice, and NOT teching Mediation/Polytheism/Animal Husbandry
Shoot (Pacal): Settled in place and is working the Rice while teching Pottery


Mardoc Wrote:There's a much less painful way to count the tiles on the map - if you hover your cursor over your own score, it will give you a breakdown that looks something like:

Oh very nice smile. I don't suppose this hover works over an opponent's score?


[Image: civ4screenshot0025c.jpg]

banghead bang cry duh smoke.

Edit: I also checked, there are 813 land tiles.


darrelljs Wrote:Oh very nice smile. I don't suppose this hover works over an opponent's score?

Nope - in fact the other half of C&D is back-calculating from score and score changes to the numbers you actually care about.

For reference, each land tile is worth 2000/number of tiles (but only 20 turns after you own it), each population point is worth 5000/the number that is in the denominator, each tech is worth 2000/334 *era, and each wonder's worth, um, I'm not sure but you can back-calculate it from that pop up too. I don't usually worry about wonders in the score, since they're easy to find out through other means.

It's similar but different in Fall from Heaven.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Okay, thanks. Yeah I need to track score as well I was learning that re-reading rego's PBEM5 game. I need to sort through all this data, and figure out what's going on smile.


Things are complicated by the fact that Novice apparently switched tiles from t0 to t1. He was definitely working the Corn on t0, but on t1 the manufacturing low is 2. It really makes little sense if he's building a Worker, so I'm probably missing something rolleye.


Okay, from this post we know that the "average is always rounded down to the nearest whole number". So floor it is. That means for a value of 18, the total is between 72 and 75. With 21 and 16 confirmed, we have betwen 35 and 38 for the two unknown. Reading through that thread someone had the nice idea of moving tile and tech selections to see how the rank is impacted.

Is it legal to go back and open old saves for this kind of purpose?


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