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Turn 2 and 3 played
Turn 3 demos were the same except land area was up to 18000 average for everyone's borders popping.
Our borders popped as well after I hit enter.
Plan is to move to the gold next turn and then head west. That site is obviously a great one, but if there's something comparable to our west I think I'd like to go there for the auto trade connection on the river.
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So we need to decide what we want to do at the capital for production, since we have options next turn: 1/2 PF for the bonus Exp hammer, or continue working the bonus commerce.
I think 1W of the wheat is our likely 2nd city site. It's coastal, which is needed, it's got the wheat first ring so we can chop out the Terrace and then get the gold. The settler completes EOT19. He would then move on T20 and T21 to the hill site, and settle on T22. So we want to revolt on T21. That means we need to go with a extra-commerce plan to get BW in on EOT20.
Two options to get that:
1) Option 1: Work the corn for three of the five turns. This gives us 2h in overflow, which gets reduced to 1h. With 1h in overflow, 4t of growing on building a Quechua working the PH for 2hpt, and 1h from the wheat on the 4th turn, we'd finish the Quechua the moment we grew to size 2.
2) Option 2: Work the corn continuously. This, of course, finishes the Worker with 0 overflow, but nets us 2 commerce. I think the 2nd Quechua for a little extra exploring is worth it, but just putting the options out there.
I'm going to see if playing around with when we work on Mining and AH makes a difference in our beakers; there's evidence of rounding working against us.
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HA! Success!
We can do option 3:
Start working AH on T4, while working the PF. Work the PF for 3 turns (T4, T5, T6), then switch to the corn.
When AH finishes, go straight to Mining and then BW. If we do this (and only if we do this!) can we get BW EOT20 while only needing 2 extra commerce, instead of 3 extra commerce. So we'd end T8 at 43/40, which gets rounded into 2h of overflow.
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Known data from C&D:
Novice is no longer working a 3/0 tile. He's probably at 4h, getting the Exp bonus. He was at 5/1 food/hammers earlier; now everyone has at least 2h.
So, someone settled on a PH. Shocking.
Everyone so far has no water tiles; StM's borders haven't popped yet.
And don't forget to switch to Animal Husbandry and the Plains Forest for T4!
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Okay I went to change to AH and PF but .... it was already on the PF
Could I have possibly messed things up? Does this fit in with the MM Plan?
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No, that's fine so far: the game could have automatically moved us onto the PF when the borders popped.
T4: AH, Plains Forest
T5: AH, Plains Forest
T6: AH, Plains Forest
T7: AH, Corn
T8: AH, Corn, Worker completes
T9: AH, Corn, Quechua
I forget exactly what turn AH completes, but it'll take at least 6 or 7t to do so.
When the Quechua completes, we may want to sink the 1t of hammers before growing to size 2 into a barracks b/c I'm not sure when we'd finish a Quechua before hammer decay would set in.
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Okay Turn 4 played. We were already on the plains forest and that is correct. I did swap to AH in a bit of counter-espionage.
Quechua moved to the gold and found (apparently) one of our neighbor continents.
Could be 2nd city here to make sure we get that fish in our first ring? Settling on the gold would be good (river, plains hill, fish in first ring) if it wasn't settling on gold...
Plan is to move quechua 2W over the next 2 turns unless you think we should explore eastwards.
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The only demographic note was that Shoot the Moon only has 20 land tiles, so he has one water tile (probably a lake)
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Turn 5 played
Novice got a tech.
Real question do we want to continue exploring NE? I'm a little nervous about committing to this as our 2nd city site. I mean, it's awesome, but I just want to make sure it's the MOST awesome site around.
When's our 2nd quechua get built?
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4t after the worker finishes, the moment we grow to size 2.
So, EOT12.