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Bearing the flag proudly, Sabathiel of the Bannors [SPOILERS]

Thanks for a fun, frequently updated read! And kudos on never giving up the fight (or thread)- I know from personal experience how difficult it is to retain any spirit for the game once everything starts to fall apart.

Weird thing with the Timor Mask there, btw. I think it's only supposed to cause fear on the attack, not just in general. Overall fear seems to be borderline broken, both from a gameplay perspective and how I believe it's actually meant to operate.

There was interest in a new FFH PBEM game for people who don't have a lot of experience with FFH mp play (or just FFH in general). I think it got about three sign-ups but then fell into obscurity. If you could get three other people interested again that would be enough for a viable PBEM. I'd certainly like to lurk it =)

Gonna need at least a few weeks to recuperate before i attempt another one.

Anyway, the tough part now is going through the rest of the threads.
After looking on the last pages of the lurker thread, my thread might as well have been renamed "Disaster: The thread" or "Primer in how to NOT play as the Bannors".

My biggest mistake though were my impulsive, blunt and rash reactions towards both Thoth and Nyktorion. I really should have mellowed down before attempting diplomacy.

Your thread was pleasure to read (though I have to admit half of the fun had to do with your neighbors mangling you to death alright). Really liked how you fought till the end, not throwing the game for yourself or anyone else, even feeling generous enough to leave the workers behind to your conquerors.

At least you can now drop into lurker's thread with us and have a laugh if Thoth grows out of control like you-know-what lol

Mr. Yellow Wrote:Anyway, the tough part now is going through the rest of the threads.
After looking on the last pages of the lurker thread, my thread might as well have been renamed "Disaster: The thread" or "Primer in how to NOT play as the Bannors".

Hopefully it didn't come across as harsh. I was trying for constructive, rather than just derisive.

I don't think there's any kind of attack-only fear in the game, so I don't really think that's the intent of the mask. Attack fear is of dubious value anyway, you can't fear people out of cities and most of the time it just makes you unable to attack the entire stack, as well as leaving your attacking unit out in the open away from your stack. It is very good for separating the siege (and other nonliving units) from the rest, though.

Okay, it's also good for removing enemy stacks from defensive terrain. It's annoying that you then want to drop the fear to attack the stack the next turn, to avoid moving them again.

Reading through the other threads, there were some comments along the lines of "he could really use an experienced dedlurker to temper some of this diplo." So, sorry about that one lol.

I'd be curious to hear from some of the more experienced lurkers on whether they agreed with Mr. Yellow's perception of geographic disadvantage, or whether there were any big mistakes besides diplo that were made in this game.

Lastly, I definitely want to echo what Bob said. You did an awesome job posting the updates and pushing through the turns even when things got tough.

I certainly don't qualify as an experienced lurker when it comes to FFH (I am definitely interested in the FFH-noobs game if it ever comes to fruition) but I do want to echo the fact that your actions in the face of obvious defeat should serve as a primer for all players. You didn't throw the game to anyone, didn't stop trying to do something, kept updating your thread. Couldn't have been easy, so you deserve the highest praise for that.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

^ I certainly agree with that. Staying in the game and updating your thread even as your frustration was clear is admirable. Thank you, MrYellow. also, I hope I didn't seem too harsh with my comments in the lurker thread, especially considering I might well have committed many of the same mistakes.

@icewolf34: Based on what you could see for most of the game, your terrain does look subpar. However, while it makes the rather aggressive expansion understandable, I also think it colored the diplomacy a bit too much. That MrYellow had weak land is no reason for the others to grant him a break. If he and they had already established themselves as allies, maybe. But there can be only one winner in a game like this, and you don't win by being selfless.

I didn't want to say too much before as I offered to be a ded-lurker for you then disappeared for awhile which obviously wouldn't please you. But i agree with everyone else. Your continuing posts and battles in the face of both an attack and a second attack from a trusted player were admirable.

Your diplomacy may, in the end, serve as the thing that all the other players remember and cause them to continue to eye Thoth as the threat they should ally against.

Now i know things haven't gone my way so far, but something special came as in this turn...

[Image: static2.gif]


But thanks for all the responses, really apprechiate them.
I'll get a quick summary up of ym actions in the lurher thread soonish.

I will say though that i'd like to attempt Sabathiel of the Bannors again in case of another PBEM, as i wasn't able to reach even some of my goals.

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