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Broken Mirrors: concept test

Broken Mirrors is a game idea I've been kicking around for a while. I'm a little bit late in getting it assembled, but I hope that folks will loan a bit of their time to participate and give me some feedback.

The defining idea is to give a choice of leaders in the opening position, so that it may be seen how differing traits, tech, units affect game play.

So the test game has two saves, which are supposed to be identical (I've no idea why the file sizes are so different). Choose the red pill, and you play Victoria; choose the blue pill, and you play Elizabeth.

[Image: start.jpg]
  • Shaihulud

  • pholkhero
  • cynyck

As this is just a test, and the meat of the dish is in the reporting, I've selected a Normal size Fractal map, Standard size, Prince Difficulty, Quick Speed, with the custom options all defaulted.

If you choose to participate
  1. thank you
  2. please choose the leader that you think will be most entertaining. If you are ambivalent, choose the leader that currently has fewer players (especially fewer players at your skill level)
  3. announce which leader you are choosing (so that other folks can correctly assess the previous point). I'll try to keep an up to date summary here.
  4. report at your convenience - I'm willing to trade spoilers for early comparisons during this test

I'm honestly not sure what the best approach to take here is - matching succession games might be better than a tournament format. But we'll see how it goes. Let me know what you think.

voice ~

i've chosen Liz ~ this actually marches well with another idea i just had about a game and this oppurtunity presents itself as a nice way to test it out ~ it might take me a couple weeks (i *doubt* it, but . . .), however, ive 'Got it'

This is a good idea, for sure. So good that we ran it several times in Civ3, and I expect that Sirian has the same thing planned for the upcoming Epic Eight. For example, try looking at the game info listed here:

By all means, don't let me stop you though. Feel free to go ahead and experiment. smile
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I'll play Victoria then. It might be a while though, I'm planning to play Epic 5 when it goes live tomorrow, so I might be a week.

Epic8 sounds very cool.

so far, i've made a wash of the game, i think. the 'idea' i spoke of was comparing the usage of cottage-spam vs. farm-spam (for GPs), and, as I have very little exp w/GPs, i figured i'd take this oppurtunity to try that out as i figured others would have gone the cottage route.

on teh up side, i got many GPs, but on the down side, i'm losing right now ~ i can go into more details later when i have the game in front of me, but that's where it stands right now.

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