Shoot Wrote:[Greetings from the Ottoman Empire. As I'm sure you will see this turn, my workboat has found your eastern borders. I hope all is well with the Egyptian civilization. Congratulations on founding Hinduism and on building Stonehenge.
You are the second team I have met, the first being Spaceman and Novice. I understand you have already met our Indian neighbors as well, but may I ask if you have come across anyone else? Do you have any thoughts on the layout of the map? It seems that you and Novice/Spaceman are pretty much due North/South from each other, but at least so far I haven't found anyone in those positions from me (although there is some land visible through fog-gazing to my south). Along those lines, if you were interested in trading maps to try to discern the lay of the land, I'd certainly find that agreeable.
If there is anything else you'd like to discuss, feel free to let me know.
Darrell Wrote:Well met! Congrats on Buddhism to you, we did not expect the early religions to last as long as they did, but I guess everyone in this game knows the importance of fast earlier expansion. I take it that we were not racing you to Stone, given you haven't connected yours yet? I was sweating the turns waiting for that wonder to fall :-). Great Prophets are going to be fairly easy for us to generate, maybe at some point in the future you'd be interested in a trade for one?
We have indeed met nospace, we are unfortunately quite close to them. Not that they are bad guys but we've already had border tension. We have met Kyan as well...he has a Warrior about 7 tiles southwest of your workboat, at the end of his tentacle. That just leaves rego for me to meet. From what we can tell its fairly symmetric starts with a spiral of death to a center coastal tile. Order seems to be (starting at 12 o'clock for us) nospace, shoot, rego, kyan, darrell. There is a mix of resrouce, for example you have Wheat and we have Corn. Speaking of which, want to make that trade? Neither of us or close to needing health but it doesn't hurt either. I'm interested in a map trade, I said no to nospace originally until my Copper was connected (bad pbem2 memories) but now I'm okay with it. No brokering of course. Goal 1 is to win the game, but goal 1a is to mess with rego, so I don't want him getting a hold of that. Uh, or to know I have a goal of messing with him ;-).
Just wanted to send you a short note since I found your Warrior last turn, especially since I believe I am the first team you have met. I've also met shoot and nospace, and can help arrange a rendezvous if you are interested. I know you are pulling back from pbem17, so I won't contact you for any non-critical issues. However, if there is anything at all (no matter how trivial) you wish to discuss with me, feel free to do so :-).
P.S. I've been playing FFH since uberfish hooked me on it early in the development cycle. Its a great game, and I'm sure you will have a good time mastering it.
P.P.S. Apologies if you already received a similar message from me. I thought I had sent one, but when I went to post it in my thread I couldn't find it.
If you are fairly certain HGs are going to drop soon, you might knock it out early. IMO, three turns to found three cities is a good risk, unless you are certain you will lose it. So this is a judgment call for you.
Completed: SG2-Wonders or Else!; SG3-Monarch Can't Hold Me; WW3-Surviving Wolf; PBEM3-Replacement for Timmy of Khmer; PBEM11-Screwed Up Huayna Capac of Zulu; PBEM19-GES, Roland & Friends (Mansa of Egypt); SG4-Immortality Scares Me
Holy crap, that's a nice location (the 1-tile island in the middle of all the jungle arms). I know Calendar is probably a while away, but are you planning on pushing for that city site early?
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.
Brazil is awesome, but there are many distractions from studying . That site really is fertile. I can only see 33% of the BFC and it has 3 food resources . Someone is going to get it, just not sure who. I was nudging nospace in that direction earlier to see what they were thinking. Apparently they feel shorted on land right now.
darrelljs Wrote:I'm actually with NobleHelium on this one, I think HG (with Stone) is worth it at six cities, and I think the GE points are either going to get me a faster Academy or save a ton of pop/forests that would be going to the MoM otherwise. But, both dedicated lurkers already talked me out of it so we are on the eot57 path; forever will it dominate our future.
Hey now, I haven't read any other threads, even if I generally don't have any good advice to provide.
Quote:Kyan: Hi there Kyan: be right back Kyan: was hoping to catch you online Kyan: damn, this is like that whole 'i was also hoping for a bike for christmas' deal, isnt it? Darrell: hey
it re-routed to my phone for some reason Kyan: aloha, no problem
im only about for ~15mins but wanted to say hi
i was wondering when Grumpy would find someone Darrell: I love the dwarf theme
but does that make you snow white? Kyan: haha thanks Darrell: (he's certainly at the rigth spot) Kyan: i wish, i'd lock myself away and... ahem, nevermind
yeah i figured that stretch led to someone else Darrell: its the nexus
those land tentacles stretch to each main continent Kyan: you've met others so i guess you probly know a lot more than me land wise. My best guess is we all have one stretch nearly to the middle and another to someone else Darrell: plako is a creative guy Kyan: yeah, seems a nice map Darrell: exactly my thoughts
and symmetric starts except for resrouces
wheat<->corn, etc.
stone seems common to all though Kyan: ah i see, i checked trade and we seemed similar Darrell: yeah Kyan: yes, i have stone but no marble Darrell: two teams are "wheat" teams
and three teams are "corn" teams
but then I have incense on my mainland, i guess you have spices Kyan: neither actually
only the best for Snow White. the finest silk! Darrell: hmm...someone else has silk and sugar
aha silk then
some overlap on calendar I reckon Kyan: yeah, for sure
im a little disappointed you had the same number of cities as me to be honest Darrell: i've busted my ass to get those
you beat me to five and six if my c&d is any good Kyan: yeah, same, hence my disappointmentlol Darrell: for us (non-EXP) to be first to six though is rpetty funny
nospace was right behind us Kyan: yeah, others have been building all those wonders i guess Darrell: We got Henge :P
but with stone, its only 3 chops Kyan: then congrats are in hand! Darrell: I'm sure you'll get a wonder soon enough too Kyan: maybe you can return the favour shortly
well, there is something very much in the pipeline Darrell: I know what it is too
When I met you my math eta went down Kyan: ah Darrell: I've got my popcorn smiley going, wondering how many cities you'll be able to plunk before hitting it Kyan: see, i cant do c&d, its all magic to me Darrell: Krill and I also have an over/under on the fall turn Kyan: 7 Darrell: well..that's not C&D
7 is good
delaying stone to the last second is clever too
if I wasn't on mathematics I'd be in the dark Kyan: well, ive been unsure on whats best, no lurker support on my side of the fence Darrell: so, let's know who has buddhism and hinduism, right? Kyan: buddhism is shoot
dont know the others Darrell: I've got two dedicated lurkers, although they seem to be losing interest
I'm hindu, and rego is jewish Kyan: i'll take one if you want Darrell: then rego built the oaracle and slung metal casting Kyan: both lurker and religion that is
yeah, i knew that bit. well, knew the oracle Darrell: and nospace got the great ligthouse Kyan: assumed MC Darrell: I'm always on the verge of giving up krill Kyan: that would explain the mega GNP Darrell: yes
its his Kyan: easy cure though with not giving open borders Darrell: half cost lib has to be helping, but still crazy Kyan: well, its still powerful but should weaken a lot
which reminds me, did you want open borders? Darrell: sorry someone stopped by Kyan: not a problem Darrell: yeah, I was going to offer in game but figured I'd talk first Kyan: haha ditto
offer away mate, ill accept on my turn Darrell: You need to get into my plot group to get trade routes. Kyan: i have trade routes already i think
the icon is there Darrell: that means we are connected, eyah
I do not believe that means we have trade routes however, just that one of us had defogged a coastal connection (probably me)
you have to share plotgroups to get a trade route Kyan: hmm, ok, guess we'll see!
i should be finding a route shortly anyhow
your other stratch
of land i mean
is that the one towards me? Darrell: hes
From my perspective, nospace is 12 o'clock
then, going clockwise, we have shoot, rego, kyan, me Kyan: right ok
so it is your area then Darrell: yup Kyan: there are islands to my west Darrell: have you confirmed they are really islands? Kyan: yup
ive settled one and another in a couple turns Darrell: okay that's good...I think there are some to my west as well but haven't defogged enough yet Kyan: island to my west doesnt appear to connect to your continent but i can confirm that for sure shortly
other islands around are certainly islands
i had an island with horse on to my south so if you need those, i'd look around your main continent mass Darrell: you know, I have a warrior on a secondary tentacle that is to my SW but curving might be connected. If so I'll be saying high from over there soon enough
okay, good heads up Kyan: ok, the settler is in a galley, so i wont settle until ive confirmed its not yours
if it is, i'll go to another island Darrell: thanks!
that's mighty nice, I will not settle your land either Kyan: appreciated
although if someone did, it would be suicidal city Darrell: with the main 3 religions falling, are you interested in hinduism?
as you can imagine I'm bulding a shrine fairly soon Kyan: probably, but i cant make any promises to speed ill spread it
still not totally given up on getting one of my own Darrell: sure...I'll maybe send one your way, and then if you do decide to make it your state relgion we can come to some kind of arrangement where I share hammer costs with you
don't blame you...code of laws is on the way to useful techs
I was bummed rego got one
oh! Kyan: there are some deals i used in pbem4 in regards to shrine/religions Darrell: that reminds me, this is super top secret
goal #1 is to win the game, goal 1a is to mess with rego Kyan: rego is my neighbour as i understand it
i am not his biggest fan anyhow so wouldnt worry Darrell: I wish I could read your thread...are game is taking forever, we get one turn a week in
I doubt shoot likes him after pbem8 Kyan: if you have map intel, i cant see why you cant Darrell: and he's already got off on the wrong foot with nosapce
yeah...that's probably true
I can ask in our IT thread Kyan: nothing exciting happened in pbem4. I vassalized half the world and smashed the others around until they quit the game
Infantry vs axes :S
and no, i am not exagerrating lol Darrell: I heard that
Maybe you should have been in vets and I should have been in greens Kyan: ha krill said similar but swapping with whosit
that would probably have been better
when we started though, my only game thus far had been the nightmareish pitboss 2 Darrell: I made two really big mistakes
#1, for some reason I decide to ignore irrigated corn in favor of a plains hill start
then went warrior *3 before worker
because it was my first AW MP game and I was scared Kyan: anyhow, i hate to run but i do volunteer work on friday evenings (teaching football to kids to get them off the street) so im gonna have to run off as i need to set up beforehand Darrell: Then, when I was doing okay, I whipped my pop away and got bogged down trying to kill sunrise
it doesn't say it on the lable, but AW MP should be played as a builder game Kyan: sorry to interrupt, I genuinely do want to stay and chat and ill be back later, but im a wee bit late already Darrell: nice!
that's really a great thing to do Kyan: i enjoy it- purely selfish Darrell: Kyan: take care mate and chat soon Darrell: cu
Main points are:
1. He's getting the HG with 7 cities, probably very soon if he's willing to come out and say it.
2. He's agreed not to settle any land on our continent! I was pretty sure he would get a city on our tentacle but this is great news.
Are the plans for HG botched then? Since you're intent on not chopping it out now. Also, what exactly is with Kyan and this game? I don't see any mention of wanting to quit this game in the tech thread.