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[SPOILERS - PBEM17] darrelljs - Elizabeth of Egypt

darrelljs Wrote:No doubt saving gold while getting all those half cost libraries up.


They only have 60 gold saved and should run through that in 2 turns. Well, less than 2 turns, actually.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

I think we need to get a move on to our NW:

[Image: civ4screenshot0474.jpg]

[Image: civ4screenshot0277x.jpg]

Note the clams position that Nospace want to settle are only settleable from one tile and that blocks off everything from the end of hte continent onwards. That is inner ring of Purple (we need to consider getting lib here). Note the island at the end of their tentacle next to Grey. We need to settle grey because we'll lose that city site if they settle at the end.

[Image: t55-darrell0000.jpg]

[Image: civ4screenshot0662.jpg]

Note the blocky islands off the coasts of all three teams. Ours is next to USSR that we have culture expanding onto.

OK, here are the suggestions:
  • Get a border deal with Kyan tonight. I'm 99% sure we can get on sorted in five minutes. Then we delay Navy and Blue (sorry Darrell...)

  • Next turn USSR builds a galley, works fish/sheep/hill and grows in 1. turn after we slave it and we shove the settler onto the galley and go to settle our island. We can overflow out an easy 15 hammers from the galley for a wb...or we can settle the mini-island between NoSpace and our continents and steal the corn from Grey and not plant Grey (though I dislike that idea, would prefer to settle a bit further over and get grey).

  • or we just send the blue settle to grey and settle it right now. We send over the worker trio from Japan to chop/hook up that corn, but really the important thing is we get the cultural control of that single grassland tile at the end of their tentacle and get religion into both of these cities asap.

This will seriously compromise NoSpaces' city sites on their tentacle. Which is a good thing™ but we need to get a move on towards settling our west. The east needs 3 settlers to finish, and only 2 of them are critical (Black, Pink). Blue and Navy we can delay, although still want Navy sooner rather than later, and Grey. White we want because it is a strong, triple food city but there is no rush against others for that site.

That is 4 important city sites and we have 1 settler currently built. Purple is a no brainer and gets settled in 2 turns from India. We are getting some workers out atm but not using many slaves to do so, 2 pop in Japan for 1 worker, 2 pop in USA for 2 workers, bringing us up to 9 workers (should, should be enough). So we can get back to settlers right after...

OK, that means Brazil can go onto triple slaves, eot t63 then eot 68, Japan can overflow 20h into a settler then double slave at size 4 (that copper is nice...), finished eot t66, India can overflow into settler (9 hammers, plus 2*8 for 25h) for the quickest possible settler at size 4, finished eot t65. USA could slave out a settler eot t68. So looking at building up to 5 settlers in 10 turns, plus chopped settlers from USSR/China.

So, with those figures down, and considering the importance of screwing NoSpace, I say we settle grey and beeline Feud. And get a galley out of USSR asap with scouting warrior.

Something I'd like to point out now to lurkers is that playing a leader with no early game boni is really hard to do. You need to balance growth, military, tech direction and expansion to key city sites, getting your own traits into working order to help you asap...playing leaders with early game traits is simpler (map dependent though) - get the wonders you need whilst still expanding
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

Chat with Krill:

Quote:Krill: Just pray that NoSpace just got curency
and that shows a full set of trade routes
Darrell: its impossible for us to tell, but easy for Kyan or Shoot
If you catch Kyan today, talk to him re: pressuring nospace on land
and I'll do the same with Shoot
Krill: I will do
shit, very easy
just ask Kyan to check the F5 tech screen
and see if NoSpace can trade gold
Darrell: right
that's what I meant
if they can trade gold...
Krill: I was thinking hte hard core C&D way...
Darrell: did you open the save?
Krill: yes
Darrell: look at their MFG
Krill: Are there any other wonders?
Darrell: HG
Krill: just Tell Kyan to get it this turn
Darrell: which we could have had last turn
for 9 free pop
Krill: shrug
Darrell: anyways, they have a huge GNP and our also tops in MFG
they have lots of mines
they match us in crop yield
Krill: they have about 20% more pop than us
Darrell: 7 cities vs. 8
they also got horse this turn
I was thinkign of getting hunting next turn
Krill: We got the huge tentacles, all of their stuff is closer to them
Darrell: yeah
there power had a nice jump, it coudl be a chariot
I put tech at 0%
parked it on calendar
Krill: best move
Darrell: but I think Hunting/Archery shoudl be next
then probably we go for feudalsim
Calendar/Iron Working and Metal Casting?
those are our four tech groups
question is how to order them
Hunting/Archery -> Calendar/Iron Working/ Metal Casting -> Priesthood/Monotheism/Mondachy/Feudalism
I'm tempted to run nothing but gold for 10 turns
AM have a ton of cash saved, then when the academy drops (and get a librarty at the same time maybe), go full tech
Krill: Well, with deficit research, Monarchy/Mono/Ph should take 4 turns, 3 100% and 1 breakeven
Darrell: after hunting/archery that is
Krill: and we can save enough gold to do that in 2 turns
so that's a 6 turn set for those 3 techs
Darrell: really?
that fast?
let's do that then
Krill: Dude, we make 106 bpt
at -40 gpt
each new city gives us 7 commerce
Darrell: we make 130-140 really
but we keep whipping
Krill: and costs us about that much
Darrell: which is the right thing to do of course
I dunno
I like the thought of gold now, tech when we get the academy/library in thebes (and the pop to work those river cottages)\
Krill: just wondering, where did you ssend hte capital settler?
Darrell: towards blue?
Krill: just wondering, that's fine
Darrell: kyan's settler/worker did not show up BTW
not sure what that portends
Krill: I'll talk to day about it
Darrell: we have got to start ripping those forests at USSR
Krill: I'll send him close up maps of the area
Darrell: while we are getting a GP, just rip those tihings out
CY should go up 10 the next two turns
Krill: can we send the wb from Thailand to purple please?
Darrell: I already sent the one from usa
gets there 1t faster
Krill: even better
Darrell: 3 of india this turn
77, 77, 14, 4net
meanwhile settler is doing a 1774, 4settler
so 1 turn of a shit tile
USA gets a clams in 2t, and a fish w3hen the borders pop in 4
taht fish can be shared over to black
or pink even
Krill: we need to power out those settlers...
Darrell: chops at ussr to me are the best way
the city isn't growing
its +1 food/turn
120H worth of forests at USSR, and we get 4H+F/turn
so that's two settlers if we can find the worker turns
need 3 workers really
Krill: send the trio from Japan over now
Darrell: yes
that's what I'm thinking too
they aren't dong any good in the east
was tempted to have one chop the forest 74 of the copper on the way
Krill: we'll have an extra 3 workers from USA/Brazil as well
Darrell: one goes to forest tentacle
one goes to chop
even the forest tentacle one will chop smile
Krill: one goes to white
Darrell: oen goes to white?
Krill: the second USA worker
Darrell: oh for the sheep you mean?
Krill: yeah
then it can road to pink
Darrell: dude white won't get settled for several turns
Krill: Japan
can probably go for a settler
Darrell: I put japan on a worker at size 4
this last turn
Krill: shrug
slave worker next turn, overflow to settler
Darrell: yeah
that was my plan
Krill: so send hte USA worker to chop
Darrell: but white won't be soon
Krill: I don't really care either way
Darrell: that's what I think
Krill: want white though
Darrell: need to get those chops done
Krill: triple food city
Darrell: good city
rainbow and grey can wait a bit
Krill: not sure on Grey actually
that might be the end of hte NoSpacetentacle
in which case I want that
Darrell: we cant do 3 civics swaps in 1 turn can we?
Krill: and yes I'm greedy
depends on numbers of cities
Darrell: under 14 is the rule?
Krill: something like that
in otherwords get Fued fast
Darrell: right
so that's the thing then
Krill: because we are going to blow past that number...
Darrell: save up cash to go priesthood/mono/monarchy/feudalsim
then go for it
how do the discounts work again?
like mono is masonry+poly
do we get 1.2 for that?
Krill: yes
Darrell: Monarchy is pirest or mon, so that's 1.4?
Krill: if we do ARchery/Hunting at breakeven
at the current tech rate
Darrell: we need hunting at least
Krill: we would not have to worry about that turn of breakeven on monarchy
Darrell: archery I'm not so sure cna't wait
Krill: everything would be a 1 turn tech
Darrell: feud is the target though
hunting/archery delay us = suckage
Krill: feud. fued, what's the difference?
Darrell: yeah yeah
Krill: One starts wars and one stops them
hunting and archyer delay Monarchy 1 turn
Darrell: but monarchy is a 1.4 discoutn right?
cause its "or"
Krill: yup
Darrell: then feud is 1.2 cause its and
Krill: Feud will beexpensive at 670
and 1.2
we need to save gold
about 200?
Darrell: so beakers are 670/1.2 + 287/1.4 + 114/1.2 + 56/1.4
Krill: then with the new cities we'll make about 140 bpt
so 5 turns
for Feud
Feud costs as much as the rest put together
Darrell: 899 beakers
8 turns
Krill: hmmm
Darrell: probably 7
Krill: oh ho
offer to front hte other civs goldto techcurrency faster
andthey pay a small percentage to us
good 'ol T-Hawk
Krill: even if we ust give 60goldand they give us 70 it'll help us...
Darrell: what's our map size?
Krill: standard
Darrell: 100% sure>?
there are 1139 land tiles that's all I can tell
Krill: I'm sure
Darrell: 1.7152
would be nice to know if its round or floor or ceil
Krill: floor
might be something more like 18 cities
Darrell: no worries then
still the tech path
but coudl get hunting/archery first
Krill: are we going to build an archer?
Darrell: 13 turns away
Krill: then archery is a bit of a waste
Darrell: we can't build archers once we have feudalism
Krill: hunting OTOH get for sure
Darrell: yeah
Krill: hmmmm
still, need 2 wb for White
meh, only need 1 more wb for the inner tentacles
Darrell: we have an extra WB right now
Krill: so Thailand can do those wb for White
Darrell: wish the forest tentacle had some seafood
Krill: so japan can build archers fo us
Darrell: good spot for it too, with the copper
Krill: yup
Darrell: and a grassland hill
Krill: that's why it builds the archers
I'm thinking hte same thing
Darrell: barracks first?
Krill: send one worker to mine that hill and leave it at size 3 at all times
Darrell: its a 1 pop whip
Krill: nah
2 pop
with overflow
Darrell: not with copper and amine
Krill: just get the archers
Darrell: barracks?
CG1 can make a big difference
Krill: they are there just to upgrade to LB to provide a buffer against axes and swords
agsint them CG1 doesn;t do much
you get good odds anyway
Darrell: certainly we want it by the time of vassalge
so why not straight away
Krill: that is true though
Darrell: whip worker, overflow to barracks, whip barracks just in time for archery
get asome archers to nospace's tentacle
err...our second tentacle I mean
Krill: Do we need that worker?
Darrell: we need all our workers and then some
but I think this is a priority
here's an interesting question
how much do we gamble on black dot?
Krill: we get it right now
Darrell: from USA?
Krill: but what we defend it with?
Darrell: archersa dn warriors
Krill: hmm, I considered that tbh, doubtedyou'dgofor it
because we need that second worker
and it's harder to get asettler there at size 2 than the worker
Darrell: yes
so triple whip a settler at usa
after the second worker
kinda slow
Krill: Japan couldjust swap over to a settler nowfor it but tbh I can't see anyone going to settle it just yet
Darrell: that's my thought
Krill: and I fuigre white isworth it
Darrell: I don't fel like we are in a race
Krill: couldjust get it from Brazil
Darrell: yeah
Krill: yeah
Darrell: brazil
we don't ahve to worry about ivory spot just yet
Krill: I'm 99% certain I can get Kyan ot setle 1S of hte hill
Darrell: its a swell spot, but maybe china can get it for us
that would be ideal
otherwise we move navy 1S
Krill: yes
that's basically the compromise
Darrell: really, from a land tile PoV it only costs us 1 plains tile
Krill: and Kyan will have a hard dotmap on his island if he doesn;t settle the 1S spot
Darrell: but it does cost coast
be sure to talk to him about pressuring nospace and not giving any cities, and say we are going to do the same
got to cap those guys at 12 or something
since there cities are so goddamn productive
Krill: that's the other bonus
I don;'t see a downside for either of us
Kyan will see it the same way...
Darrell: yeah
Krill: hmmm
that 199 GNP is at breakeven...
Darrell: so in 13 turns we will be in OR/HR/Vassalge with the ability to build LBs and with a happy cap of ...10?
then backfill calendar/iron working/metal casting
that's unfortunate
Krill: they are making 6 gpt
I'm pretty sure they have currency
otherwise that is absurd
they only make 42 commerce more than us from trade routes
there isno dent in the CY from scis
Darrell: 12 beakers/turn for every city running two scientists
Krill: 15
Darrell: right
Krill: but loss of 4 fpt
Darrell: I think they don't have currency tbh
I doubt they are doing that at more than 3 cities
at this point in the game
Krill: to boost up that much in 1 turn they should have a dent in CY
Darrell: currency makes sense for them due to markets as much as anything, two merchants are quite nice under rep
Krill: makes it hard to slvae
Darrell: let's assme they are doing a 1.4 tech then
Krill: which could be a problem for them
Darrell: Well...we do what we plan and see where it goes
I think we ahve a good strategy, let's just execute and wat for it to pay off
I got to run now, back online in about an hour
Krill: cya


1. Tech path is Hunting/Archery/Priesthood/Monotheism/Mondarchy/Fuedalism, followed by a triple revolt to OR/HR/Vassalge.

2. Japan is going to be on Archer duty, after getting a Barracks.

3. nospace's GNP is scary (at least I did confirm they have Currency).


*cough* Japan is going on archer duty before a barracks due to needing a settler, but getting a barracks by the time Feud is in *cough*

(In other words, slaving a worker in Japan, overflow into settler, build archer on way to size 4 then double slave out the settler). What 1 archer is going to do I don't really know.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

Stupid question, but how did NoSpace get horse?

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0431.jpg]

We can't see any borders so it must be inner ring and the borders have not yet popped. The only tile I can see that fits is 1NE of the horse. Far enough to settle the end of hte tentacle.

I think Grey needs settling.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

Krill Wrote:Stupid question, but how did NoSpace get horse?

[Image: novicehorse.jpg]

Krill Wrote:Stupid question, but how did NoSpace get horse?

He has a second Horse resoruce in his NE.

Edit: And bato beat me to it.


bato Wrote:hmm[/img]

Doh...beat me to it!


I looked at the tiles, and I think you can just make out a road, and that is where the city centre is. I suppose he just got border expansion and hooked them?

Well, looks like we need Grey city down asap then.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

I'd just like to say to everyone lucking this thread, that Darrell doesn't give me the full diplo update every day. He just sent me a chat from Friday that I could have done with reading...
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

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