I think the non-compete might have come from something we said. OTOH, if we were to go and steal HG, even if it were possible, we'd seriously piss off Kyan and he is the one player we need as an ally, and not just "Not an enemy".
So, we can expect a GS around t75ish. Expect an Academy around t80, to give a bit of leeway.
We are at 43/134 for the next GP, making 4 gpp/t. It takes 2 turns to get it onto a galley, and 5 turns to get it to the StM city. So 7 turns worth of travelling. For us to get the GP to the city and gifted for eot t75, we need to complete it eot t68, which means we need 11 priest turns. That's pretty easy to do...
I figure best option is to get USSR to size 3 asap, stealing the sheep for a single turn, then work fish/pri/pri, swapping out the priest for the sheep whenever needed. That should get it fast enough.
Quote:novice: I guess you've answered our inquiries regarding those clams then Darrell: ?
oh yo mean from england? novice: Is that the name of your city to the NW? Darrell: yeah novice: Yes, those clams Darrell: You wanted to settle those clams? novice: We wanted to discuss them yes Darrell: lemem find that chat log
"we were kind of planning to grab the clams 3W6N of your capital, you see..."
looking at the map now...you have a land tile either 87 or 47 from them I reckon
I dunno...I guess I can't see why I would let you have those clams tbh
but as a CRE civy with cheap libs etc. there is not much I can do to stop you
so it snot like I'll get mad if you settle and take them, if that is wha tyou are worried about...even then the site is the best location for me as it saves two grassland tiles novice: what are you saying here, you won't let us have them but you'll let us take them?
The reason you should see that you would let us have those clams is that you promised to find a way to make us happy
we gave you an easy way to do that but you didn't bite
so now we're not happy
at least I'm not (novice)
I'm sorry, venting a bit there
you can't read our minds Darrell: yeah, if you had said "that favor you owe us? give us the clams" I would have been okay witht htat
It did not come across that way, it came across that you were goting to settle them
what I'm saying is I cant win a culture war with you, so if you settle the clams and plop out a half cost lib and steal teh clams, I'm not going to be upset
I guess that rigns hollow, because you're already upset, but that's what I was saying novice: I guess the reason I didn't explicitly ask for the clams as "the favour" is that we gave you a city site (effectively two), so I felt a single clams was a cheap favour - so I was fishing for your point of view
ah well
not sure why I'm upset tbh
I guess the cramped map is getting to me Darrell: I agree with you tbh...the clams are damn cheap favor
I would have happy to cede them
I've been so focused on Kyan lately, I apologize for not really dialing you guys up
haven't talked to shoot and barely with rego
He pretty much lied to me and tricked me into abandoning my HG plan
would have been plunked 3 turns ago novice: Rego lied to you? Darrell: I'm kind of done with it, I've told Krill to handle the "Kyan diplo"
no Kyan
I have exchanged 10 lines with rego maybe
been spending my time with that orange bastard novice: He is a trickster I guess (Kyan) Darrell: yeah
I read his FFH2 7 pbem thread
he enjoys that aspect novice: I haven't read those forums, FFH doesn't appeal to me Darrell: so, I don't...and I suck at it
so Krill gets to deal with it
I really enjoy FFH, but I can see why its not everyone's cup or tea.
It definitely seems to be a love/hate kind of thing novice: Well I don't really play SP either so I haven't had occasion to look into FFH
I think your favour to us should be more of a "don't dogpile us and let's give Kyan a spanking" kind of thing
except Kyan is a bit far from us Darrell: yeah?
I won't dogpile you
funny you should mention that though, krill was arguing that technically DoWing you didn't break our deal
I was like dude...seriously? novice: lol
I haven't bothered adding any such clauses as I know you have your own code anyway Darrell: yeah
as long as people are keeping the spirit of the deals with me, I return the courtesy
I have to run to work now, back in about 40 minutes novice: ok, I'll see what Spaceman has to say, we'll discuss our dotmap
ttyl Darrell: yeah
anda gain, if you settle the clams in your bfc, its not a "-1" diplo hit or anything novice: well it might become a source of friction
so we'll think about it
If they are losing it over purple dot, how is grey dot going to make them feel ? I guess we'll find out next turn. At least it seems they do anticipate black dot, based on the "(effectively two)" comment. We should at least anticipate the possibility of a cold war with them. They are apparently getting border pressure from multiple directions.
Likely situation is a double report tomorrow morning. Here, have a nospace chat to tide you over:
Quote:novice: evening, etc Darrell: yo novice: space here
saw your chat with novice Darrell: he mad at me novice: ha, yes
we ain't getting no favours on land, that's for certain Darrell: well, look at it this way...the game woudl be even more of a cakewalk for you than it already is otherwise
thereâs always a silver lining novice: one way to put it :-) Darrell: Its all regoâs fault of course novice: how so? Darrell: Not sure, it just is
Count on it novice: yes, well this is your raison d'etre
so how did kyan upset you? Darrell: the biggest thing was...I donât want to call it lying he never lied really...but letâs say he exaggerated what was happening with the HG
then, turn after turn passes (I was building it 3 turns ago) and no HG novice: so when could you have built it? Darrell: He used come very clever diplo to take the wonder from me
or 56
depending on # of cities novice: what are we no
w Darrell: from his tone I thought t54 was his date novice: you've leapt up in cities, i noticed Darrell: 60?
close to 60
yeah, we are going with a horizontal push first followed by vertical growth later approach
seems shoot and to some extent rego doign the opposite
kyan and you doing the same novice: yes 60 just played Darrell: except you detoured from some wonders
shoot has more pop in 2 cities than we have in...8 or 9
I think 9 novice: i suppose it's a classic manouevre on HG Darrell: yeah novice: you want as many cities as possible
obv Darrell: we would ahve added 38% to our pop
In pbem2 I got non-competes with everyone and waited forever on it
dreylin called it abusive novice: heh
i presume everyone didn't know that everyone had done this Darrell: shoot had mentioned sometning about it but I figurd he would have doen it by now
I figured you guys arenât interested so its down to rego
yes, thatâs correct
no one compared notes
I should talk to rego
and tell him not to grant a non-compete novice: i can confirm that we are definitely not building the HG Darrell: neitehr am I
anymore novice: heh Darrell: my workerse are just out of position too much now novice: will you get fail gold, though? Darrell: for a dedicatec hop fest
I thought about that
its what, 40G per chop with stone vs. 20H?
I could use the gold, thatâs for sure
but granaries cost me 2 chops mr. I can 1 pop whip it and not botehr with the chops novice: yeah, although this is a high commerce low production map really Darrell: or I can do 1 chop and 1 whip novice: not super low production, but not amazing Darrell: you have the best MFG by far, ltos of mines
but we have decent food, which is what we are using for prod
thats why we need our chops for granaries and workers, unlike an EXP civ novice: actually our MFG isn't explosive
we're not top
although not far off Darrell: that has to be rego I guess novice: we're 33 vs 35 top, 28 average Darrell: weâre liek 2
well not 2 but weâre last novice: our crop is 84 vs 101 top, 81 avarage Darrell: yeah, we are right around there I think (avg)
I believe kyan is tops novice: yeah he's been the top dog on that from the start Darrell: shoots land didnât look super fertile
havenât seen regos but it doesnt fit with his game so far
Sent at 3:10 PM on Friday novice: which GNP are you? Darrell: last?
its not great
probably not last
I think kyan is second novice: oh we have your graphs now actually Darrell: we are probably 4th
last is terrible
tahtsâ got to be rego novice: yeah, non-fin
have you got many cottages going?
we've got maybe 2 or 3, and they're barely being worked Darrell: well, last turn I think I had 4 worked
Ive got maybe 7 built?
somethign like that
but they donât get worked at least not yet
maybe I should not ahve wasted those worker turns :P
gives me a place to park population before whipping novice: heh Darrell: my cottages and your cottags are the same for the first 6 turns novice: not on rivers Darrell: you have rivers?
I have a river
at my capital novice: yeah ok - river Darrell: I shouldnât complain
its better than nothing thats fgor sure novice: no that's krill's job :-) Darrell: but I think I have...5 river cottages?
something like that
room for a ffew more too novice: yeah, one main river, and a tiny 1-2 tile one on an arm Darrell: its less than 10% of my land
yeah thatâs right! novice: that's some weird river Darrell: I think I have a river next to my corn on the forest âtentacleâ
so...not cottage there
if memory serves it two tiles south of braizl, and 4-5 tiles N of brazil
so antoerh city gets a few river tiles too novice: so have you leveraged your UU...? Darrell: hah
I have horse but didnât bother connectin it yet novice: kyan is the civ where his UU/UB will really be effective - subject to getting as far as the relevant techs of course Darrell: I know
his UU is a huge problem
pretty much need frigates not long after he has astro novice: yup
is that chemistry? Darrell: you arent the one with the long tense border wit him novice: i can't remember Darrell: chemistry and astro both novice: ah ok Darrell: next tech (steel) gives drydocks too novice: i rarely play sea-based games Darrell: pbem2 was ocean based, thatâs about the only one for me
its a lot of fun actually novice: on pangaea, i tend to let AIs pillage cos i can't be bothered buiilding boats Darrell: yeah :0
its better honestly novice: than what? Darrell: wasting hammers on boats
its probably not better, but it feels less like a waste of time
Sent at 3:21 PM on Friday novice: so kyan is disappearing for 2 weeks
i don't think he has full confidence in TT taking over... Darrell: is TT taking over for real?
I didnât see that novice: no he isn't
hence looking for replacements Darrell: ah, gotcha novice: but TT is his ded-lurker
i think Darrell: be a shame to see the game pause novice: yeah Darrell: I should let krill do it novice: haha
at least PBEM13 has suddenly got a spurt on now that Krill is temporarily playing Pegasus' turns
I'm not going to do a turn report, because Darrell needs to t60 turn report first. I've taken a lot of pictures though. We are #1 in cities, 9 food off first in CY, break even at 50%, enough gold to get to Monarchy in 3 turns, and we were stupid enough to not check Indias' culture pop and wasted a few worker turns (well not really but it means we can get Grey dot up and running faster than though and save some forests).
It's nice to have 6 settlers in production though. Going to be awesome to crash our tech in the next 10 turns, just as Darrell wants to make an Academy.
What's not shown is the Settlers with hammers invested in Brazil and India . I probalby should have noticed India's borders expanded :
Since I forgot to redirect EPs to nospace, we lost their graphs (hope Krill rememberd to swap, I forgot to remind him). As a result, we gained Kyan's .