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RB25 SG Signups

I tried the same tactic and it works for me. EDIT: I used vanilla version 1.61. I found an interesting problem concerning the fifth GA. In my example, the game was looking for a sixth GP even though one was in the stack.
[Image: FifthGoldenAge.jpg]
Hey now! I guess GP are an eccentric lot. smile

Here's a spreadsheet snippet on a worst case situation of generating all the GP for the five GA. I listed the GPP value for each GP and the total GPP to generate all. I used a ceiling function to calculate the average GPP/Turn if playing on Normal difficulty. Finally I added the second box for four GA after I found the problem concerning the fifth GA.
[Image: GreatPeople.jpg]

Wow, I guess I won't be getting into this one... que pena. But if something like this comes up again, I want to do it!! I didn't check when the first post was made, but I looked at this site less than 24 hrs ago, and this has filled up fast!

Kylearan Wrote:Maybe I did not put both groups on different tiles, I'm not sure about this. I thought I did, but I could be wrong and would be happy to. smile
I actually don't think that matters, but I think the thing to do is to stack them, which is best done when they are on different tiles lol . But as Grimm said, it works for me (1.61), but that is not a guarantee it will always work or work for others, best thing to do is just experiment smile.

I will lurk this one.
On League of Legends I am "BertrandDeHorn"

I want to thank everyone for their (rapid) interest in this succession game. I've always enjoyed simple ideas for variants, and the notion of running a 5CC - with the goal of having a golden age for each city - is one that's been on the backburner for a while. As far as the roster, here's the listing of players:


To everyone who signed up and I wasn't able to include, you have my apologies. I hope that we'll be able to cross paths down the road in a future SG. nod Now onto some of the questions that others have posted:

Zeroth Amendment Wrote:So, when you say 5 golden ages, would it be okay to have 4 Great People triggered golden ages and then a Taj Mahal golden age?

Yes, that is correct, and we will make Taj a very high priority! smile

T-Hawk Wrote:Why Frederick, though? Philosophical is a must, of course, but I think Saladin would be better. Creative doesn't offer much; I'd say Spiritual is better for the civic flexibility, going in and out of Caste System and Pacifism as necessary. And Arabia lends itself to "Five Pillars" theming as well; that was done in an old Epic but can certainly be revisited.

You're right, Saladin would make a better leader. But I've played Saladin to death - I featured him in my Civ4 Walkthrough, he was the leader we used in RB19 succession game, and I just played as him in Adventure Eleven. I wanted to use a different Philosophical leader, and Fred looked the most interesting of the others. (It's not like the others fit all that well either; we hardly need to be Organized for this game [Mao], or Aggressive [Alex], or Expansive [Peter], and Lizzie would just make things a little too easy.) I guarantee we can have some fun with aggressive city placements using Creative - no one will deny us the spots we want for our golden five cities!

T-Hawk Wrote:Actually, since a Golden Age requires that all of its inciting Great People be different types, isn't it impossible to have a fifth GP-induced GA, since a sixth different type of GP doesn't exist?

Umm, indeed it is. But if we can gather six great people at the end of the game, we'll claim credit for it anyway. (That's why it's called "Chasing the Sixth" - the number six doesn't actually exist - the universe stops at five!) OK, we're not actually going to get that many Great People, but it was fun speculating, wasn't it? :wink:

Dreylin Wrote:Unless it's planned to use Warlords and he didn't mention it....

Nope, no Warlords. It's not RBW2 SG. And, if I understand things correctly, you can't use Great Generals to trigger a golden age anyway.

With regards to picking which Great People to use for the golden age - I believe it's determined by closeness to the PALACE. In other words, move the Great People you want onto the capital's tile, move the others AWAY from the palace (one tile is fine) and you'll get the ones you want to trigger it. At least, that's how I've done things in the past, and it's always worked fine. smile

I will open a thread at CivFanatics later today with the first turns. Thanks for the interest, everyone!
Follow Sullla: Website | YouTube | Livestream | Twitter | Discord

Sullla Wrote:I wanted to use a different Philosophical leader, and Fred looked the most interesting of the others. (It's not like the others fit all that well either; we hardly need to be Organized for this game [Mao], or Aggressive [Alex], or Expansive [Peter]

OK, you de boss. But what's wrong with Peter? Expansive = more health = more food = more specialists = more Great People. And his UU has a slightly better chance of being meaningful than Germany's.

I just see Creative as really weak overall. Swordsmen do a much better job of securing your city locations. If a rival settles within two tiles of your desired location, Creative doesn't do anything for you.

Well, see you at CFC smile

Hey, maybe we'll actually use Environmentalism in this game! That would be a lark (only civic I have NEVER adopted in all my time with Civ4.) wink

I have played the first set of turns, and we now have a thread running at CivFanatics. smile
Follow Sullla: Website | YouTube | Livestream | Twitter | Discord

Ugh, I can't see the thread from work, which is where I am when I visit this site... can you post a thread here at RB?

Interesting concept (and start). Good luck guys smile!

Since there was some question, I looked it up in the SDK.

The actual algorithm to pick great people is quite simple:

The unit that you had selected is the first one that is used, of course.

then it picks those units that are closest to the used unit, by computed plot distance. The actual algorithm is 10,000 / (plot distance + 1), highest number wins.

Now, if you do not have enough, or the wrong types, it will pick something further away of course.

In all cases, you have to have enough of different types, so the maximum number of great people spawned golden ages is 4, as there are only 5 different types of great people: prophet, scientist, engineer, merchant, artist, using 2, then 3, then 4, then 5 great people in the 4th and final golden age.

There is nothing in the code about grouping the great people. It does not matter if they are grouped, how many movement points they have, etc.

The only thing that matters is distance from the triggering great person.

Personally, I always thought that once you get to the 5th golden age, it should require that you have one of each type, and then let you have any number of other great people to fill the holes, allowing as many golden ages as you can spawn people. I do not see a big game balance issue here, but perhaps there is one I am missing.

Sorry I missed out on this one, looks like fun!


Ah. I guess people at RB enjoy the speculation... lol

What does the code say about a tie? Who gets picked, then?

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