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When do we get a warlords epic?

Quote:Well I think I am rare one in no rush. I have *not* bought warlords, and I am not ready to. If the epics move to Warlords, then I will drop out.

This seems very harsh. Is there a reason you don't want to play warlords? I want to encourage use of the expansion, but assuredly don't want to encourage someone dropping out of the epics here. Perhaps epics could be run for both versions... or something.

Quote:I will be interested in some events running warlords and banning trebs

Trebuchets DO seem to really murder longbowmen. The only reason I don't have a problem with them is that RNGs in battle seem to have me losing plenty of fights with ridiculous odds... come to think of it, I WIN plenty of battles with ridiculous odds also... But maybe that's just a skewed sample.

Quote:In fact, I find the AI a bit better in warlords. I had games where AI was defending with archers and HA inside city and won't attack making it harder for me to take the city. AFAIK, in vanilla those HA would have suicided against my spears in the forest hill

I also find the AI smarter. Plus, not only do the chariots even out axemen a little, but early aggression against a protective civ with a barracks popping out archers with city defender 2 and first strike can be hard to just bowl over.
Plus, like I said about the vassal state of affairs earlier...

Quote:The little improvements like decimal precision and whipping bug resolution are a nice addition too.

Yes, I have seen discussions about whipping needing to be fixed, but since it has been, shouldn't people take advantage of that?

I would also like to get other people's take on how good it is to have a civ with the charismatic trait on harder difficulty levels. That extra happiness seems pretty good to me.

mbuna120 Wrote:This seems very harsh. Is there a reason you don't want to play warlords? I want to encourage use of the expansion, but assuredly don't want to encourage someone dropping out of the epics here. Perhaps epics could be run for both versions... or something.

I can sum it up in one word - money. I simply refuse to spend $30 for that expansion.

In addition, I don't feel like I have come close to exploring the original. When PTW came out I was glad as the game needed some refreshing. In Civ4 I haven't even played all the civs yet...

I completely agree with LKendter. I don't want to spend my money (even more in Canada) for an expansion pack. I felt that Warlords came out too early. There is still so much to do and extract from Vanilla (vanilla extract? lol ). I just don't feel any reason to move so quickly onto Warlords.

But there's no harm in having, say, 1 adventure, right? Just to investigate what's going on.


I'd like to see a game or two on warlords, and see what the RB community can make of the "underpowered" new traits. I think it is best to wait for the patch though as vassal states cause some broken situations currently (your enemy vassalizes to your ally causing your ally to declare war on you) and trebs will probably be adjusted a bit.

Is there a patch coming anytime soon?

As one who has not contributed to the forum much, but enjoyed it very much, I offer this humble suggestion. Start a new temporary category of Warlords games (Campaigns maybe).

Currently on Emperor in CIV
"Eppur si muove"

Hi, short time reader (just found the site a few weeks ago, but I'm loving it) first time poster.

I got Warlords just about when it came out and have been playing it a ton since then. I think it's a great expansion but I do think it might have a problem or two in combat as mbuna120 mentioned above. I haven't found it to unbalance the game but it does make things a tad less predictable.

I think Vassal states are a lot of fun but make it a bit easier for backdoor diplomatic victories.

To sum up I'll just reiterate Galileo44's post - as a newcomer, I humbly suggest giving a Warlords category a try.

I would like to see some Warlords adventures. Those already come in two categories, gentle and extreme, it seems it would not be hard to add some warlords games to the adventures. Not everyone plays every adventure.

While many think Trebuchets are unbalanced, and need a patch, what better way to prove it than to play some adventures and show it at large.

The AI code in warlords is without a doubt modified. I doubt these improvements will ever make it back to vanilla civ.

I would love to see all games eventually move to warlords.

I would prefer to see people use a 'vanilla' mod on warlords to play vanilla games. This would still use the warlords DLL, with all the bugfixes and improvements, but would remove the new units and cultural buildings. (You can already turn off vassel states, so you would not have to do anything about that). I suppose the mod should also change chariots back to not give a bonus vs axemen, just to satisfy the purists. The point is to get all the AI improvements, and encourage Firaxis to make more AI improvements.

Quote:I completely agree with LKendter. I don't want to spend my money (even more in Canada) for an expansion pack.

I can understand this desire. But honestly, it is not that much money. If you think of it as six months of entertainment, is $30 that much to pay? Do you never go to see a movie? Go out to dinner?

The fact is that game developers are a business, they do not make games for charity. If you do not support them, then they will be unable to continue to develop the game.

I for one want to see them continue to develop Civ4. I want to see patches to fix imbalances and to improve the AI. I choose to support Firaxis in this by buying Warlords.


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