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EitB Polish Thread

[Image: BannerSmall.jpg]

If you have suggestions for interface improvements, better feedback from the game, etc. here is the place to post your idea. A good example of the sorts of things that I'm looking for is the Governor's Manor issue from base FfH.

Another thing that I'm looking for is text. Lots and lots of text. There are a number of entries in the Civilopedia that are just straight up blank, and that's a crying shame. I haven't built a list of everything that needs an entry, but if you're ever feeling particularly creative, feel free at taking a crack at writing up a civilopedia entry! lol
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

Installer issue...

I ran the build 6 installer and it didn't fully install the mod. I had to copy a bunch of infrastructure in from base FFH, and somehow it never got the background, anyway. Does it turn out the build 6 installer is just a patch for build 5?

(Alternately, it might have something to do with needing admin privileges to write, but, if that were the case, there would not be anything there at all.)

Edit: Hmm... maybe this should have been in "tech" instead. Oops. Will copy there.

How good does the writing have to be?
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

I'll help out with the civilopedia as well. I have a week free from holidays, and nothing to do in it.


Deruptus Brewing House
Quote:Everyone knows that a person named Deruptus made the first Brewing House in history, but no one actually knows who Deruptus really was. Many historians, along with all the dwarves in Erebus, claim that Deruptus was actually a dwarf who was tired of water and wanted something stronger, but there were several inconsistencies with the fact. Nevertheless, Deruptus made the first ale and thus had the honor of having all future brewing houses named after him.

Although ale makes a population happy, and provides more jobs to the empire, a ruler must live with the knowledge that too much ale will make the citizens weak. After the heavily-defended city of Dion was destroyed by Doviello invaders due to the intoxication of the military, all other empires have learned the wisdom of not having too much ale.

Nowadays, cities in an empire fight for having the honor of providing the empire's brewing house, as it provides many jobs, as well as ensuring that ale flows freely in the city. However, only cities situated on a river have the privilege to do so, as the brewing house requires flowing water to ensure that the machinery in it never stops. Depending on the technology level, the jobs in the brewing house is done by man or machine, but all brewing houses come with their trademarks, a red shiny roof and 2 huge ale barrels to the right of it.

1. Mana display. I'd like the option to minimize it. I've seen this implemented in other mods, so it shouldn't be too tricky... Hopefully.

2. Promotion display. Is there some way to keep the vital unit information from being covered over by promotion pics? If you have a highly promoted unit, it can be annoying to figure out how the unit is doing.

3. Unit display on mouseover. When combat involves very large stacks, the display goes up into the top of the screen and I can't read it. In general for large stacks, it's hard to get an exact idea of the composition of the enemy forces without spending some time deciphering. Now, there is already some cleanup going on in the game but I think it could be done better.

On that same note, units with large pictures (captured barb animals come immediately to mind) have that annoying feature where they cover up the # of turns to heal. I haven't played too much with the modmod, so I can't attest as to whether this has been addressed already, but it annoys the hell out of me in base FFH.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

Krill Wrote:How good does the writing have to be?

Similar to Amelia's would be a good baseline. It doesn't need to be epic lol
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

Selrahc Wrote:Suggestions!
1. Mana display. I'd like the option to minimize it. I've seen this implemented in other mods, so it shouldn't be too tricky... Hopefully.

Click on the Generic Mana Button, to the right of law mana.
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

little nitpick...

Your banner has a very nice name for the mod. However, when you start up the game, the splash screen lacks the name. After seeing a name up top for so long, it looks very empty up there. Besides, it could be worth knowing what mod you just started up, even if it's kind of already obvious. wink

Seems that the Decius bug is still around. When in civilopedia, on the leaders tab you can't click Decius to see his story/traits.

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