Well if I have 2 GEs, a GSpy, a GS, a GA and a GM I could in theory use one GE for TGD, then a GE/GSpy/GM/GA for a Golden Age, and bulb with the GS. If I have to double plunk TGD, then I lose the GS bulb.
Edit: ANd of course I could cash rush either the remainder of TGD or Coal Plants, but without The Kremlin...bummer.
Yeah its fairly unpleasant to contemplate. Basically if nospace started TGD when they got Plastics (which seems possible even if its just for fail gold), AND that city pulls more beakers than Brazil (probably given there economic strategy), AND they win the Fusion race, then they will pull TGD right out from under me. I have sunk a decent number of hammers into it from Brazil right now. My choices would be:
1. Wait to use the one GE and risk losing the wonder.
2. Burn two GEs, which is better done sooner than later given I will lose all the hammers Brazil is spending now.
3. Start running cash and do a combo cash + GE rush. This would have been better done before I obsoleted the Kremlin, obviously.
If I lose the wonder, I will have to bulid and/or rush Coal Plants in several cities. Right now I am leaning towards #1.
I think I forgot to mention this, but I usually go up to Fiber Optics by way of Laser and never get Computers. Laser is slightly more expensive, but an unexpired Sankore can make up most of the difference, and an unexpired Kremlin and occasionally Angkor Wat or Spiral Minaret usually puts that approach over the top. Angkor Wat sometimes makes a turn of difference in the last SS part.
Yeah...I looked at Laser but decided against it since I had just about run out of things to cash rush. Also, for once *I* got a discount for known tech .
TGD is 9 turns away if I use 1 GE. Hmm. I think I need to start moving some capital Towns to Workships . Nospace did not get Fiber Optics this turn. It surprised me.
Man I heavily rushed that turn. I need to calculate out the spaceship parts and figure out when to get TGD, then figure out how many Towns I have to pave over. I also need to make sure I am going to get that GS. Might need to starve South Korea.
Okay Jamaica is at 802/938. That means I need 938+67*2 - 802 = 270 more GPPs to get the GS. That's...9 more turns at current rate. So I need to starve the city. And of course double check the GS tech preferences to make sure I don't waste it.
Quote:This is a formal notification of the initiation of our 10 turn NAP cool-down. I have just played t163, so I assume that 172 marks the last turn of the cool-down? (I can't remember which player the turn flips with off the top of my head, and the forums are down, so correct me if I'm mistaken)
Nospace got a similar note. Funny enough, neither of us heard from Shoot. It is possibly due to Shoot having a 7t cooldown with nospace, although if he and Dave are coordinating I would still expect him to initiate his cooldown with me. Chat with space, summary is we are both going full military immediately:
Quote:Darrell: we need to coordinate before I play the turn space: indeed Darrell: are you guys in agreement all space race techs and construction is halted for the duration? space: yup
full agreement Darrell: good space: all out military! Darrell: I think its the fairest way forward
yes indeed space: let's wipe these suckers off the planet! Darrell: I totally agree, they get what they earned
given your magellan's navy makes sense for you and air force for me?
and the marines space: although is the cooldown initiation just from shoot? Darrell: always the marines
you got one from shoot? space: sorry Darrell: let me go back and look space: just from dave
was just dreaming about tanks Darrell: I am not going to play the turn until I pin shoot down one way or the other space: although do you think marines are more effective? Darrell: its a real damn shame I've obsoleted the kremlin
yes space: have you? Darrell: I think our plan should be to raze the coastal cities near us using sirian doctrine
Fiber Optics does it
I almost went via laser damn it all
err...the pre req to F.O. space: harsh Darrell: We have to keep in mind Dave has 1 hammer/water tile so his productin is going to be really high space: didn't get too much benefit in the end then Darrell: I know space: yeah Darrell: just the labs and grocers and banks and markets :P
but yeah, no military benefit really
well, the destroyers
anyway I pinged shoot, I will let you know when I hear back from him space: ah right, lots of cash rushing building eh Darrell: I will request a 30t NAP extension for both of us space: ok cool Darrell: if he refuses I will initiate my cooldown space: sounds like a plan Darrell: cool, I think I wlll head for stealth and flight most likely
will send a full plan when I have it worked out space: ok
we just need satellites and composites for MAs i think
:-) Darrell: burn them...burn them to hell! space: oh yeah
game's got interesting again
It will be funny if Dave is just doing this to give him more time for culture . I don't think we can take that risk though...too bad this isn't vanilla where the launch ended the game. Chat with novice, summary is that space race was going to be exciting, mostly because I'm too lazy to calculate my launch turn :
Quote:novice: so what was your SS ETA?
and what was your Fusion ETA?
btw, if we can threaten Dave into a NAP extension as well we can just resume our race
maybe he didn't realize that he would have to deal with both of us
10 minutes Darrell: you know, I never figured out the ETA
I'm about 4t from apollo, and about 6t from being done with the techs
all my cottages are pre-paved and I hae the GPs for a Golden Age
I guess I'd launch in 12-15t
I thought about that with Dave...but!
I got a note from him also engagine our NAP cooldown
Either he a) found out, b) figured it out, or c) planned to attack both of us anyway, in which case shoot is all but certain to join novice: ok, world war it is
so your fusion ETA was what, 2 turns? Darrell: end of this turn
two turns
end of next turn novice: right, you completed fission last turn, and then two turns for fusion? Darrell: yeah that's right novice: ok, so we would have to bulb Fibre Optics to completion, and then finish Fusion with overflow from Fission and bulbs when we got the save
all moot now
although maybe we should come to a deal about who gets the engineer...
frankly though the entire space race thing gets silly when we have to conduct a war first Darrell: I don't thikn you can beat me novice: it will just boil down to a pure production race, which we should be able to do equally well Darrell: you need fiber optics and fission still? novice: no, we have fission Darrell: oh okay
so yeah you'd have to one turn fusion to get it novice: and part of fiber optics Darrell: I had 95% of fission done from before
you obviously did the same thing novice: I suspected as much Darrell: or similar
yeah I knew I was in a horse race, and the bulbs were my big fear novice: my latest spaceship plan has us launching on t177, 14 turns from now. Last part finishing eot176,
damn Dave for ruining the excitement
and damn you for being first in turn order
31 minutes Darrell: lol
18 minutes Darrell: Was that with one engine or two? novice: two engines
(and five thrusters) Darrell: I was not sure about 1 or two engines
I had to do the math and see what was faster.
was planning on doing that the turn apollo came in Darrell: Was that with one engine or two? novice: two engines
(and five thrusters) Darrell: I was not sure about 1 or two engines
I had to do the math and see what was faster.
was planning on doing that the turn apollo came in novice: with Fusion researched early I don't see why you wouldn't build 2 engines
unless you're sentimental about bulldozing your lovely towns Darrell: indeed
it was probably gong to happen, but I wasn'tsure
I think it shaves 2t off the travel time novice: it does
I think I am beating him by two turns, which is important from a pride standpoint as otherwise it came down to being first in the turn order. We'll never know now.