Alright, let's take a little trip around the empire. Basically the last 20 or so turns have been characterized by us falling way behind in expansion and GNP, surging way ahead in soldier points, keeping competitive in production and bickering about the most minute worker movements. I still think we've not done a great job of staying focused on macro concerns while getting bogged down in micro concerns. But nonetheless we'll likely be attacking N7 shortly.
I'll start with domestic matters. This is the only city we've settled since we last spoke:
That will be a nice city once it gets up and running. I give the slightly zoomed out shot because that is probably the most contested area of the map. Lewwyn had a settler ready to go before mack sniped that southern site and not shown in the picture is that no7s gold city is in the West Indies. Likelihood of bloodshed in this area before the game is over: Huge. Which is why we should really get the 2nd city planted on the PH there shortly. Noble doesn't really like to expand though. Weird.
We've scouted mackoti's lands fairly extensively now. Portul Defildes might well be the absolute worst city I have ever seen a quality player found. What on earth was he thinking there? Ceilul de Bronz would also be far superior 2S of its current location. Nevertheless, he's smoking us, so can't get too smug.
The East Indies, by contrast, are primarily contested between us and N7. We had intended to settle 2 more cities there, at the yellow circles. Unfortunately N7 beat us to the blue circle by about 5t and hence we missed any chance to settle anything else here peacefully. Decent chance there's some bloodshed here as well before all is said and done.
In the south, we are furiously laying cottages at the first floodplains city and are getting ready to settle our second in ~4t, at the spot N7s chariot is on. That chariot caused Noble no end of consternation and forced us to juggle troops around a good deal. Because of it, we were unable to accept multiple N7 OB requests, since we didn't want them to see our HAs. This has probably had the unfortunate consequence of alerting them to our hostile intentions. So it goes.
In the north, as previously stated we got shut out of the Tundra as N7 slapped down a pair of cities. I suspect they're well defended as Lewwyn attacked them a few turns ago but turned around with his units in tow after a few turns of war. There's no doubt Lewwyn is public enemy number one for both N7 and mackoti. That SoZ build you see is more than anything a "WTF do we do with all these forests at this terrible city planted solely for defense" decision.
In the core cities, well... a picture is probably worth whatever words I'd put to it.
Now we have 6 Horse Archers, where shall we put them? Ho, ho, ho.
Here's our current location in the tech tree. We have everything before this but Polytheism and nothing after it. We're heading towards Monarchy via Priesthood with hopes of firing a GA with our impending GSpy and revolting HR/OR/Vassalage during it. After that? Hard to say, depends on what the others are up to. We'll feel pretty good to get back to an economic focus once Longbows are in, since nobody's cracking Pro LBs behind walls before Rifling. That should give us some time to [strike]catch up economically[/strike] make another harebrained home run play.
Here is the worlds most impressive military. *cough* As well as a decent shot at what our exploration looks like:
And the demographics, sad as they are.
Our production is actually quite competitive as both N7 and mackoti have had MC for a good while longer than us and we haven't built a forge yet. Questions, Comments, Concerns?