FoxBat Wrote:- Wait on some folks to return with GW:EN (end of summer) We could pursue a different variant for the time being (maybe BAR one) that is more hero-friendly and therefore doesn't require a large numbers of players every single night.That option would get my vote. I think it would be sad (in the sentimental sense) to continue on without the members that added so much character to the variant. Whenever I think of Nudists, I picture our characters with the wacky festival hats on - I certainly won't forget that it was KoP who started that. Nudists wouldn't be the same. No offense to Jude or any other guests, but I'd much rather wait until we get the original crowd back together (and then of course Jude and guests are welcome to continue streaking with us).
How about not diving into another variant right away, however? Why don't we take a few weeks to just do some fun stuff that we never seem to make the time to do as a guild - like DoA, UW or FoW? Or Tombs? That would get more people in right at the outset, without the requirement of a weekly commitment.