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RB Civ 5 SG 4 - Ryder Cup American Team

NobleHelium Wrote:I think it's been more than a couple of hours. :neenernee

Played it last night, but put it aside to report today lol
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

A slow-ish turnset. Got some scouting done and signed OB w/ Khan & Bismark. In foreign affairs, Bismark took a city off of India, China and Arabia fought in inconclusive war, and the Mongols declared war on the Chinese. I got a look at What Ghengis was bringing to bear against Wu and if he was human I wouldn't be too fond of Wu's chances (A GG, 2 Catapults, and some Keshiks + assorted infantry). China offered us a laughable peace treaty which I rejected (they wanted all our gold! No!).

[Image: T124_Poor_Peace.jpg]

I also fielded a complaint from Arabia about the pink-dot. Oh well lol

[Image: T121_Surprise.jpg]

We bought the worker in the pink-dot city and the other worker is also enroute. My hope is that we can get all the improvement that city will need more or less done in time for us to bring the workers back to help our new Songhai acquisition. Getting the +8 happy online to help fuel growth in our Hanging Gardens city would be quite nice.

Oh yes, we landed the Hanging Gardens. I started a workshop in that city since I figure it's going to be a huge production hub for us.

[Image: T126_Hanging_Gardens.jpg]

As far as defending against China, there was never any real threat as the combined firepower of the archer + city, and then later our GG helped us beat everything off without getting pillaged. We earned enough XP for a 2nd GG and our pike down south took some bombardments from a wandering Chinese Archer to pull another promotion. I gave him Medic I so that hopefully once we push into Songhai we'll be able to keep our momentum up as we siege cities.

As I mentioned earlier, Askia now has knights, so this is going to be rough going I think. alright.

[Image: T126_Askian_Knight.jpg]

Overview Shots:
[Image: T130_North.jpg]
[Image: T130_Center.jpg]
[Image: T130_East.jpg]

[SIZE="6"]The Save[/SIZE]
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

No other comments, guess I gotta do the talking. smile

I think having three or four crossbows against Askia will swing the fights in our favor. But I don't think we can attack before that. Just about all our city targets (every capital but India) are on flatland not hills, so barracks before crossbows seems worthwhile, the 1.5 promotions will go a long way.

Nice micro timing on the work boat at Furyk. thumbsup

Looks like NobleHelium will quietly research Machinery, then I'll set us up for the invasion, and Gaspar gets the fun times. We'll get a policy around the end of NH's turn set. The Liberty happy policy, Honor experience, or Honor adjacent combat bonus are all options... thoughts?

I think we should definitely take Discipline before attacking. If we can get another policy though we could take the happiness policy first.

I might be inclined to take the +xp simply because with a largely mounted force we might not be flanking as much as we would with melee "march and move."

Also, we need to step it up, Euro's are done already. lol

Turn 130: I survey the area and find the pangaea is basically mapped out. So I start recalling the scouts. They can buff our city defense or something (might be better to delete them though). I stop the knight in Kim from completing and switch to a barracks first.

Turn 131: Wu Zetian (who was quite a minor emperor by the way) completes the Chichen Itza. frown Engineering finishes, start Machinery. Order up another barracks in Furyk.

Turn 132: Wu offers peace. I consider it but decline. I think we could actually attack her instead...she's probably an easier target and Chichen Itza is an awesome wonder. Beijing (which has the wonder) has silk. Anyway we can discuss it and pick a target - she'll accept peace at any time anyway. Washington completes 425 AD. lol

Turn 133: Dublin decides to start building Walls. Awesome...well it doesn't cost maintenance so that's not too terrible I guess.

Turn 134: A new barbarian encampment spawns with...a pikeman. crazyeye I guess we'll ignore it.

Turn 135: Wu sends some more warriors at us. Hurray.

Turn 136: I get pissed off at right-click accidentally sending a unit into a city-state's land. For the umpteenth time.

Turn 137: Still firing at warriors Wu is sending us.

Turn 138: Scout en route back to Holmes sees a Wu archer in the open and kills it. lol

Not much else to say. I think this picture sums it up.

[Image: overview140.jpg]

I built markets, barracks, and some other buildings. Machinery will be in soon, you can swap off builds for crossbows, maybe upgrade that archer near Holmes if we have enough cash.

Questions are: do we still want to attack Songhai? We will suffer diplomatic penalties for declaring, so we could attack Wu instead whom we're still at war with. We should keep a defense force near Phil because I'm afraid of Arabia attacking us.

And the save. Yeah, I'm getting rather fed up with the interface. rolleye

We probably should decide soon how we intend to win. That will color a lot of future decisions, I think.

I suppose "Domination" (the Domination condition is absolutely moronic, IMO) is probably the most realistic in terms of what we can achieve. Cash Victory would be crazy hard with our variant rules. Science Victory certainly doable but take a long time. Social Policy Victory is probably out - we're already too big I think.

If that's the case, I could see pushing to take Beijing next.

Thought we decided on Domination a while ago. And I don't think it's moronic at all. Capturing every other capital seems to be a pretty good way to demonstrate military superiority without going through the drudge of actually conquering everything else.

I'm agreed on Beijing before Songhai. It'll take most of my turnset just to walk up that way. Beijing has two new luxuries (marble and silk) which we'll need, although we'll probably still have to puppet it.

We didn't take the Social Policy yet, right? (This is like the third time it's come up on the last turn of someone's turnset. Convenient. smile ) I think we need the Honor combat bonus now, since it's going to be quite a long time before another policy.

Do scouts count to trigger that 10% adjacent bonus? If so, we should bring them home for that purpose. And later after Compass they can go embarked exploring overseas.

Anyone think we should use one of the Great Generals for a Golden Age? We're not getting much happy to grow more anytime soon. And we don't need two GGs in a combat theater.

Ok, wasn't sure if we had come to a consensus on VC. In that case, pruning the Chinese seems pretty reasonable. This is one of those situations where you really miss roads.

Scouts do count for adjacency and flanking as I understand it.

And I had a similar thought on burning the GG on a Golden Age. And I like even better if I don't have to do Golden Age micro during my turnset. wink

Uh I don't think marble is a luxury, is it? I thought it just boosted your wonder construction speed.

Yeah, policy is untaken. I forgot to mention that. We should probably take Discipline, yeah.

I don't think we really discussed which victory to pursue, we just had a general agreement on attacking the Songhai to get better land.

I thought about the golden age thing too. The second GG is somewhat useful but only a minor benefit, so if you think now is a good time for the GA then that's fine with me. We could wait until we capture the Chichen Itza before launching a GA though?

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