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[SPOILERS] BaxAmeliKnight's thread

I like Nabaxo's plan too.

HidingKneel Wrote:I like Nabaxo's plan too.

Same here.

Pretty much my only complaint is that we can't see the minimap, but oh well.

Judging from the starting locations, I think the best starting moves are Amurites to head SW, Kurio's in place and Malakim probably E-SE. Early tech path probably Calendar then Crafting. Here's why:

Amurites - Yowza, plains incense and gold, this will be an strong early techer for sure. SW keeps all resources while getting more river tiles and allows Dreptus, while still having at least 4 hills. Benefits most from early Calendar with Agrarianism (no real food resource aside from floodplains) and 2 calendar resources immediately with a 3rd at Mining.

Kurio's - Not really sure if there's an option not to settle in place, moving anywhere removes a resource from the capital. Has corn, sheep, mushrooms(I think that's what's 2S?) and 2 floodplains for food, at least 7 hills including plains hill plant & marble, and 2 wine, spices and ivory. Calendar gives spices and Agrarianism and Crafting allows 2 wine.

Malakim - The start I'm most unsure about. Perhaps send scout E-SE to see if anything else is over that way? E-SE seems to be the best option for settling that I can see right now, the banana isn't needed as there's already corn, sugar and 2 floodplains for food, and that spot has 3 hills, the most in the area.

After calendar and crafting I think we should do Mysticism, Mining and Exploration in some order before heading to Education. Thoughts?

Kurios: I'll be settling immediately and going worker first, leaving the warrior at home and scouting with the scout. Since i'm the economic techer, i might as well go off for an early start.

I'm thinking we'd need education earlier than later. Both for Kuriotates who wants to get going on those cottages early and I think Malakim benefits from early cottages too.

Amelia Wrote:Kurios: I'll be settling immediately and going worker first, leaving the warrior at home and scouting with the scout. Since i'm the economic techer, i might as well go off for an early start.

Pretty much what I'll be doing too.

nabaxo Wrote:I'm thinking we'd need education earlier than later. Both for Kuriotates who wants to get going on those cottages early and I think Malakim benefits from early cottages too.

We discussed this in chat:

Quote:me: about early edu, when would you think is a good time to get it?
nabasu: Didn't think that through, let me check your proposal
me: ive got calendar then crafting, then some combination of exploration, mining and mysticism then edu
nabasu: We need all those techs early! >_<
[COLOR="Magenta"]me: yep
amurites and kurios have nice commerce resources though
and you have bonus commerce on floodplains[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Yellow"] nabasu: I think you have a decent plan for early teching
Mysticism is the only one I can think could be shifted
But even that[/COLOR]

One thing we need to decide eventually is how to tech. I'm a fan of Aristofarms and nabaxo is a fan of cottages. However we don't need to decide that until we see more of the map (and besides, we don't all need to do the same thing, we can both agree Kurio's should use cottages).

Who will be our main military provider? My biggest fear is a Hippus rush, as we're all mid-late gamers.

Kurio's aren't really a late civ are they? They start very quickly and have quite a handicap late game with only a certain number of units a turn.

I think early on we'll each need to provide our own defenses, at least until we're close enough to be able to send units to each other in a reasonable time frame. I'm more worried about a Clan or Illian rush than a Hippus one (IMO Kurio's a better rusher then the Hippus are, you can tech HBR faster and Centaurs get defensive bonuses while choking, not saying that we should be rushing though).

WarriorKnight Wrote:(IMO Kurio's a better rusher then the Hippus are, you can tech HBR faster and Centaurs get defensive bonuses while choking, not saying that we should be rushing though).

And you don't need stables to build centaurs! Even if the eventual goal is to go up the arcane line, an early beeline to HBR could really pay off. Centaurs are great for choking, and for defending against a rush/choke.

Totally agree. HBR after early economy techs then arcane.

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