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RB Civ 5 SG 4 - Ryder Cup American Team

Sophia > Taj makes sense since we have Chichen Itza.

Sounds solid T-Hawk.

I like more (maint free!) culture from the monasteries since that'll let us finish liberty and possibly open the order-branch quickly once we go a-conquering. Only having to pay 1 happy per city (with Order & Liberty active) would be fantastic. So yeah, slip in that Monastery between the two wonders.

Policy-wise after finishing liberty and at least opening order, I would want to grab at least 2 more policies from Honor (The +1 Happy / +2 culture garrison one and the cheaper upgrades one) so that we can really drop the hammer on the AIs. After that, Any extras can go into Piety and hopefully opening up the culture-buildings make happy policy. That should be game by the time it happens though.

I would have Holmes slip in an armory pre-cannons. The 2nd promo will be really nice as it lets us take Siege on newly built units iirc and that's going to be awesome. Also, does Bushido work on ranged combat? Having our siege not be reduced by city counter-fire would be sick.
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

Armory in Holmes for sure. Those medieval nonranged units are mostly obsolete now. I would assume Bushido works everywhere.

I'm concerned about our GPT after we lose the 19 from Wu after T-hawk's turnset. We might need to delete some units or attack Askia after the RAs go through, in order to get rid of some units and capture/raze Jenne and the city south of it for gold?

I don't think we'll get many if any policies after finishing Liberty, which isn't really a problem.

I take back my doubts about gold. I misread the screenshots and didn't realize that we're making 60 GPT in GA. We can just chain GAs with the Taj and a general, assuming we land Hagia Sophia, so it shouldn't be a problem at all.

Inherited turn: I micromanage Weekley to shave the Hagia Sophia by one turn, by coming off the fish and 0-0-4 incense to work one plains and an engineer. Kim finished the university and I hired the scientists. Kim started a monastery, it's also worth +6 culture here, the city is built on incense although the resource indicator doesn't show.

We got the Hagia Sophia. jive Gandhi got Notre Dame. Washington got Machu Picchu. Gandhi got the most unbelievably latest Pyramids ever. crazyeye

I swapped Silk to get Sugar from Bismarck. No change in happy, but the sugar triggered Weekley and Kim into WLTKD. Also refreshed Open Borders with him.

Harun declared war on Askia! jive

Right after I paid Venice to renew influence, Genghis attacked it. :mad: We lost the wine to pillaging right away. Venice is now halfway damaged and will probably fall to Genghis, but we can't do anything about it.

[Image: stockholm.jpg]

We contacted Stockholm. Somehow. crazyeye

Culture improved from +23 at the start of my turnset to +41 with the three monasteries. Very helpful. We're 10 turns away from finishing Liberty, and can pick up more Honor about 25 turns after that. Golden Age ended and we're -8 gold underwater. DO NOT PANIC about this, we'll be fine, we're 5 turns from the Taj GA.

Chemistry came in on schedule and we bulbed Fertilizer. I then discovered that catapults don't upgrade directly to cannons, they have to go through trebuchets first. I upgraded all three, for 100+140 gold each, WAY cheaper than buying cannons for the retail price of 640!

The build orders at Mickelson (musketman) and Kim (workshop) can certainly be vetoed, I didn't have any good ideas for them. The capital and Holmes are each building cannons. Furyk is training a worker, which it needs, being short of improved tiles and also we might want some combat roads. Holmes and Weekley are correctly micromanaged for Great Scientist timing, Holmes being due to spawn just before Weekley reaches 200 GPP, then Weekley will go on to 300.

Make sure you keep Metallurgy shift-clicked after Printing Press, so that overflow from the Research Agreement goes into Metallurgy.

On my last turn, we got the "forces amassing" warning from Askia. Our forces are, indeed, amassed.

[Image: amassing.jpg]

Three cannons and a crossbow in position for firing, protected in front by two samurai and a knight, plus a pike hanging around and one more knight on the way from the capital. I'm passing off on the last turn with all units unmoved, so that the next leader has full command of the situation, and just in case for some crazy reason we decide not to declare war.

Save at 1300 AD, turn 190.

I really don't think we should declare war just yet. The RAs finish in three turns, no reason not to wait just a bit for them.

Do we really need another worker? lol I assume we took an Engineer from HS?

Also, how long until the iron deal runs out? If it's soon, maybe we can renew it before attacking?

Quote:Make sure you keep Metallurgy shift-clicked after Printing Press, so that overflow from the Research Agreement goes into Metallurgy.

Thanks for this tip, T-hawk. I thought it was just a broken mechanic to lose any overflow. I was messing around with a game in SP and must have lost hundreds of beakers due to not having a second tech queued up.
Best dating advice on RB: When you can't hide your unit, go in fast and hard. -- Sullla

The overflow is (AFAIK) not lost. With selecting a next tech you can stear to where the overflow gets put.

See it, will look over save and hopefully play tonight. If not tonight, late tomorrow.

Well, there's always "just a couple more turns" reasons not to declare war. If we wait three turns for the RAs, then you may as well wait three more for the two cannons currently in production. Then we'll wait until the iron gets renewed, which would be on the last turn of Gaspar's turnset. Then we may as well wait a few turns to bulb Rifling and upgrade a rifleman or two.

At some point, you gotta stop frutzing around and ATTACK. Especially if we want to be worthy of mentioning anywhere near the Euro team that probably finished twenty turns before this already.

Yes, we needed another worker. Furyk is working bare plains, and we'll need road connections. There are two workers kind of stuck up at Beijing/Cink who can't get home because of America's city in the way, so we need more labor at home.

Research agreement overflow was changed around in one of the patches. I'm not sure exactly what the old behavior was, but the current is that the overflow goes into your next selected tech. If you don't have any selected, it's randomly or arbitrarily chosen.

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