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RB Civ 5 SG 4 - Ryder Cup American Team

Well it would be really stupid to lose the RAs right before completion because the AIs get pissed at our aggressive behavior. That's a lot more important than the rest of that list.

Seven turns should be plenty of time to take at least two cities from Askia, the potential loss of iron after that will be a lot less important.

I'm with T-hawk. I have the same issue in my Civ5 SP games actually, where I constantly delay attacking because of "one more thing" + the crazy AI.

Take a look around. Unsurprisingly, everything seems in good order.

Inherited turn: I decide to make Declaration of Friendship with Bismarck, since he's really the only AI that matters. Then I wardec Askia, attack some units, etc, etc - nobody wants to hear the nitty gritty of attacking AI.

T191: Bismarck comes to us asking to Denounce India. Uhh.. can we get back to you on that? Then HE denounces us. frown Move units forward.

T192: More sausage being made. Askia has a LOT of units. RA with Arabia comes in, bringing Printing Press in.

T193: Get another GG.

T194: India RA completes. Askia and Arabia sign peace. frown Holmes starts on Taj, due in 14. Gao falls, but there's definitely Songhai trouble brewing:

[Image: 5sg194a.jpg]

Fortunately that recently completed Cannon near Holmes can play target practice with the units Askia keeps embarking over there.

T195: Realize there's a GE in the capital waiting to rush Taj and I'm an idiot. Rush Taj in Boo.

T196: Taj done, start on a Knight. I've lost most of our boots on the ground so we really need to get some units out there.

Interturn - Askia offers me this:

[Image: 5sg197a.jpg]

I'm inclined to take it because its slow going right now because we only have 1 Samurai that can actually take cities. The downside is that we don't get Tombouctu (his new capital) in the deal. I'm going to pause here to see what the team's thoughts are.

Well I think we definitely take it if we can raze some of the cities given to us. We can do that, right?

Four cities for 10 measly turns of peace? From a strategic standpoint: holy crap yes. From a raping the AIs standpoint, that's not so thrilling. From a lets catch those Euros standpoint, holy crap yes. That's two out of three. smile

I do believe we can raze them, yes.

Quote:nobody wants to hear the nitty gritty of attacking AI.
I actually kind of do. :D

Ok, took the deal.

I set all the cities but Taghaza ablaze. We are currently at 47 unhappy.

T198: Metallurgy in, onto Banking.

T199: Really nothing to do but wait for everything to burn at this point.

T200: Great Scientist done in Boo. Apparently, being really unhappy causes Barbarian Knights to spawn???

Event Log:

[Image: 5sg200a.jpg]


[Image: 5sg200b.jpg]

Also, here's the Next Problem:

[Image: 5sg200c.jpg]

So basically T-hawk left me a great setup and I've left the next player a giant mess. Sorry bout that. We need to keep producing some units, so we can't whole hog but anyone not producing units should probably be building Theatres. We're going to recover a good bit once the cities are all burnt, but basically the next turnset is just waiting for those cities to finish burning. Unhappiness now down to -30.

[Image: 5sg200d.jpg]

T200 Save

Nice work. Forget Tomboucto, we don't need it for a conquest victory, and we can get by without iron now. Consider annexing Taghaza, that is some really strong land on the front lines for building units.

Any reason you didn't bulb Rifling? The Great Scientist costs maintenance so should do it ASAP. And start building rifles, we will use them for a decently long time.

Three Great Generals means we should spend one on a Golden Age, I'm thinking. Again, do that now to save his maintenance. Don't worry about the Golden Age bonus relative to the anger production penalty, the GA +20% is additive with the -50% so it gives the same hammers whether or not we're happy.

If that's Arabia ready to declare war, I'm not sure if Mickelson is worth trying to save. The city did its job, grabbing two luxury resources when we sorely needed them.

13 turns to Dynamite. We will perfectly synch research to Economics with the scientist from Holmes, bulbing Military Science and Dynamite together with the Liberty finisher scientist. Save money for cannon-artillery upgrades.

I don't think we can profitably make any attacks before we have a force of riflemen and artillery. America and Arabia are too big and we can't reach Mongolia.

Agree on annexing Taghaza - we could really use another build queue or two once we get into Always War mode anyway. I just decided to wait on the current unhappiness nightmare to be over.

I didn't bulb with the GS because I essentially did nothing this turn other than shoot at one of the Barb Knights with Furyk. Obviously bulb Rifling right away though. I thought about firing the extra GA but didn't think about the maintenance. That GG obviously serves no other purpose.

Also agree on Mickelson, though we really need more happy res.

Well uh I hope those knight rebels don't capture any workers.

  • Bulb Rifling
  • Cancel Razing of Taghaza
  • Don't die
  • Kill all the units

Right. Got it.
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