Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Gaspar and NobleHelium - More Arguments About Buildings & Food.

Cool DUDE (hope you don't look like a lady smile). Just post a screenshot of the settings...and I'll get right on it. smile

Edit: Shameless Aerosmith reference in case you were wondering.
Global lurker smile ; played in Civ VI PBEM 4, 5, 15; DL suboptimal Civ VI PBEM 17

I suppose I could pass for a large, bearded lady. YMMV. I live near Boston, so I definitely won't miss any Aerosmith references. Anyway, let's keep this train a-rollin... wink

NH, Lewwyn and I had a long chat about the start last night. Its long and not super entertaining but we do insult NobleHelium's womanly hands in there, so worth a read.

Spoilered for length:

Quote: Noble has joined
Lewwyn has joined
Lewwyn: hey
Gaspar: Just seems silly to be having 2 conversations about the same thing smile
NobleHelium: so if we move
Lewwyn: lol
NobleHelium: we can get whipped worker eot9
Gaspar: yeah
NobleHelium: move SE for example
is that same speed as straight build
Gaspar: i just noticed
this is kind of a shitty capital
Lewwyn: SE?
NobleHelium: yes it's shitty by rb standards
Lewwyn: yes
NobleHelium: yes SE gets us inner ring corn
Lewwyn: SIP is shitty
Gaspar: like ph sheep and corn isn't bad
NobleHelium: it's not abysmal
Gaspar: but fucking plains everywhere
yeah, SIP is pretty bad
NobleHelium: we still have five riverside grassland
Lewwyn: theres a few good river grass
NobleHelium: ok 4
Gaspar: but if we go say SE
NobleHelium: one is corn
Gaspar: and theres nothing there
NobleHelium: i think SE might be coast
Lewwyn: well
Gaspar: your cap has fuck all
Lewwyn: you could go 1 north
Gaspar: also no islands sucks
Lewwyn: and see 2 tiles north
Gaspar: i like the minigame for ICTR
Lewwyn: if theres something you can go PH
NobleHelium: there's lots of forest there
so chance of there being any resources
is quite low
Lewwyn: if theres not you could Settle on that grass
Gaspar: man that PH is so ballsy
NobleHelium: the ph isn't that ballsy
Gaspar: im a lot more of a gambler than NH
NobleHelium: if you don't mind delaying by 1 turn
because we can still move off
Gaspar: but i dont think I can take that risk
NobleHelium: and settle SIP one turn later
but yeah i don't think we can settle on the ph
Lewwyn: I like the PH
just putting it out there
Gaspar: if we werent exp china
NobleHelium: there's too much forest
Gaspar: i wouldn't even debate this
i fucking love playing china
just want to say that
NobleHelium: what does that mean
you wouldn't debate it because you'd just SIP
or what
Gaspar: correct
its not worth it
Lewwyn: if it wasn't china
Gaspar: im off tomorrow
so if the save comes in
Lewwyn: arg I'm at the restaurant again so I need to run home now, back in 10 minutes
Gaspar: call out NH
NobleHelium: what
call me out what
Lewwyn: BTW I vote for PH plant
but brb
Gaspar: call in sick to work so we can debate the settle for hours smile
NobleHelium: oh
i rarely get sick
anyways i do have memorial day off
i don't see how lewwyn gets a 3-day weekend though
in fucking china
Gaspar: that doesn't help me tomorrow
NobleHelium: chinese holidays are all on the first of the month
because the communists just invented them out of thin air
Gaspar: lol
NobleHelium: except for the two traditional lunar holidays (new year's and midautumn)
Lewwyn has left
NobleHelium: anyways
Gaspar: we need to settle on a naming scheme soon too btw
NobleHelium: if we were to gamble on the PH plant the max we'd lose is one turn
but i really don't see us gaining anything
that's why i asked whether the warrior was manually placed
it means they wanted to show us the corn
Gaspar: yeah
I agree
to discourage moving to the PH
since theres probably nothing there
NobleHelium: anyway i actually hate plains hill sheep
but it is 3f at least
Gaspar: yeah
NobleHelium: ok
straight worker build ends eot8
so even moving + slave
is 1t slower
Gaspar: yeah
1t with an extra warrior is a debatable proposition
Lewwyn has joined
Lewwyn: so what did you talk about while I walked
NobleHelium: i told him that
i don't see how you get a three-day weekend
because all chinese holidays except the two lunar ones are on the first of the month
Gaspar: the more important part of the conversation
was that we determined they put the warrior where they did
NobleHelium: hey i still want to know how he's getting a three-day weekend
Gaspar: to discourage us from going PH
since its probably terrible
Lewwyn: ah yeah I don't have a holiday
NobleHelium: i determined that ages ago i was just pointing it out to gaspar :P
Gaspar: i couldn't care less, my job sucks and I work all weekend
Lewwyn: I havea 3 day weekend every week
Gaspar: i was at work, douchebag
NobleHelium: oh i see
Lewwyn: since I don't have work on friday
Gaspar: afk slitting wrists because everyones life is better than mine
Lewwyn: frown
but yeah
I think the warrior was placed
on purpose
NobleHelium: lewwyn did you know chinese schooling was 5.5 days until about 18 years ago
Lewwyn: I think its 6 in France
NobleHelium: i can't believe that
the french are trying to turn the weekend into 3 days
i don't see how they can have 6 days of school
Lewwyn: well in the past at least
they did like 2 hour lunch breaks
or 2-4 hour lunch breaks even
NobleHelium: my psychology professor made a joke once
about how the french are trying to have a 32-hour week
but the chinese are trying to have a 32-hour day
Lewwyn: lol
NobleHelium: er not psychjology
Lewwyn: so the thing is the PH could be a trap or it could be a reward gamble
NobleHelium: i never took psych
well like i said
if we move to the ph
and see nothing
we lose 1t
Lewwyn: so you are advocating go for it
NobleHelium: no
Lewwyn: we can always go back if we need to?
NobleHelium: i find it very hard to believe that plako and novice
Lewwyn: oh 1 turn is too inefficent
right I forgot
NobleHelium: no it's not that
would want people to gamble on the start like that
too swingy
Lewwyn: yeah but then
NobleHelium: the main thing is
according to that screenshot
Lewwyn: doesn't it make sense that they'd make it less swing by placing a food up there
NobleHelium: there is forest
all around
Lewwyn: in case we went for the PH
NobleHelium: look at the fog
Lewwyn: deer?
NobleHelium: there is forest all around that tile
Lewwyn: deer would be awesome
NobleHelium: is plains deer a normal generated tile
Gaspar: I think deer only shows up in tundra normally
Lewwyn: mnnn
thats not truw
it can spawn on plains or grass as long as its north or south enough
Gaspar: i dont play enough normal games to tell honestly
anymore at least
Lewwyn: tndra just happens to cover most of the north and south ususally
well are we saying we have 2 choices then?
either PH or SE
NobleHelium: no
SIP is definitely a choice
if we go SE
and i doubt w ewill
it would only be for a warrior into worker whip build
which ends up being 1t slower than a straight SIP build
Lewwyn: could find a PH SE somewhere
NobleHelium: if we go 1E
Gaspar: SE looks more viable than the PH
NobleHelium: we might be able
to do same speed worker
Gaspar: there could definitely be something in the fog down there, even if its coast
NobleHelium: with the whip
wait no we cant
because not enough tech tor esearch bw sooner
that's true
there could be seafood
Lewwyn: meh
Gaspar: though natually generated maps
tend to have a lot of coast without seafood
NobleHelium: say we moved SE
and there is no seafood
would you have preferred SIP
Lewwyn: do we know theres even coast
NobleHelium: no we don't
i'm just guessing there might be based upon the fog in the corner
where the river is
Gaspar: there is a ton of forest
NobleHelium: yes that is the undisputable fact of this start :P
Gaspar: we could chop ourselves off to a really fast start
Lewwyn: chop workers
Gaspar: or bag like 2 wonders
mackoti would tell us to save them for wonders
NobleHelium: well
Gaspar: instinctively i think workers and then whip settlers
NobleHelium: we could go say 2worker-settler
Gaspar: thats what i did in 24 iirc
NobleHelium: you should check
so lewwyn you haven't commented
would you want to delay the worker by 1t
in order to get a warrior right after
you're prob going to say no
Lewwyn: mnnnn
thats valuable
I'll say yes
NobleHelium: sorry
i'm wrong
SIP + straight worker
is eot7
so 2t sooner
what do you say to that
2t later worker
Gaspar: Totals @T20: 1 Settler, 2 Warriors, 2 workers, 1 worker @29/40, Capital @ size 2 w/13/16 in food box
Lewwyn: hmmm
Gaspar: thats from 24
NobleHelium: the other thing we gain is the corn is closer to the cap
so we could start farming it immediately
Gaspar: 24 obviously had a much better cap
NobleHelium: i was looking for your build order
not what you had built
chopping second worker looks annoying
Lewwyn has left
NobleHelium: because bw isn't in until the turn after the worker gets to the firest
unless we do the whip
Gaspar: yeah
Lewwyn has joined
Gaspar: worker, worker, interweaving warrior with settler was build order
Lewwyn: k
thats with sip and straight build
Gaspar: thats from 24
NobleHelium: no that was 24
Lewwyn: ok
NobleHelium: did you chop the second worker
or what
Gaspar: yeah
problem here
is going worker-worker
Lewwyn: the corn is 2 tiles away
Gaspar: is really only valuable
if we intend to go crazy chopping worker/settlers
because theres not that many good tiles
and we obviously want cottages not farms at the capital no matter what economy we run
this cap reminds me of 14
Lewwyn: boo
Gaspar: i hated that cap
it was okay
but definitely nothing special
that had rice instead of corn
NobleHelium: we are too spoiled
i'm fine with this cap
Gaspar: wines instead of silk
Lewwyn: and you were stuck with it
NobleHelium: although i hate ph sheep
Gaspar: and the sheep were flatland
Lewwyn: forever
because you didn't build settlers
NobleHelium: /facepalm
Gaspar: yeah how do you feel that i played the worst open ever
and still beat you?
Lewwyn: lol
Gaspar: lol
hey diplo is a gameskill too
which is why im glad its fucking off these days
Lewwyn: yeah
NobleHelium: it's a skill of the game
known as civ4 with diplo
Lewwyn: I've gotten better at it
diplo that is
NobleHelium: which is different from the game we are trying to play sir
Lewwyn: marginally
Gaspar: i have no interest in real diplo
i have no interest in AI diplo for that matter
but i dont mind not AW
NobleHelium: its ok
Gaspar: i just hope we have neither dave nor commodore as a neighbor
NobleHelium: we're not on the sending morse code stage of ai diplo yet
Gaspar: bleh
i really dont want to SIP
but its pretty clearly the best move
Lewwyn: nuuuuu
NobleHelium: well
moving SE
loses only 1t on the worker really
because we farm the corn sooner
but i think i prefer to keep the sheep
Gaspar: yeah but while corn first ring is good
we lose the sheep for probably nothing
and while its not a great tile
its something
Lewwyn: I say boo sip
Gaspar: lol
Lewwyn: I'd prefer PH>SE>sip
Gaspar: whats irritating
NobleHelium: lewwyn would prefer PH and have no food except ph sheep i bet :P
Gaspar: is theres no way to get any decent info from the war to inform this decision
Lewwyn: exactly
thats the point XD
NobleHelium: that's why
i'm pretty sure
SIP is the best we're going to get
Lewwyn: its okay
Its not a trap!
Gaspar: this is actually your fault noble
i don't know why you like plako maps so much
this is my 3rd time
3 shitty capitals
26 is the worst of all time, of course
Lewwyn: lol
settle on the FP!
Gaspar: that cap was so bad i basically stopped playing that game
NobleHelium: lol
check my post in tech thread
Lewwyn: terrrible
17's capital was fine
seven wasn't going to make a map for us
Gaspar: thats a great idea
an even better idea
NobleHelium: and krill is definitely not going to make a map for us
well krill is in full tantrum mode
NobleHelium: anyway next time we can play with some other mapmaker
but commodore isn't any better
Lewwyn: lol at Krill
Gaspar: wasn't saying he was
but im sick of plako's shitty capitals is all
actually just occurred to me
since we know how novices tool values
we're probably completely fucked on resources
since all these forests cost points
NobleHelium: the resource unbalance
was explicitly pointed out
i have more faith in novice than that
Gaspar: i dont
Lewwyn: lol
NobleHelium: why did you agree to this thing then
Gaspar: novice is brilliant
but i dont know if hes fair smile
Lewwyn: brilliance can be blinding
NobleHelium: anyway i'm not worried about that
Lewwyn: theres always shadows you can't see
NobleHelium: and there's no point in worrying about it
Gaspar: i just hate this start
whine whine whine
NobleHelium: it's fine
we're not going to build 3 mines
with 2 workers
Gaspar: its not fine
Lewwyn: you're gonna sip aren't you
NobleHelium: and not research agriculture
Gaspar: we actually
are going to not research agriculture
NobleHelium: we researched agriculture before guanyin and the buddha created the world
question is
is novice buddha
or is plako buddha
Gaspar: only the buddha knows
Lewwyn: so anyway
you guys are voting sip
Gaspar: i dont think we've made up our mind
NobleHelium: i am voting we stare at the fog and move the warrior before we decide anything
Gaspar: but yes my inclination is sip
NobleHelium: but yeah
Gaspar: but i agree
stare, move warrior
then i whine for a while
then i whine some more
then i bitch
NobleHelium: then we SIP
Gaspar: then we sip
Lewwyn: sigh
NobleHelium: btw make sure to post this entire thing including the part where you guys call novice an arrogant bastard
Gaspar: did I call novice an arrogant bastard?
i don't recall saying that
Lewwyn: we said he was brilliant
NobleHelium: YOU SORTA DID
Gaspar: i like novice
Lewwyn: me too
NobleHelium: also
we can do ellimist's GOTO thing
to check for coast
NobleHelium: where you use the elevation of the goto numbers
Gaspar: i like how you capitalized goto
NobleHelium: to check for elevation
Gaspar: as though you're writing code
NobleHelium: i've never written basic fear not
Lewwyn: gaspar, he has to capitalize goto
its an order
Gaspar: lol
20 GOTO 10
Gaspar: well
I have really high dex so i dodged you tongue
and you do no damage anyway
Lewwyn: lol
tell him he has weak womanly hands
NobleHelium: my hands are quite small
but very nimble
Gaspar: lmao
NobleHelium: well it's true
Gaspar: i have big hands
not nimble
NobleHelium: that's why
Gaspar: good for choking a bitch
NobleHelium: your dex is actually VERY LOW
Lewwyn: :D
Gaspar: pfft
Lewwyn: you mean his hand dex is
not his body dex
Gaspar: shoulda rolled barb
NobleHelium: diablo 4
will be played with hand gestures
Lewwyn: lol
Gaspar: i make a mean shadow puppet
Lewwyn: shadow puppets?
NobleHelium: i was thinking more like black & white spell gestures but okay
Gaspar: i'd rather settle somewhere in act 2 than this shitty start
Lewwyn: black & white was a cool idea
NobleHelium: yeah cool idea
Lewwyn: but I never thought it was excuted well enough
NobleHelium: execution was rather lacking
Gaspar: never played black & white
<-- pc game deficient boy
NobleHelium: well you cast spells
by moving your mouse in certain shapes
Gaspar: that is retarded
NobleHelium: this was way before the iphone
Lewwyn: they had that thing where your pet would learn to do stuff based on what music was playing
Gaspar: thats even more retarded
Lewwyn: but I think it was broken
my pet just ate my villagers
Gaspar: you know whats even worse
Lewwyn: which was cool
NobleHelium: what was broken was that bug where your pet swapped alignment on the last level :P
Lewwyn: lol
NobleHelium: but yes
Gaspar: also broken, PH sheep being your 2nd best tile
NobleHelium: you also trained your pet
like you train a dog
so if he does something you don't want him to do
you punish him
act 2 is terribad though
that's like your 26 cap without the floodplains
NobleHelium: because i know everyone else has a similar start
Lewwyn: technically my name isn't on the thread
Gaspar: pfft
Lewwyn: wink
NobleHelium: did i just say that
Gaspar: Dave probably has like 3x grass pigs
NobleHelium: it's true that our combo makes equally bad starts probably worse for us
but you picked the combo
so i do not feel guilty for that :P
Gaspar: well
Lewwyn: lul
Gaspar: what would you have rather chosen
Gaspar: well
my idea filled up in like 6 hours
so you can blow me
NobleHelium: well what you do is
you post the idea
and then you go SURPRISE we're actually doing a snake pick
Lewwyn: lol
Gaspar: im sure nobody would have caught on
Lewwyn: No one expectes the snake pick inquisition
Gaspar: lol im going to crack open the t0 save from pbem24
and look wistfully at it
NobleHelium: then you will hexedit the 38 save
and change the tiles
and transplant the start from 24
clearly we should have asked bob to make the map
Gaspar: lol
mmm ph plant
Lewwyn: lol
ph plant! yes
lets do it
Gaspar: mm wet corn in 1st ring
mmm oasis
mmm floodplains
forested hill deer how i long for thee
forested hill deer is apparently a conversation killer
Lewwyn: mnnnn
can't do mych more till the save comes
Gaspar: uh
sure we can
Lewwyn: lol
NobleHelium: i sent you the really prelim sandbox lewwyn
Lewwyn: cool
plako's online
we could whine to him in person
NobleHelium: what's his email
Lewwyn: plako.plako
NobleHelium: i guess plain plako was taken
Gaspar: lol
Lewwyn: I gotta go work on some stuff, go to my work email
NobleHelium: what
you have lewwyn's work email and i don't?!
Gaspar: uh
yeah, i knew him before he had an rb email
from WW2
also he likes me better than you because you're a douche
Lewwyn has left
NobleHelium: frown
NobleHelium: you whipped the first settler in 24?
Gaspar: maybe?
i was noticing i didn't report well right from the get go
are you going to post this log?
NobleHelium: i thought you were going to
Gaspar: well i was
but then i thought you might
so i decided id ask
NobleHelium: i need to sleep soon
Gaspar: im going to bed in like 5 minutes
but the chat log will still be there tomorrow
Gaspar: i can post it
i wasnt saying i wasnt going to
NobleHelium: lol
ellimist kept asking me whether i formatted our cahts in 21
Gaspar: this isnt super funny
NobleHelium: so he could just get them from me
and i told him i never posted them because i hat ediplo for one
Gaspar: lol
NobleHelium: i don't think he did search and replace
Gaspar: yeah
NobleHelium: to do the formatting
Gaspar: with Ctrl-H it takes like 30 seconds to format a chat log
NobleHelium: if you are super cool
you use a regex editor
so that you can match the timestamps
and format those too
Gaspar: i use notepad tongue

Quote:Gaspar: but i agree
stare, move warrior
then i whine for a while
then i whine some more
then i bitch
NobleHelium: then we SIP
Gaspar: then we sip
Lewwyn: sigh

I fought the good fight, and lost. alright
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Save's in. I don't particularly like any of our combined name monikers, so first thing I did was change our name to Inquisitors Gaspar Noble, similar to our name from 29. Interesting naming scheme still pending.

Here's the settings SS:

[Image: settings.jpg]

Stuff we now know that we didn't before:

Mistkebab did not settle on T0.
This was apparently the 3rd version of the map.
High Sea Level implies lots of water. No islands implies lots of useless water.

Here's the results of tile bleed analysis:

[Image: t0a.jpg]

If its not obvious, P = Plains; GL = Grassland; H = Hill; F = Forest. Combinations of those monickers such as GLH = Grassland Hill.

Anyway, most interesting things from this analysis are that we have another PH plant option 2S of the settler and that the Circled tile almost certainly has a hidden resource of some sort as it is covered on all sides by forest. I'll leave this out there, but I thought about this a bit this morning. If I was playing this game SP, I'd move the settler NW and try it and move back and SIP the next turn if there's no food up there. So more and more I think I like that option - there's no reason to play so super cautious. I do think we're in either the north or south of the map based on the pine trees so if we move north there's probably either more plains there which opens wheat or tundra, which opens deer. I'm not 1000% convinced, but its where I'm leaning. I'll wait until others, including my teammate, weigh in to move the warrior or anything else.

I should note that my last post was optimistic. Judging by the rest of this land, plains probably opens cows and tundra opens more tundra. tongue

Funny how you can't upload Civ4 saves. Zip only saves 4KB. lol
Global lurker smile ; played in Civ VI PBEM 4, 5, 15; DL suboptimal Civ VI PBEM 17

Thanks, CFCJF. bow

I'm kind of in a warmdown period right now but we moved the warrior NW revealing not much and NH is pretty adamant about not moving to the PH so unless the spirit moves me strongly, we'll be SIP shortly.

Not sure it would be worth it but...
[Image: t32oracle.jpg]
Almost built Stonehenge before switching to Oracle (4 turns from completion) so could have gotten out a settler or more warriors.
Global lurker smile ; played in Civ VI PBEM 4, 5, 15; DL suboptimal Civ VI PBEM 17

I must say, my initial 8 reactions to that screenshot were "HOLY CRAP THERE'S GOLD LETS PLANT 1S HOW DID I MISS THAT!!!!"

Then after about 2 minutes I realized there was no way you could know that and it was just an artifact of whatever map you rolled to turn into a sandbox. lol

The takeaway is there's definitely production potential in the capital. We very rarely see Oracles fall that early these days, so even if we go that route I feel pretty comfortable we can get out to a couple cities pretty quickly first.

I've already procrastinated past Yuri save playing time now, so probably just wait for Nob to get home and take it from there at this point.

That's the first time I've been called Nob here... lol

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