yuris's second tech took 5 turns. 11 beakers x 1.4 = 15 beakers a turn. 5x15 = 75b, and Pottery is 76b. So he teched Pottery as predicted.
Mistabod's second tech took 3 turns. It was probably a 2k power tech. Hunting is 38b, and they had 10b overflow from Agriculture, so that's 3 turns.
Turn after that we see 21 GNP again, which should be Mistabod researching Animal Husbandry with two prereqs. yuris is probably researching Mining which is no prereq. Since we know Commodore switched techs, it's possible that davy wasn't researching a prereq tech and Commodore switched to one. However davy has been researching his second tech for a long time now so I think it's BW. Commodore's first tech did coincide with a 2k power increase, so it could have been AH but also could have been a warrior completing. He grew this turn so it could definitely have been it. Power went up 3k this turn, so that could be from yuris teching Mining (still assuming 11b/turn, he'd have 5b overflow out of Pottery with 4t of research for 44b + 5b = 49b > 47b). I'm going to say Commodore was researching Mining, then decided to swap to Agriculture. No real idea what Commodore is researching now.
Not sure what's up with the top GNP dropping to 20, feels like Mistabod swapped off their riverside 3f tile to a nonriverside tile...which means they either wanted hammers or improved a nonriverside 3f tile which is only possible with plains cow or plains hill sheep, but they don't have AH yet. Top MFG did go up to 4 on that turn, so I'm going to put that down as needing hammers for whatever reason. Maybe they wanted to go double worker start but put in a turn on a warrior first.
Summary: I'm fairly sure that yuris has teched Fishing, Pottery, Mining. Mistabod has probably teched Agriculture and Hunting and is probably researching Animal Husbandry. davy is probably researching Bronze Working, and I hate Commodore. Probably not doing this for much longer, but I do think early tech C&D is good for figuring out when someone is pursuing a religion.
Mistabod's second tech took 3 turns. It was probably a 2k power tech. Hunting is 38b, and they had 10b overflow from Agriculture, so that's 3 turns.
Turn after that we see 21 GNP again, which should be Mistabod researching Animal Husbandry with two prereqs. yuris is probably researching Mining which is no prereq. Since we know Commodore switched techs, it's possible that davy wasn't researching a prereq tech and Commodore switched to one. However davy has been researching his second tech for a long time now so I think it's BW. Commodore's first tech did coincide with a 2k power increase, so it could have been AH but also could have been a warrior completing. He grew this turn so it could definitely have been it. Power went up 3k this turn, so that could be from yuris teching Mining (still assuming 11b/turn, he'd have 5b overflow out of Pottery with 4t of research for 44b + 5b = 49b > 47b). I'm going to say Commodore was researching Mining, then decided to swap to Agriculture. No real idea what Commodore is researching now.
Not sure what's up with the top GNP dropping to 20, feels like Mistabod swapped off their riverside 3f tile to a nonriverside tile...which means they either wanted hammers or improved a nonriverside 3f tile which is only possible with plains cow or plains hill sheep, but they don't have AH yet. Top MFG did go up to 4 on that turn, so I'm going to put that down as needing hammers for whatever reason. Maybe they wanted to go double worker start but put in a turn on a warrior first.
Summary: I'm fairly sure that yuris has teched Fishing, Pottery, Mining. Mistabod has probably teched Agriculture and Hunting and is probably researching Animal Husbandry. davy is probably researching Bronze Working, and I hate Commodore. Probably not doing this for much longer, but I do think early tech C&D is good for figuring out when someone is pursuing a religion.
Civilization IV: 21 (Bismarck of Mali), 29 (Mao Zedong of Babylon), 38 (Isabella of China), 45 (Victoria of Sumeria), PB12 (Darius of Sumeria), 56 (Hammurabi of Sumeria), PB16 (Bismarck of Mali), 78 (Augustus of Byzantium), PB56 (Willem of China)
Hearthstone: ArenaDrafts Profile No longer playing Hearthstone.
Hearthstone: ArenaDrafts Profile No longer playing Hearthstone.