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[SPOILERS] BaxAmeliKnight's thread

I can log in pretty almost anytime I'm awake, so that isn't usually a problem for me (although I would prefer 1-2 then 10pm). Major thing to note is that none of us are in the US, that alone will probably mean we don't have to be too specific about when we play compared to the other teams.

Btw, i'm playing Kurios, WK is playing Amurites, and Nabaxo is playing Malakim, right?

Yup, that's right.

This is taking forever. Me and WarriorKnight have discussed all the strategies we can talk about before the game starts...

I'm half asleep at this point, and the map isn't even out...

So, while I've got nothing better to do while waiting for the game to start, may as well share some pregame thoughts on every team:

Analysis of every team:

[SIZE="3"]Team 1 - Thoth, Mardoc and Ellimist:[/SIZE]

Jonas of Clan
Decius of Calabim
Einion of Elohim

Some scary players here. Thoth is well known as one of the best FFHer's on this site, and both Mardoc and Ellimist are decent players as well.

Civs are pretty scary. Clan is always good with EXP warrens, wolf riders and ogres. Calabim have Vampires for scary late game potential, although they have been nerfed a lot. Elohim is kinda a oddball pick to me, the only good things they have are Sanctuary, Corlindale and Tolerant.

Anyways, Clan/Calabim are both scary civs late in the game, but both are somewhat nerfed at teching early on. Elohim could carry the team there, but the Elohim aren't anything special teching (why they didn't picks elves or Lanun is beyond me). This IMO seems to be this team's weakness. If they surprise us and manage to get teching up the tree, then they'll be a force to be reckoned with.

[SIZE="3"]Team 2 - Hart, FantasticSid and TheBold:[/SIZE]

Kandros of Khazad
Tasunke of Hippus
Sandalphon of Sidar

Don't really know any of these guys, however considering their civ picks they certainly know what they're doing.

This set of picks is IMO the strongest. Sandalphon can tech (with Diety barbs helping out shading) and have nasty tricks with soul divide to all their recon units (and nether blade is nasty too), Kandros is a secondary techer with a late game production edge and nasty late game units and Tasunke has blasted Raider Cavalry that are almost impossible to defend against.

Weaknesses? Erm, not many. They want to go down many different paths on the tech tree, but that isn't as much of a problem in EitB due to all the price cuts. About the only one I can think of is they don't have much in the way of magic, but Khazad still have Dwarven Druids and the mobility of Hippus mounted and Sidar recon is probably enough to negate that. Not looking forward to fighting this team at all.

[SIZE="3"]Team 3 - Kyan, plako and DaveV:[/SIZE]

Beeri of Luchuirp
Keelyn of Balseraphs
Auric of Illians

All of these players are decent. Kyan knows his way around FFH (good thing he can't do much diplo), plako is a BtS Vet still learning FfH and DaveV knows FFH mechanics very well.

They surprised us by taking Luchuirp as the first pick of the game. IND Mud Golems are probably the EXP Fast Worker of EitB, costing effectively 40 hammers and have 150% workrate. Barnaxus and Wood Golems are cheaper too, and still have the lategame threat of Fireballing Golems and Dwarven Druids. Keelyn is always a strong pick, except nerfed slightly by Gibbon not being a effective puppet summoner anymore and Wall of Bone being less effective (if they need that for some reason). Auric without Statis still has Priests to use, and ARC/CHM and Ice mana makes him a good arcane civ.

Nonetheless, this lineup is probably the easiest to deal with assuming we get past the PoW's. Early game, this team wants to go in several different directions (Keelyn Festivals, Luchuirp Construction, Auric Philosophy) which may cause some early distractions. OO is a very good religion for Luchuirp and Balseraphs (while Auric is AGN), but we're the best team to deny Hemah to Keelyn. Also, they get hit by Arcane Lacuna the hardest, as out of all of our rivals they focus on magic the most.

And finally:

[SIZE="3"]Team 4 - AmelibaxKnight[/SIZE]

Cardith of Kuriotates
Varn of Malakim
Valledia of Amurites

I won't go into player analysis but I doubt we're the scariest group of players in the game. I do plan on giving 110% to this game though, so bonus if our rivals underestimate us.

Cardith is a sweet pick, all the advantages super cities give with only half of their disadvantages (teammates can settle land, but without Guild of the Nine they are still limited to 5 units per turn). plus Centaur units. Malakim is nice too, Adaptive, Lightbringers, Sand Lions, Nomad, Religious Fervor. Amurites are alright, Arcane Lacuna is boss, Firebows are a lot easier to get to and Govannon has all kinds of tricks, although definately late game.

Aside from centaurs, we probably are the most vulnerable to rushing out of all the teams, depending on how close and who our neighbours are. Malakim and especially Amurites need a lot to get up and running, fortunately Kurio tech speed can help out. Hence our early game strategy IMO is:

1) Don't get crippled or die
2) Get solid defenses up
3) Get to late game ASAP

What are solid defenses? Well if we want a early defense the best 3 things I can think of are HBR for Centaurs (Centaurs can also sprint over to defend other civs, must get these), FoL for fawns and possibly Order for easy Crusaders (or maybe OO for Drowns, quick warrior upgrades available in an emergency). Everything else IMO, aside from standard warrior spam, is too expensive early on (although I probably have missed something). If we aren't under immediate threat, Religion/Priesthood for Malakim and either Sorcery and/or Bowyers for Amurites are better options.

That's enough for one post. May write up another one on strategy/religion for us if I get the need to write another one of these this week. wink Comments/thoughts from teammates?

Quick warrior upgrades to Drowns won't help a lot without Bronze, to be honest. Strength 4 drowns against Strength 4 Fawns / Centaurs? I know which ones i want.

Crusaders on the other hand look solid.

Amelia Wrote:Quick warrior upgrades to Drowns won't help a lot without Bronze, to be honest. Strength 4 drowns against Strength 4 Fawns / Centaurs? I know which ones i want.

Crusaders on the other hand look solid.

Yeah, Drowns probably aren't great. Even if we do have Bronze, 4str warriors at 25h each are a lot better then 5str drowns at 90h. Was thinking more of upgrading warriors. but that's a lot of gold and probably not worthwhile early.

Don't really need to go into Centaurs, they're clearly worth going for and awesome.

Fawns are pretty cool too in EitB, they are essentially hunters with no building pre-req. And with a huge Diety map, we can also use them to capture animals too (heck, they can upgrade to Satyr's at Hidden Paths which rock).

Hmm, FoL looks more and more solid in my eyes actually. We might need to outline a religious strategy more in depth.

If you're going down the arcane line, you'll definitely want at least one member of the team to go OO. Archmage heroes are fantastic.

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