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Gaspar and NobleHelium - More Arguments About Buildings & Food.

Royal Crypts new location much better...will make a good production city.
Global lurker smile ; played in Civ VI PBEM 4, 5, 15; DL suboptimal Civ VI PBEM 17

CFCJesterFool Wrote:Royal Crypts new location much better...will make a good production city.

About that...

[Image: t38a.jpg]

So seafood puts the kibosh to the one-off-the-coast plan. We've worked it out and should be able to get mids done in a reasonable time with the new setup. Unfortunately, only 4 cities before the wonder so we'll definitely be behind the expansion curve by then, but this map is a bit of a bastard so it goes.

There's really little else to see. Commodore founded his 3rd city this turn, so maybe he hasn't been working on Stonehenge like I've guessed. Can't believe with no Cre civs it hasn't fallen yet.

[Image: t38b.jpg]

Still top score, bitches.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

novice Wrote:Looks like you're switching to a worker, double-whipping, and overflowing to a monument? That's not so bad. The unhappy citizen is worth two foodhammers when building a worker, and you obviously need to be size 4 to double whip. Although it might've been better to start the worker at size three, then grow to unhappy on the monument and immediately whip the worker.

Yeah, I've begun doing that as well, again to save maintenance. Emperor difficulty is expensive. $1 is valuable bang

Though unlike Nobes, I won't always sink turns into low priority improvements if my worker is more valuable 4+ tiles away. In fact, if a worker is going to be moving a long distance without doing anything useful on the way, I'm happiest if he ends his turn on rough terrain. Some kind of psychological quirk.

The extra cottage turn didn't cost us anything. We have used several worker turns on pure movement this game. wink

Did you setled gold city?I cant see it anywere..

Nah it's not remotely settled. We'll settle it later since we want the Stone first.

Played turn 39.

We teched Fishing. Royal Crypts preparation continues.

[Image: overview39.jpg]

Still no Stonehenge, or contact with a new civilization. Commodore's MFG is really high (maybe his capital has three plains cows wink).

[Image: demos39.jpg]

I think Cathedral will do RC's work boat, but I'm not 100% sure of that yet. Also not sure if we're whipping it or not. Oh and Commodore is still pumping EP into us, we're approaching twice the minimum demographics number now.

Played turn 40.

About the same as last turn really. No Stonehenge, no contact, you know the drill.

[Image: overview40.jpg]

I named our fourth worker Vortex. Although I have much better gear now and it doesn't hurt me too much anymore. wink I did further simulating and we definitely want to whip the work boat in Cathedral next turn.

[Image: demos40.jpg]

We're researching Writing with two prerequisites.

Commodore had Fishing before we teched it. And I should have moved the Warrior out of the capital by now, since we need more numbers near Cathedral and Tristram doesn't need the MP. Let's do that next turn and then replace it with the newly finishing Warrior.

Couple turns were played. Noble and I have grown relatively sick of one another for different reasons (my incompetence, his piss-poor attitude) so I can't specifically tell you exactly what we ended up doing because I'm not trusted to play the turns presently. Regardless, since he hasn't changed the password on the saves yet I can tell you what we've been up to since we last spoke. City #4 was planted on T41 where Noble deftly lined up 2 chops to complete the necessary monument on founding. Say hello to Royal Crypts:

[Image: t42a.jpg]

Work Boat en route for the clams from Cathedral - they'll be netted T44 so we're stuck working the forest for a couple more turns. Had I played the turn I probably would have worked the clams since that would have finished Writing this turn which with the current tile allocation will be 2 beakers short but I'm sure we need the Granary done by a certain point or a whip doesn't come off right or something. Couldn't say.

[Image: t42b.jpg]

In the north, we're getting ready for borders to pop and bring the Ivory into cultural control which will raise happy caps and give a better production tile for Old Ruins to work.

[Image: t42c.jpg]

In world news, no news. Still no new contacts, still no wonders have fallen, still no additional religions founded. What are these guys doing? Anyway, here's something relatively akin to our demos.

[Image: t42d.jpg]

Looking pretty good - nice work Nobes.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

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