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Gaspar and NobleHelium - More Arguments About Buildings & Food.

Settling on the wine is better. I would make it a production city, maybe even HE site (8 hills + levee if the game gets that far). After CS, with enough workers, also allows you to spread irrigation faster (out 2 directions from center tile). You lose a few commerce but make up for it with better long term viability imo. The center tile does gain a hammer and keeps 2 commerce and allows instant hookup of the wine once Monarchy researched, saving worker turns. Anyway, just my opinion. smile
Global lurker smile ; played in Civ VI PBEM 4, 5, 15; DL suboptimal Civ VI PBEM 17

We met Ichabod as predicted. Here's the skinny there:

[Image: t59b.jpg]

He's even with us on city count and you can see about to nab marble. Not looking good with regards to the big marble wonders since we won't be able to get it ourselves.

Other than that, pretty quiet turn. Finished our first pair of libraries which brings Currency down to being due EOT62. I think we can shave another turn off with scientists plus the library finishing in the capital next turn, but we'll see.

[Image: t59c.jpg]

Demos, meh. We did get Dave's graphs so since I'm awesome like that, I'll show you pictures. He's in as bad a shape as we suspected pre-Mids. Will be interesting to see if he can manage to dig himself out with Representation.

[Image: t59d.jpg]

[Image: t59e.jpg]
[Image: t59f.jpg]
[Image: t59g.jpg]
[Image: t59h.jpg]
[Image: t59i.jpg]
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

Lot of back and forth in the Mistkebab thread this afternoon.

Guess: HG build inc.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

No idea what to tell you really. We've been treated for our congenital defect and are working a pair of scientists in Old Ruins at the first opportunity.

[Image: t60c.jpg]

Currency is due in 2t. We've built 6 monuments. Commodore has another spear in Kiki. Torg on the other hand is still empty.

[Image: t60d.jpg]

Here are demos.

[Image: t60e.jpg]

Since we haven't done much, snippet of chat:
Quote:Gaspar: the only other thing I could see building in OR
is aqueduct if we want a HG try
but i sort of think thats coming from Ichabod soon
NobleHelium: well the main thing i want HG for is the GE points
i don't really think the pop helps us much atm
Gaspar: agree
need HR
very limited happy on this map
NobleHelium: it's not that bad
Gaspar: no surplus stuff to trade
NobleHelium: we are probably in best happy position
Gaspar: thats really my issue
usually in a random map
you have clusters
NobleHelium: given cheap temples and everything
Gaspar: so you can trade a couple of something
we'll be fine, certainly
but right now, limited
NobleHelium: not to mention
that commodore will force us to pile 5 units into border cities anyway
Gaspar: lol
i think thats going to be the state of life for everyone really
NobleHelium: is torg still empty
Gaspar: when you have several touching borders on T60
NobleHelium: what we need
is to buy some galleys from pindicator
Gaspar: lol
so true
given his quiet dedlurkerness, i think he owes us a good price :P
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

Mardoc Wrote:...but, but, if I hadn't global lurked, I wouldn't know that everyone's naming schemes were nerdy until you actually met them all...

I don't think yuris's "historical Ottoman Empire cities" naming scheme is nerdy. wink

Yuri rolled up on our border with this. The worker was originally 7 of Yuri's current position:

[Image: t61a.jpg]

So we had to divert hammers to allow a spear whip if necessary in OR. No big, but annoying.

[Image: t61b.jpg]

Found Dave's borders down in the fog in the south. Looks like he's getting skunked for marble as well. I think Yuri and Dave are really going to suffer for letting chasing wonders hamper their expansion on a map this cramped. Our mids run didn't cost us in terms of settling, we had settlers ready to go as soon as math was done. Ichabod is tied on top cities with us. I think Dave and Yuri are both squeezed a bit. Need to find a way to suck up to Yuri before he lashes out, I think.

Not a lot else to say. If I have some time maybe I'll do a little tour around the empire but I don't think its all that interesting yet.

[Image: t61c.jpg]
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

T62 started out as a pretty bad turn, probably both on account of Yuri.

[Image: t62a.jpg]

You'll recall we had planned on planting a city W-NW of there. Current tentative new plan is to plant SW of the plains cow. But we'll know more in a few turns.

This also happened:

[Image: t62b.jpg]

We had hoped to nab Confucianism after Currency. That's now off the table. Current plan is now to grab Poly > Mono as Judaism is still in play. If that fails, we'll push on to Theocracy for Christianity and if that fails I'll just stop sending the save on. wink Obviously you don't want to go too long without a religion when you're Spiritual.

My esteemed partner played the majority of this turn whilst I was working and proposed construction of the NobleCanal®; which will allow us to get boats into that lake where Cathedral, Royal Crypts and [strike]Halls of Agony[/strike] Kiki reside. Not a project for the near term but he's a man with a plan for a canal. wink

[Image: t62c.jpg]

Commodore also settled a new city this turn. Anyway, the best news of the turn was Currency finally finishing. It had its usual predictable positive impact on our GNP. Of course, unthinkingly I queued Polytheism as a tech to see what our new GNP would look like with a tech selected. This was foolish because now Commodore will see our GNP and flip out for no good reason. In fairness, its pretty flip out worthy considering.

[Image: t62d.jpg]

Here's hoping we can keep the momentum going.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

I have been incognito lately. But you don't want the galleys, it's what they're loaded with that you need wink

Can we get a large overview screenshot of the lands? If I remember right you're just about out of peaceful expansion. (Or is there stuff overseas?)
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

pindicator Wrote:Can we get a large overview screenshot of the lands? If I remember right you're just about out of peaceful expansion. (Or is there stuff overseas?)

8 posts up. wink

The mapmakers stated there are no islands on the map.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

Gaspar Wrote:8 posts up. wink

The mapmakers stated there are no islands on the map.

Ah! I just did what I've whined at other people for doing then smoke
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

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