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Micromanagement Sims/Planning

Did a sim, going up to turn 40.

Quote:Option: Cows and Gold

Simmed: to T40

Settle: Banana

Tech: Hunting (T8) -> Pottery (T20) -> Animal Husbandry (T31) -> Mining (T37) -> Bronze Working (est. T46)

Work 100% gold T33, T37

Adventure One (T0): Worker (T10) -> Warrior (swap unfinished T15 @ 9/15) -> Worker (T21) -> Warrior (T24) -> Settler (T32) -> Warrior (T35) -> Granary (swap unfinished T37 @ 6/60) -> Worker (T41)

Mansas Muse (T33): Warrior (T40) -> Worker (T46)

Worker 1 (T10): Corn (T14) -> 1NE + pre-road (cancel) -> move to deer (T16) and camp (T20) -> move 1SW + pre-cottage (T21) -> move S + road (T22) -> move SW + cottage floodplains (T24) -> move NE-NW-NE -> road (T26) -> move SW-NW + road (T28) -> move SE-NE-NE (outside borders!) -> road (T31) -> move E/SE -> move to corn+farm (T37) -> move 1N (to gold!) -> mine (T43)

Worker 2 (T21): move 1SE + preroad (T21) -> move SW + cottage floodplains (T24) -> move NE-NW-NE -> road (T26) -> move NE (outside borders!) -> road (T29) -> move SW-SW-SE-S (floodplains) -> cottage (T35) -> move NE -> preroad (T37) -> mine (T41)

Settler (T32): move NE-NE-NE-E/SE -> found city (T33)

Adventure One
Citizen 1 (T0): plains-forest-hill (T0-T9) -> deer (T10-13) -> Corn (T14-)
Citizen 2 (T15): deer (T15-19) -> Deer camp (T20-)
Citizen 3 (T24): floodplains cottage (T24-)
Citizen 4 (T34): plains-forest-hill (T34) -> floodplains cottage (T35-)
Citizen 5 (T37): plains-forest-hill (T37-T40) -> plains mine (T41)

Mansa's Muse
Citizen 1 (T33): riverside corn (T33- )
Citizen 2 (T39): grass forest (T39) -> plains forest (T40-42) -> Gold mine (T43)


* I probably lost a beaker or two when simming due to not switching to max gold T33 but did it on T34. I think the best way to research Mining is to go max gold T33, max science T34-36, and then max gold again on T37 (with Mining @ 89/90), finishing Mining T38 with the bonus beaker. Or we might have enough research to finish it T37 anyway...
* We are constrained in worker labour T33-T41. Sharing the deer would make this problem worse
* The southern city can be roaded quicker, by roading flat tiles, but this would make movement between the cities harder until a northern road is built or Construction


[Image: ISDG-Sim-T40.JPG]

! so many roads !

There's a river there... let's not build any roads here. just move the worker with the settler to the gold and start mining the same turn the city is settled. The TRs will be gained with fishing through the river connection. After resources are hooked up we can worry about the extra roads. All the worker turns into early roads are inefficient to the snowball. Yes, 1/2 turn roads between movements where we can get them are great and should be done, but that shouldn't be our focus.

Additionally this shows why the site 1S is superior as being able to use the deer from the start helps get gold online even faster as I explained in the game thread.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Pretty sure we don't need Fishing at all. There is a diagonal route inside borders along riverside tiles that leads to the city, which will form the trade route.

OK, tried to take kjn's great work and build upon it. Here's my take on the second city, going through the first 40 turns.

Nitty Gritty Details:

Option: 1W of Corn

Simmed: to T40

Settle: Banana

Tech: Hunting (T8) -> Pottery (T20) -> Mining (T28) -> Bronze Working (T39) -> Animal Husbandry

Adventure One (T0): Worker (T10) -> Warrior (swap unfinished T15 @ 9/15) -> Worker (T21) -> Warrior (T24) -> Settler (T32) -> Warrior

Mansa's Muse (T33): Granary -> Worker at size 2 probably starting T40 (?)

Worker 1 (T10): Move W and Farm Corn (T10-T14), Move NE and road (T15), Move E-SE onto deer (T16), camp deer (T17-20), Move SW and cottage (T21), Move S and road (T22), Move SW and cottage floodplains (T23-24), Move E and cottage (T25-27), Move N and cottage (T28-29), Move N and cottage (T30), Move E and cottage (T31-32), Move NE and road (T33), Move NE-NE onto gold (T34), Mine gold (T35-36), Move S and Farm corn (T37-39), Move and chop something (T40)

Worker 2 (T21): Move SE and road (T21), Move SW and cottage floodplains (T22-24), Move E and cottage (T25-26), Move N and cottage (T27-28), Move N and cottage (T29-30), Move E and cottage (T31-32), Move NE and road (T33), Move NE-NE onto gold (T34), Mine gold (T35-36), Move S and Farm corn (T37-38), Move and chop something (T39-40)

Settler (T32): Move E-E (T32), Move NE-NE (T33), settle (T34)

Adventure One (T0)
Citizen 1 (T0): plains-forest-hill (T0-T9) -> deer (T10-13) -> Corn (T14-)
Citizen 2 (T15): deer (T15-19) -> Deer camp (T20-T33), grassland river cottage (T34-38), Deer camp (T39-)
Citizen 3 (T24): floodplains cottage (T24-)
Citizen 4 (T34): floodplains cottage (T34-)
Citizen 5 (T37): grassland river cottage (T37-)
Citizen 6 (T40): grassland river cottage (T40-)

Mansa's Muse (T34)
Citizen 1 (T34): Deer Camp (T34-38), Grassland corn (T39-)
Citizen 2 (T39): Gold Mine (T39-)

[Image: ISDG-28s.jpg]


[Image: ISDG-29s.jpg]

[Image: ISDG-30s.jpg]



* Basic plan is the fast settler plan initial proposed by Kyan, then modified to fit new settling location and information.

* We need Hunting first for the deer tile, then we need Pottery second to cottage the floodplains at the capital. These have to be the first two techs. Because of our second city, Mining should then be the third tech, so that we can immediately connect the gold. Animal Husbandry or Bronze Working can follow after this, depending on our needs and what we find in the fog. I'm tentatively assuming BW before AH for chopping/whipping purposes.

* There was some talk of going settler before worker #2. I do not advise this at all; we need that second worker very, very badly. Our original plan called for a basic worker -> size 2 -> worker -> size 3 -> settler build, and I do not advise changing this. A faster settler that works unimproved tiles doesn't help us.

* Capital will hit size 6 on T40. We can chop/whip more workers or settlers at this point, or halt growth at size 5 on T37 if desired. Not entirely sure how to play this one most efficiently.

* We should revolt to Slavery on T40. Workers are putting a chop into a third worker, and don't lose the turn chopping. Plus we probably want to double-whip a settler out of capital next.

* Weakness of this plan: extreme farmer's gambit. We delay Animal Husbandry tech for Mining -> Bronze Working and a faster growth curve. We rely on the huge size of the map, the enemy scout starts, the barbs roaming the wilderness, and the skill of our diplo team to keep us safe.

* Strength of this plan: amazing growth curve. This opening is crazy, ridiculously, STUPIDLY fast at starting out. After 40 turns, we have a capital at size 6 (working double food bonuses, double floodplains cottages, and double grassland cottages, ALL OF THEM RIVERSIDE AS FINANCIAL!!!), our second city working irrigated corn + gold mine, third worker (T44 with chop) and second settler (T45 with double whip; T43 with triple whip if desired) in production, 31 beakers/turn at break-even rate... I'm amazed at how well this works out. There's likely room for further improvement as well from what I have here, so have at it!
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Small suggestion for Sullla's plan. Just grow to size 3 and finish the warrior before building the second worker. Then go to the settler right after the worker.

3rd capital citizen works PFH all but one turn (last turn it works a FP since the bonus hammer would be lost to rounding anyway, I think).

* -2 worker turns because 2nd worker is 2t later.
* -6f because we grow on the unimproved deer instead of the improved deer.

Warrior is 6t faster.
+1 commerce
+1h overflow from second worker
Settler is 1t faster. And therefore, the second city is 1t faster, and the capital is 1t faster in growing post-settler too... This is obviously the big one and I think it eclipses the 2 worker turns and 6 food.

Where to cut the worker turns? Easy, cut the grass cottage E of the capital. 2 worker turns are completely lost and 2 more are "lost" in that we need to send our workers towards the second city a turn sooner.

Ideal post-settler micro might be a bit different, I don't know.

Thanks to Sullla's refinements and Seven's suggestions I managed to get the following on T38:
  • Adventure One on size 5 (grow to 6 T39) working 3 cottages, Corn, Deer
  • Mansa's Muse on 1W of gold at size 2, working Corn, Gold

It requires a bit of coordination between worker, warrior, and settler movements, but we don't need the deer to get Mansa's Muse up to size 2 in five turns, and can thus use the superior long-term northern spot.

Micro pop-corn:
Option: 1W of Gold

Simmed: to T38

Settle: Banana

Tech: Hunting (T8) -> Pottery (T20) -> Mining (T28) -> Bronze Working (T39)

Gold: 100% T33, 40% T38 (ie 60% science)

Adventure One (T0): Worker (T10) -> Warrior (T18) -> Worker (T23) -> Settler (T31) -> Warrior (T35) -> Granary

Mansa's Muse (T33): Warrior (T33-)

Worker 1 (T10): Move NW and Farm Corn (T10-T14), Move NE and road (T15), Move E-SE onto deer (T16), camp deer (T17-20), Move S-SW (T21),
Move SW and cottage floodplains (T22-24) Move E and cottage (T25-27), Move N and finish road (T28), cottage (T29-30), Move NW-NE, Move NE-E, Move SE and farm corn (T33-34), Move N (T35), Mine Gold T36-37, Move SW to chop T38

Worker 2 (T23): Move SE and pre-road (T23), Move SW and cottage floodplains (T24-25), Move E and cottage (T26-27), Move N and pre-cottage (T28), Move NE and cottage (T29-30), Move NW-NE, Move NE-E, Move SE and farm corn (T33-35), Move N (T36), Mine Gold (T37-38)

Settler (T31): Move NE-NE (T31), Move NE-E (T32), settle (T33)

Adventure One (T0)
Citizen 1 (T0): plains-forest-hill (T0-T9) -> deer (T10-13) -> Corn (T14-)
Citizen 2 (T15): deer (T15-19) -> Deer camp (T20-)
Citizen 3 (T18): plains-forest-hill (T18-20) -> floodplains (T21-24) -> floodplains cottage (T25-)
Citizen 4 (T34): floodplains cottage (T34-)
Citizen 5 (T36): grassland river cottage (T36-)

Mansa's Muse (T34)
Citizen 1 (T33): grassland corn (T33-24) -> Corn (T35-)
Citizen 2 (T39): Gold Mine (T38-)
  • T31 is critical. We absolutely must have one warrior on the FPH 1N of the deer on the deer and one on the city spot on T31.
  • The T21 swap from the FPH to the flood plains is to avoid too much of a loss of overflow rounding loss, and gain a little commerce.
  • The builds in Adventure One after the settler are tentative. We can prepare for quick growth to size 6, get another worker at size 5, or do something else.

Some pictures:
[Image: ISDG-sim-T38-vqnc-BC-2480.JPG]
[Image: ISDG-Sim-T38-vqnc-AO.JPG]
[Image: ISDG-Sim-T38-vqnc-MM.JPG]

Over to you, Sullla!

It looks like on both of those sims that the 2nd city is automatically connected to the trade route system as soon as it's founded - is that correct?

If we're settling on the plains hill, then we should build our road 6 of the capital, letting us road the deer and around the river bend later.

If we're settling on the grassland forest, then yeah, build our road connecting the capital to the river 3 of the capital.

Yes, all that is needed is a road from Adventure One to the river.

kjn Wrote:the superior long-term northern spot.

Disagree. Shared food is very useful. Grow one city when the other is at the happy cap.
I have to run.

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