Played turn 150.
We finished Physics, got the Great Scientist. Commodore's Assembly Line ETA appears to have been delayed, Gaspar is convinced that he miscalculated the gold required to finish the tech. Next turn we'll probably build an Airship. We also finished our first 11-experience Infantry this turn.
We found Uranium near Cathedral which will give us an extra 3c once we convert the workshop to a mine. And it's also under Stonefort. There are two other sources of Uranium in the middle of the map inside Commodore's territory, and there's one closeish to everyone's capital.
Yeah, I'm leaving a lot of signs for Gaspar.
Mist made it to Steam Power, which means he's one tech away from Machine Guns.
I don't believe in "OMG the turn number is a big multiple of ten, must do big report!" but I think everyone's reports are very stale on these turns so I'll do a city screen dump with some brief explanations. I can't be bothered to crop them this time though.
Kept the watermill (which we borrowed last turn because we failed to account for the monastery going obsolete) to finish the Grocer in one turn. It'll go back to the Silk next turn and slowly grow to 14.
Kind of lacking in hammers so it will do mostly Cannons with some MGs when there's not enough overflow to do a 1t Cannon.
Probably doing some MGs to bleed off the overflow.
Quick Grocer before going on land units.
This city doesn't do anything. Might build another Spy or something eventually.
Will eventually get some workshops and work those.
The mostly-finished Infantry would cause us to lose hammers to overflow if we finish it next, so we will do an MG first. Will be our primary ship producer when we get Combustion.
Builds Infantry until it builds up too much overflow then it dumps it on a building. Either a Bank or Versailles

will be the target of overflow next.
Should be a decent ship producer once it finishes the Coal Plant and Drydock. Will need a Harbor or Grocer as well.
Should be able to produce units soon.
I decided to work all the farms here since the GA is done, we'll get a few more specialists this way. If the game doesn't end first.
Same deal here with the Infantry being too much overflow.
Good place to build Airships since it produces 54hpt. Will do ships later since we need to do ships wherever we can, basically.
Will probably build late game wonders here if the game lasts that long. Unless we decide to do the media wonders in culture cities.
Will soon be working all coast once CoA grows again.
Nice city. Once it burns its overflow (two MGs) it'll probably do Airships until Combustion. Gaspar built the FP here because BK is way too busy. This is why I might push for Versailles in Caldeum...if we don't swap into State Property.
Will stagnate as soon as RaC is ready to take the overlapped farm. We should get the plains tile soon for a watermill.
Will stagnate or maybe grow one more size until we open up more Engineer slots with the Factory.
Not much to talk about here. Will eventually produce something useful...
Probably will grow to 10 and then stagnate. Maybe one or two more sizes if it can steal the Corn for a few turns.
Super crappy city, this is the spot in yuris's empire that really should have gotten another food resource. Will work some workshops and be slightly better than useless, I guess.
Better city than GoH.

Obviously if we manage to claim more tiles from Commodore it will be a good city. But it won't be too bad at size 7 working villages and two workshops.
![[Image: score150.jpg?dl=0]](
The score graph mostly marks the points where people lost cities. Moreso because it's generally accompanied by heavy whipping.

We haven't been in Slavery for over 25 turns however.
![[Image: gnp150.jpg?dl=0]](
Our GNP is really not much higher than Commodore's. We're producing over 620 culture per turn. If we started building Wealth in some cities we would increase our bpt by like 50% though.
![[Image: mfg150.jpg?dl=0]](
Golden Ages and Universal Suffrage. And then the Industrial Revolution.
![[Image: cy150.jpg?dl=0]](
City loss, whipping, and assimilation of conquered land.
![[Image: power150.jpg?dl=0]](
Mistabod's ridiculous spike, us trying to keep up with Commodore, and then the great clash of units. That did wonders for our unit cost by the way.
![[Image: culture150.jpg?dl=0]](
Religious buildings and the Sistine Chapel. Mistabod have built a lot of Hippodromes all game.
![[Image: espionage150.jpg?dl=0]](
Early Rathaus spam (I really want to play ORG sometime - man it must have been awesome having research visibility on everyone all game). Mist ran slider against Commodore and davy at two points. We've been running Spies as second priority after Engineers (except on the border where we sometimes ran Artists), so we've caught up decently. You can see our graph is sloping off again because Factories allow us to run more Engineers. We also built a Jail in DO.
Commodore did build that Levee in Kusari. And davy has over 800 war weariness against Mist...