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[SPOILERS] BaxAmeliKnight's thread

RAI for centaur fun seems... fun, but where's the centaurs :P We'll probably get HBR in 25 turns? That's 15 turns wasted for RAI.

AGG might be worthwhile, for the AGG warriors as well in the meantime.

What wonders do we want from IND? Deruptus, ....

I think ORG for command-posts are good for Kurios too but I think we still have a few more GPs to get from PHI.

AGG and RAI were more of a joke, RAI is a very appealing choice for the next trait but not right now.

Wonders? Form of the Titan is a very high priority, Great Library is decent, other options are Bone Palace and Heron throne. Later on there's Pillar of Chains, Ride of the Nine Kings and Crown of Akharien. For national wonders there's Dreptus, the Epics and maybe even a Tower of Divination.

I do have a hammer heavy city actually, all it needs is legends to work a ton of mines / copper. So IND it is. (I can't get Dreptus though, all my cities are not touching the river. Huge mistake there).

Edit: Divination. What do we have, and what's missing?

Amelia Wrote:(I can't get Dreptus though, all my cities are not touching the river. Huge mistake there).

Don't think no Dreptus for Kurio's is too big a deal, we only need 2 Dreptus's to give Ale to everyone, and Tailors/Jewelers can mimic the commerce boost.

Amelia Wrote:Edit: Divination. What do we have, and what's missing?

Well we need the tech itself, but I imagine we'll get that sometime around t100. As for mana, we have Spirit, Mind and 2 Sun from Kurio/Malakim palaces, leaving only Law. The Order shrine can give that if we have a prophet (and land the holy city), but if not building a Law node won't be much of a problem.

Nabaxo, that wine was originally meant for WK, to be honest, as a 2 for 2 happy trade, but i guess i don't need that happy.

WK, i just finished my Tailor and have offered you the wines + fine clothes for silks + cotton trade.

Also, i didn't realize silks + cotton give 2 happy each in Kurio cities...

Edit: I've got two settlers completing soon. One for my third city, but does anyone need the other one?

Editedit: Also, i think i got to end turn last next turn, so that i have hunting in order to camp the Elephants. I prob won't need that Ivory though, so whoever who needs an extra happy just take it.

Should we really be doing 1 for 1 trades in the the team? I need that wine slightly more than WK needs it, we should be sharing resources freely among the team.

Amelia Wrote:WK, i just finished my Tailor and have offered you the wines + fine clothes for silks + cotton trade.

Also, i didn't realize silks + cotton give 2 happy each in Kurio cities...

Huh, neither did I. Good news obviously, as that allows you to spare some happiness for the other civs.

Amelia Wrote:Edit: I've got two settlers completing soon. One for my third city, but does anyone need the other one?

Really the next spots we should be settling are your remaining 2 cities and the 3 spots to the Malakim's east. I really need to scout out my north more once we get FoL to find some sites too.

Amelia Wrote:Editedit: Also, i think i got to end turn last next turn, so that i have hunting in order to camp the Elephants. I prob won't need that Ivory though, so whoever who needs an extra happy just take it.

Not really sure who should get the ivory tbh, Malakim do have unconnected sugar but once they plant their 3rd city they can also send a wine to everyone so noidea

nabaxo Wrote:Should we really be doing 1 for 1 trades in the the team? I need that wine slightly more than WK needs it, we should be sharing resources freely among the team.

It wasn't a 1-1 trade to make it an even exchange, if that's what your thinking. Amurites had both silk and cotton, and tailors provide a very nice boost to both those resources for the Kurio's. However I was at my happy cap, so I needed 2 happiness in exchange in order to not lose anything. The only resources available at the time were wines and Fine clothes, fortunately since silk and cotton get happiness boosted by tailors I don't think it'll matter too much.

Yeah since silk and cotton gives 2 happy, i'm more than fine to give away my other wine. My second city is no where near the happy cap, anyways.

I also have 3 corn, so if anyone needs it for the health just ask. I'll get the last one hooked up soon.

I will settle for wine soon, I just needed that boost since my sugar got pillaged. >_<

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