September 11th, 2012, 16:47
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he got guilds. I got monarchy, rushed MoM with 2 turns left and I will be getting... an engineer!!
Guess it's time to dial up some engineering and pikes...
Wonder if it's better to run 0% science for awhile? I have a 9 turn GA coming up - that might get me guilds and banking, which means a switch into mercantilism.
btw - I don't really understand why he built pyramids and never switched out of HR...
Completed: PBEM 34g (W), 36 , 35 , 5o, 34s, 5p, 42, 48 and PB 9, 18, 27, 57
Current: PB 52. Boudicca of Maya
September 12th, 2012, 11:19
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he went to Police State and Vassalage! No surprise there...
I bulbed Engineering (most of it) and kicked off my GA.
Plan is:
Theology (switch to Theocracy)
We may or not change that as we go.
Also, I'm going to kill a city in 2 turns. Not a big one, but enough for him to know I'm there
Completed: PBEM 34g (W), 36 , 35 , 5o, 34s, 5p, 42, 48 and PB 9, 18, 27, 57
Current: PB 52. Boudicca of Maya
September 12th, 2012, 14:46
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I'll post some pics later... but I'm in a GA, have engineering and NE, 2 turning theology (and will switch into theocracy immediately) and will then go for feudalism->guilds, I think. Will try to build up GS for a bulb push to education as I run up the guilds line.
I dumped a bunch of units in on Riften (small town with a couple of archers)
Depends on how strongly he reinforces, I'll kill it or walk away...
Completed: PBEM 34g (W), 36 , 35 , 5o, 34s, 5p, 42, 48 and PB 9, 18, 27, 57
Current: PB 52. Boudicca of Maya
September 13th, 2012, 11:31
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First blood goes to me - I ended up keeping the city, though it sucks... but if I can get some culture into it, it might make a nice forward base. Or, suck, of course. but I figure that being protective will help me keep cities I take.
Despite his blatant attempt to manipulate me by naming his unit "Babyseal" and "Panda" (naming stuff after cute animals??? only thing worse would be children's literature), I took the city - 4 cats bombarded, 1 suicided, 2 HA took out the archers, everybody else moved in.
On the other side, we found his reinforcements - 4 HA and 2 knights. 1 pike, 2 spears, 2 axes and a protective xbow will keep them at bay. Unless he has more knights near by, of course. Mainly, I wanted to be able to get my cats out of range. We'll see what happens.
Completed: PBEM 34g (W), 36 , 35 , 5o, 34s, 5p, 42, 48 and PB 9, 18, 27, 57
Current: PB 52. Boudicca of Maya
September 13th, 2012, 13:36
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ok, that was a mistake. he showed up with a lot more knights, so I'm not holding riften and, probably, my overall hammer loss is higher than his.
I did burn a city up north with an HA. And I'm bluffing an attack in the east by 100 acre woods, hopefully pulling away some of his forces so I make sure my units dont' get eaten by knights.
Got theo and switched to HR and Theocracy and went to unit spamming mode - make money compared to OR, too
2 turns to Feudalism (while running a profit!), which is good, because it lets me upgrade.
Another GP next turn, probably a scientist.
Feudalism, protective, with barracks and Theo = CG III LB out the gate. I won't go vassalage, though.
He killed a pike, on a hill, with a knight!! I guess I can't complain after my 6% to win battle earlier... and he did lose a knight to an xbow, at least.
Completed: PBEM 34g (W), 36 , 35 , 5o, 34s, 5p, 42, 48 and PB 9, 18, 27, 57
Current: PB 52. Boudicca of Maya
September 13th, 2012, 13:40
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trying to figure out if I should build:
HG (he still doesn't have math, it's engineer points which are good and it basically give a pop whip to everything.
Sistine's (probably)
Great Lighthouse (still unsure - I presume it doesn't work on people who only are on lakes, right?)
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Current: PB 52. Boudicca of Maya
September 13th, 2012, 14:07
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2 turn guilds now - his power is very high so it's time to start whipping in LB's everywhere.
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Current: PB 52. Boudicca of Maya
September 13th, 2012, 14:13
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I screwed up a couple of things:
worker management - he hit my feint and killed the units (knight on pike wins, grrrr) - unfortunaly, I had 2 workers below that stack, only one of which managed to road. very dumb.
I forgot to set all my cities to building archers so they go straight into LB which could get whipped in, so I get LB everywhere a turn late. That's not smart.
I guess I'll dial up HA and whip into knights in 3 turns, though - that will help.
Completed: PBEM 34g (W), 36 , 35 , 5o, 34s, 5p, 42, 48 and PB 9, 18, 27, 57
Current: PB 52. Boudicca of Maya
September 13th, 2012, 15:58
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Archers autoupgrade into crossbows I believe.
September 13th, 2012, 16:15
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ah - well, still, CGII-III xbows ain't bad, either. in any case, it was an opportunity that I missed.
Completed: PBEM 34g (W), 36 , 35 , 5o, 34s, 5p, 42, 48 and PB 9, 18, 27, 57
Current: PB 52. Boudicca of Maya