September 24th, 2012, 13:44
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SleepingMoogle Wrote:So the plan is for one Worker to road the tile SE of the deer (and maybe put a turn or to in cottaging beforehand), and for the other to chop the forest W of the gold?
Actually I have the worker chopping W of the gold also roading the tile SE of deer afterwards. (Although the new worker from MM is available the same turn and interchangeable in this case.)
The other worker is cottaging a turn on plains, roading a turn on grass cottage, cottaging for 3t on river grass, finishing the road, then moving onto the roaded forest and chopping. And the third (new) worker is putting 2t into the plains cottage, then moving onto the roaded forest and chopping.
September 24th, 2012, 14:48
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Something to consider if we're doing a longer, more formal micro plan: I think that we should FARM the grassland tile southeast of the deer. Mansa's Muse is going to be perma-working the corn and the gold tiles. That's only +4 food, and none of the non-river grassland tiles can be farmed until Civil Service. By farming that one riverside grassland, we can get Mansa's Muse to the much better +5 food threshold, and potentially trade another +1 food tile to copper city as needed. Yes, I know, not cottaging riverside grassland with Financial, etc. etc. But the terrain around both Mansa's Muse and copper city are pretty dry. We can really use another tile with 3 food. And we could always cottage the tile post-Civil Service when irrigation can spread beyond fresh water sources.
September 24th, 2012, 14:56
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I was assuming MM would be able to use the deer to grow. AO doesn't need it most of the time. Right now, for example, it's being wasted as foodhammers. So I favor cottaging that tile, though I agree it's worth considering farming it instead.
September 24th, 2012, 17:28
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MM doesn't strike me as a city that will undergo a whip-grow cycle. As you said, the food surplus is too low. But even a +5 food surplus is rather weak if you want to whip cycle.
Instead, it might be better to grow on the deer to size 4-5 and work mines. MM can pump out a few rounds of war chariots to give some tactical flexibility (that can't be 2-whipped anyway), or pump out a few rounds of workers (with the EXP bonus).
September 24th, 2012, 20:58
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I think MM is a fine target for whipping. I really don't think the deer will be held by the capital that often once we get granaries up. 6->4 and 7->4 are probably great whips for MM.
September 28th, 2012, 14:56
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Here is an updated sandbox for use in planning starting next turn (post-AH). I took the terrain work done by kjn, and then replayed exactly what we did over the first 42 turns. Starting tomorrow, we'll be doing quite a bit of work with this savefile.
September 28th, 2012, 19:44
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Thank you for the sandbox. I haven't come up with anything major as the location of horses is still unknown, but I did figure out something worth a mention.
The worker currently cottaging next to AO has the following plan for the next 4 turns: cottage, cottage, move 1E and road, move onto roaded forest and chop.
I think we should change this to: move onto river plains hill 1SE, road, road, move onto roaded forest and chop.
The reason is that (still assuming we are settling 1N of copper next of course) our 3 workers will have no efficient way to return northwest across the river. Roading that plains hill changes that: it both means the workers can mine the plains hill on the way back, and it means they can move onto the tile 1E of AO (from the tile 2E of that) and cottage, all in one turn.
In any case we may want to pause next turn after horses are revealed, before playing, to give us a chance to figure out a good plan.
September 30th, 2012, 11:49
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A very tentative stab at a micro-plan for T43 to T54:
Tech: Mysticism (we should receive a known tech bonus beaker here)
Apple: chop (finish)
Broad beans: move 1SE (2S of deer)
A: mine
B: road
C: move SW-S (1SE of deer)
A: mine
B: road (finish)
C: road
Revolt to Slavery
Tech: Polytheism
AO: start worker
MM: start warrior
Settler: move to 1E of deer
A: mine
B: 1N and road (finish)
C: road (finish)
100% gold
Settler moves S-SE (to 1N of copper) and founds city
Third: start granary, work copper
A: mine (finish)
B: move NE-S and pre-chops
C: move SE-S (to copper) and mines
100% science
A: move S-SW and pre-cottage
B: pre-chop
C: mine copper
A: move S and chop (finish)
B: move SE-S (to copper) and mine
C: mine (finish)
Third: granary finished, start warrior
A: cottage
B: NE and pasture pig
C: NE and pasture pig
Tech: Masonry
100% gold
AO: deer -> forested plains hill
MM: claim deer (size 3)
Third: work pigs
A: cottage
B: pasture
C: pasture (finish)
AO: start settler
A: cottage
B: road
C: road
D: NE/SE and road ?
AO: forested plains hill -> deer
MM: deer -> grass cottage
Third: copper (size 2)
A: SW and pre-min
B: move W-NW and cottage (finish)
C: move W-NW-SW and pre-mine
D: road (finish)
The next settler is due T58 from AO. We have four workers, and with MM at size 4 we can probably set it to build workers non-stop for a while now.
Some pictures:
September 30th, 2012, 11:59
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Cross posted with kjn, heh. Here is my first attempt at a plan, only going up to Turn 49. This is largely taking the plan laid out by SevenSpirits and putting it into action to see what it looks like.
Quote:First Attempt
Simmed: Turn 49
Tech: Animal Husbandry (T43) -> Mysticism (T46) -> Polytheism (T51)
Note: Run 0% tech on T47
Revolt to Slavery T46
Adventure One (T0): Settler (T46) -> Settler?
Mansa's Muse (T33): Worker (T44) -> Granary (T46) -> Warrior (T51)
Copper (T47): Granary (T50)
Worker A: finish chop (T43), move S-SW-S onto grassland forest (T44), road (T45-46), chop (T47), move SE-E and pasture pigs (T48-49)
Worker B: move SE onto plains hill (T43), road (T44-45), move NE and chop (T46), move SE-S and mine copper (T47-48), move NE and pasture (T49)
Worker C (T44): move SW and cottage (T44-45), move S and chop (T46), move SE-S and mine copper (T47-48), move NE and pasture (T49)
Settler (T46): move SE-NE-NE (T46), move S-SW and settle (T47)
Adventure One
Citizen 1: Corn farm (T43-)
Citizen 2: Deer camp (T43-)
Citizen 3: Floodplains cottage (T43-)
Citizen 4: Floodplains cottage (T43-)
Citizen 5: Plains cottage (T43-)
Citizen 6: Grassland cottage (T43-)
Mansa's Muse
Citizen 1: Corn farm (T43-)
Citizen 2: Gold mine (T43-)
Copper (T47)
Citizen 1 (T47): plains forest (T47), copper mine (T48), pastured pigs (T49-)
In this sim, I sent the warrior from Mansa's Muse off to scout the area by the fish tile, and trained a new warrior from the city to defend itself while growing to size 3.
We have a whole bunch of questions to answer as a team here. Where are we settling next? (Probably next to the fish tile.) Are we going to attempt to chop a wonder out with those forests at the copper city? Do we connect copper to build axes, or keep training cheap warriors? What are we going to build next out of the capital? Are we going to build settlers the natural way, or are we going to run a double whip cycle there? I honestly don't know. Let's try to figure it out.
September 30th, 2012, 14:33
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SevenSpirits Wrote:I think we should change this to: move onto river plains hill 1SE, road, road, move onto roaded forest and chop.
The reason is that (still assuming we are settling 1N of copper next of course) our 3 workers will have no efficient way to return northwest across the river.
If we're aiming for a wonder chop that's probably not relevant. In that case it might be better to finish the cottage so AO has an improvement to work when it loses the deer.
kjn Wrote:Agree on that Stonehenge would be great, though I think it shouldn't come at the cost of further REX. Maybe start it in Third, and if we reach size 4 in the city we can double-whip something, overflow into Stonehenge and have a couple of pre-chopped forests ready?
Very natural, but probably too slow? We can build it quickly in Mansa's Muse though, probably do the overflow+chop thing by t53-ish. We don't risk much as long as we time the chops to come in at the same time as the whip overflow (and we make sure that is enough to finish the wonder).
I have to run.