Yeah that hurricane sounded horrible. Glad to hear it's mostly over.
Intersite Game - Turn Discussion Thread
Turn 58 - 1680BC
Thanks to everyone who volunteered to cover the turn. Fortunately I was able to play the turn as normal on my laptop. More on the hurricane at the end of this post - let's cover the Civ stuff first. There was some interesting new from the turn. ![]() Most of the the suggestions for our new city's name requested Something Fishy, which would be totally logical. I liked the cheeky suggestion of Horse Feathers better though, nothing like bluffing to everyone else that you have the resource for your unique unit when you have no such thing. ![]() The founding of the city also revealed some very interesting information in the form of that dry wheat tile off to the west. We still don't know if that land is an island or not (although it's starting to look more like an island), but that wheat ensures that the location will be valuable in its own right. Our second work boat from this city will be able to check the area out before improving the clams at our fifth city location. Unfortunately the warrior in the northwest found nothing of note. Every tile revealed was jungle. I will move him northeast next turn (which reveals 4 more tiles) and then move him to guard Horse Feathers. There is a LOT of jungle up there in the north. Our workers will be very busy chopping down in the future. ![]() Very little up here in the northeast either, aside from more massive stretches of jungle. The single patch of plains looks extremely suspicious in the middle of all that - good chance some resource is hiding there. (What spawns on plains tiles? Iron, aluminum, uranium? Not entirely sure.) Still look for We Play Civ, but there looks to be a sizable buffer region between us at the very least. ![]() Here is our tile micro for this turn. Horse Feathers takes over the corn, Adventure One takes the deer and the two floodplains tiles, forcing Mansa's Muse onto 2 Priests for a single turn. Focal Point works its two resources and two available cottages. This is about the last turn we have to suffer through this; we finish another grassland cottage NW of Focal Point next turn, and Adventure One will quickly regrow onto its own unused cottages. We've been stuck on working 10 tiles for the last couple of turns, but that's going to improve very quickly hereafter. Horse Feathers will actually complete its granary next turn thanks to double forest chops. Adventure One puts its minimal production into Oracle for failgold purposes until we discover Writing. Focal Point builds axeman and also expands borders next turn, will go onto a second axe after that. ![]() Demos are... surprisingly good still. I thought they would be worse, honestly, after the capital triple whip and the need to run 2 Priest specialists. I guess the other teams must be working a lot of unimproved tiles, heh. We are still only 2 Food off of the leader, a little below average in Production, and have a wide lead in GNP, though I'll echo kjn in cautioning that the number while researching Writing is highly misleading. (We get 60% pre-requisite bonus plus we have massive culture from Stonehenge/religion.) But our 42 beakers/turn is probably still tied for best in the game, at a rough estimate, and that's when we are at the low point of our whip/growth cycle. Note that our Power will also go up by 6000 next turn when we complete our axe. CivFanatics got a Power increase last turn. Any guess what that might be? It's a little tough for me to check that while I don't have Internet on my main computer. I can always check later if no one has the time. As for my own situation, we lost power yesterday and had a fairly large tree crash down in our front yard, narrowly missing our house and our cars (which we had wisely moved to safety before the storm hit). Power has already been restored, as a crew came out to assess the damage from the tree's collapse, but it will be some time yet before we get Internet back. I should have no trouble playing any upcoming turns on laptop when I'm at work or elsewhere. I'll link you to the video I shot for a better view of what happened. A Visit from Hurricane Sandy Interesting times indeed! ![]()
Yikes, that tree looks nasty. Glad everything is OK.
If that's an island, settling a city on it for an IC route in every city would be really nice.
Wheat is great news even if it is dry. What about the tile SW of it land or water? I think it looks like land.
Civilization IV: 21 (Bismarck of Mali), 29 (Mao Zedong of Babylon), 38 (Isabella of China), 45 (Victoria of Sumeria), PB12 (Darius of Sumeria), 56 (Hammurabi of Sumeria), PB16 (Bismarck of Mali), 78 (Augustus of Byzantium), PB56 (Willem of China)
Hearthstone: ArenaDrafts Profile No longer playing Hearthstone. ![]()
Glad everything went reasonably well! And make sure you get real professional help to handle that tree - after the last really bad storms over here (though they were nowhere as bad as Sandy) clearing up felled trees claimed more casualties than the storms themselves.
No idea what is causing CFC's power spike. It fits with their 9-point score increase end of turn 56, but it's Archery - they don't have any tech that we lack from GNP analysis. Probably. I will have to go back and re-assess the teching that turn, but when I compare it to our T54 spike, I get that it's only 3000, and 1000 of it is from pop. So it would fit with Hunting or AH. Fog-gazing at the land to our west, I think it is made up of the following tiles in an L, going north to south: Top a desert tile, then a mountain, then a mountain, then a plains forest, and the plains wheat on the end. The border pop in Horse Feathers should also tell us more. I think our spear is about to break through the jungle belt. The tiles 1N-NW/NE both seems to be clear of jungle, and 2N is a forest.
Furthermore, I consider that forum views should be fluid in width
Hey, let's remember to make sure the forests are owned by HF before they're chopped.
Civilization IV: 21 (Bismarck of Mali), 29 (Mao Zedong of Babylon), 38 (Isabella of China), 45 (Victoria of Sumeria), PB12 (Darius of Sumeria), 56 (Hammurabi of Sumeria), PB16 (Bismarck of Mali), 78 (Augustus of Byzantium), PB56 (Willem of China)
Hearthstone: ArenaDrafts Profile No longer playing Hearthstone. ![]() |