November 4th, 2012, 10:19
(This post was last modified: November 4th, 2012, 10:24 by Fintourist.)
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Extremely good work here! -1 pop, ~20 commerce less & weaker hammer efficiency sounds acceptable tradeoff for improving our wonder odds. I'm a bit afraid that we see them teching fast BW, chop couple of forests and oracle MC or something else, but I guess there is not that much we can do against this. Or am I missing something?
Anyway, many thanks for the effort and high quality plans!
EDIT: Or wait, BW is still that expensive that it might be too slow to tech it and get chops in. Nevermind..
November 4th, 2012, 11:03
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I've gone ahead and whipped Mansa's Muse and then ended turn:
Here are the new Demographics after the whip:
I won't be in a rush to play the next turn so that we can decide exactly which micro plan to pursue. Let me know when we've worked out the worker moves that we like the best. Thanks again for all this extra work!
Fintourist, it's most likely that CivPlayers want to use the Oracle on Code of Laws to unlock their Aztec unique building, the sacrificial altar. In order to do that, they have to first tech Writing, which wouldn't leave them enough time to also tech Bronze Working and then start chopping. It's currently eot 60, and we will be finishing the Oracle eot 67. That's not enough time to research two techs and also spend 3 turns chopping. (They would have to burn an Anarchy turn to swap to Slavery civic, which makes whipping similarly unlikely.)
Of course if they wanted to use the Oracle on Metal Casting, then all bets are off. However, we should be able to see from Power tracking if they research Bronze Working next as a tech. I would expect to see Writing coming out from them next though, roughly T63 or T64.
November 4th, 2012, 13:18
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I'm in favor of cottaging the flood plains at the clam city.
November 4th, 2012, 13:56
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By the way, general impressions from playing on in our sandbox to t75 is
1) We have an excess of workers.
2) Our happy cap is annoyingly small.
The two are related, of course. Anyway, I don't see much we can do about it except settle some more cities (to keep our workers occupied) and get Calendar ASAP so we can hook up the silks at HF and the spices east of MM.
It would be REALLY nice to discover a pre-calendar happy resource and/or some horses to our south. Maybe the axe we're sending to the clam city can continue southwards and do some temporary scouting.
Also, hinduism seems quite likely to spread naturally to many of our cities. Spending a turn in anarchy so we can adopt it seems like an overreaction, though.
I have to run.
November 4th, 2012, 14:18
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(November 4th, 2012, 13:56)novice Wrote: Also, hinduism seems quite likely to spread naturally to many of our cities. Spending a turn in anarchy so we can adopt it seems like an overreaction, though.
What about a two turn revolt to get hinduism, HR, and OR? Do you think that would be worthwhile?
At some point we might be able to trade someone else for extra calendar resources, though.
November 4th, 2012, 14:41
(This post was last modified: November 4th, 2012, 14:43 by NobleHelium.)
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We discussed this takes as long to get Calendar as it does it get HR/OR and do the revolts, and Calendar lets us get Sailing and MoM which are both very useful for us. And we don't have the production to be spamming axes for MP. It's also costly. We can't trade away copper without a trade route, although we could pillage it.
November 4th, 2012, 14:43
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I meant, getting HR/OR after calendar. I agree that calendar should come first.
November 4th, 2012, 15:08
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(November 4th, 2012, 10:08)kjn Wrote: Found a minor error in Seven's write-up on T65: both MM and FP are listed as working the plains cottage. I assume one of them (probably MM, since FP is on a settler build) should work the shared riverside grass cottage instead.
I also think that MM should be listed to work corn-gold-plains instead of corn-gold-grass on T67, otherwise I think we'll be 1H short of finishing the Oracle on T67.
T67 I do have MM working the grass cottage, so that FP can work the plains cottage and build the axe a turn sooner. My guess therefore is that I should have FP working the shared grass cottage t65.
November 4th, 2012, 15:57
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Played through Novice's plan, I really like it. I do notice we have 3g and 1b extra. I wonder if it might be possible, by running different percentages of the slider, to avoid working the coast tile one more time in favor of the dry cottage. This might not be possible, as I see that the coast-working was worth an extra beaker due by hitting a multiple of 5.
I also don't like delaying the workboat in HF, by working so much less food while building the worker. Two more turns of exploring could be useful.
I think the worker management is great.
November 4th, 2012, 16:38
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I haven't gone through your sims yet, but do we get even commerce on some turns? We can easily seesaw between 100% and 50% science if we get two even commerce turns.