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Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore |
Intersite Game - Turn Discussion Thread
Furthermore, I consider that forum views should be fluid in width
OK, the new turn is up. I thought I would log in to get an initial Demographics screenshot and move our two exploring units. The spear in the northeast found nothing particularly interest. I decided to move the warrior onto the jungle hill, since we still have seen no barbs near our borders and we have time to move him back for military police duty.
I'm glad that I made that move: ![]() There are gems in the middle of the jungle region. Suddenly, putting city #6 one tile southwest of the banana is looking mighty appealing (especially with Stonehenge). Also, the borders of a German city are peeking out of the fog north of that bare grassland hill tile. What do we do next with this warrior? Discuss amongst yourselves! ![]() Here are the initial turn roll Demographics, without moving workers or doing city tile assignments. (Well, I did use the work boat to improve the fish tile.) Let me know when we've got a clear plan hammered out so I can play the turn for real.
Even if that German city is a recent one and we are seeing its first ring there, we won't be able to get a glimpse at the city tile when moving the warrior onto the bare hill because of all that jungle. Unless we want to go Open Borders with the Germans and not go for a no-scouting clause. I know for sure, that having visibility of city tiles helps enormous with verifying the C&D numbers. If do go for a no-scouting clause, then there is no point of this warrior continuing to skim the German borders. Also, I doubt that we are seeing the first ring here, more like the second ring. Because if this is first ring, its all jungle! And I don#t think it is the third ring of the capital either, because that would put their starting positions rather close to ours and WPC.
Looking at WPC capital location, they got unlucky with that river. Just hill tiles, except one grassland forest, which they have not cottaged over yet, despite being financial. mh
"You have been struck down!" - Tales of Dwarf Fortress
--- "moby_harmless seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!"
Yay! Gems!
What? You mean we need to research IW first? But this is good news. We will need IW anyway to get full use out of our spice city, and it will make MC for forges more valuable too. But that city will require a huge investment in tech and workers. I also think we will have to play nice with the Germans too if we claim the area - the city will lack any sort of natural defence. I took a screenshot from far out with cultural borders on: ![]() I noted down a sign where WPC's capital must be located. I can't tell yet if the German borders we see are first or second ring. Note also how the river to our east changes direction from north towards the west, so I'm not sure anymore how feasible a trade connection with WPC using the river is. We have time for Boldly to go one more step northwards, but then he must return to HF if he is to be there by T70. I think I favour 1NE followed by 2SE if we do that.
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I support the suggestion of city #6 SW of Banana (unless our scouting reveals something even better). Getting the gems before the Germans is important. With Gold & Gems forges start to sound like a solid investment later in the game.
Hmm those gems are in a very interesting location. They would help us a lot, but not without a very large investment. And if we settle 2 tiles away(like SW of the banana) we risk letting the germans steal them by settling right next to them. Any chance we coild build a wonder there, to quickly pop the third ring of that city? We could build most of the SP by chopping those 5 trees.
If that river emptied into that sea, and the Germans have a city on that sea (or a trade connection to it through rivers), then we'd just need to defog the rest of the river, right?
As I recall, every tile has to either be defogged OR in the cultural control of somebody you're not at war with.
Yes we should defog the rest of the river. I am sure that will give us a trade route to either the Germans or WPC or both. (Well once we have a city on the river or road to the river.)
I did not realize the Germans were so close to those gems. I did a quick sim last night to see how quickly we could settle SW of the banana and it is pretty quickly. However it will take a while to get culture over the gems unless we get a lucky religion spread. We do have a number of forests south of the city within range so we could chop a quick library? We do have an excess of workers as novice said, relatively speaking. It is only three forests though (assuming we use the fourth for a granary) so not enough for a wonder. We could build SoZ there later if we find ivory?
Civilization IV: 21 (Bismarck of Mali), 29 (Mao Zedong of Babylon), 38 (Isabella of China), 45 (Victoria of Sumeria), PB12 (Darius of Sumeria), 56 (Hammurabi of Sumeria), PB16 (Bismarck of Mali), 78 (Augustus of Byzantium), PB56 (Willem of China)
Hearthstone: ArenaDrafts Profile No longer playing Hearthstone. ![]()
I like that idea a lot. Send our 6th city to the location southwest of the bananas, chop out granary + library quickly, and take control culturally of the region. 3 culture/turn with Stonehenge should allow us to dominate any border dispute for ages to come, terraces or no terraces.
Something to keep in mind when we're working on our post-Oracle micro plan in a couple of weeks.
Only problem with the library idea is that It doesn't stop the germans from settling right next to the gems. Or they could build their own library plus a terrace, and beat us in a culture war.
If we could find ivory, the SoZ would be perfect there, but I'm guessing we won't find it. But maybe that city could chop a library and then slow build the Paya? |