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[SPOILERS] BaxAmeliKnight's thread

What are we researching after Trade? I forget...

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(November 12th, 2012, 09:47)nabaxo Wrote: What are we researching after Trade? I forget...

(October 29th, 2012, 00:13)WarriorKnight Wrote: Construction

That's what I found (and I ended turn teching Masonry) but now that I think about it I think we agreed on Order next? smoke On the other hand if you don't need Order at the moment Amelia we could skip it for now considering I don't think there's competition for it right now, but I'll leave that decision to you Amelia.

But anyway, this turn I finally get to use an adept. Needless to say, I sent an eye over the nearest fog area and found Team 1.

[Image: T91%20Found%20Team%201.jpg]

Interesting, that makes Team 2 on the S of the Donut then. I think we need to make sure we grab our fair share of the S since Team 2 are behind the growth curve, according to score anyway. Especially since Kurio's shouldn't expand anymore, nabaxo you'll need to focus on grabbing land to the south as well as the east.

I, meanwhile, need to grab as much of the north as I can before it's all gone. I'll be settling wheat, cow and 2 cotton next turn, and I'll also want to ensure I get the ivory to the west. That's probably where I'm expanding next.

Anyway, with trade we can see where we are tech wise against our two competitors:

[Image: T91%20Tech%20situation.jpg]

Team 1:
We've got on them: Archery, Festivals, Hunting, FoL, KotE, Philo, Writing, Trade (2670)
They've got on us: BW, Masonry, Const, Warfare, RoK (1660)

Team 3:
We've got on them: Archery, Hunting, FoL, Writing, Trade (1830)
They've got on us: BW, Currency, Masonry, Const, OO, Warfare (2560)

It's... better then I expected. Our tech rate isn't bad at all. Team 1 are behind about 3-4 techs, which is expected given they have the Clan. Meanwhile Team 3 aren't as far ahead as I though, the only major surprise being that they have Currency.

OK, so tech rate is good. But we definitely need to expand more. We have about 20% total pop whereas Team 1 and 3 have about 30%, not good. We need to expand much faster then we currently are, so let's aim for 7-8 cities each for Amurites and Malakim by t120, ok?

Hmm, can we go order first? I've building my fourth city, and i need some culture in there, which i'll probably use my acolyte to do so.

And i don't want it as my holy city since it's so far away, so how long does order takes?

(November 12th, 2012, 16:45)Amelia Wrote: Hmm, can we go order first? I've building my fourth city, and i need some culture in there, which i'll probably use my acolyte to do so.

And i don't want it as my holy city since it's so far away, so how long does order takes?

If you're just after the border pop, I'm sure nabaxo or I can provide you with a FoL disciple instead. Order is pretty expensive, so if we can avoid it for now we probably should.

The holy city will most likely be your 2nd city, as it usually goes in the highest pop non-capital city with the least religions.

Oh, and Team 1 just got Sanitation.

If we're going to start REXing, I might need Kurio's to provide me with a settler or two.

Ok that makes sense. Con first then.

Amelia, I asked for your rice since it boosts my dreptus while you don't have any health problems. After you go through with that, could you end my turn?

On that note, do you guys have any specific area you want me to uncover with my adepts? I flew over nabaxo's NE this turn (which I should probably settle instead of nabaxo), if no-one has any preferences I'll likely continue S over to Amelia's 4th city to scout out the SE and then go clockwise.

Understood. I don't think i have any problems with that scouting plan.

WK, you got a random event. Luckily i didn't need to do any decision for you, unluckily it doesn't really help anyways.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0042-1.jpg]

(November 15th, 2012, 00:31)Amelia Wrote: WK, you got a random event. Luckily i didn't need to do any decision for you, unluckily it doesn't really help anyways.

At least it'll be more useful than the mushrooms I got early on. crazyeye

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