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[SPOILERS] BaxAmeliKnight's thread

I noticed, I don't think I have enough units nearby to block him. Can I request assistance?

I have an adept in the area, but otherwise I don't have anything that can reach you in a timely manner. If Loki comes any closer, hold off ending turn/moving units in the area while he's nearby so we can decide what the best course of action is. Amelia have some centaurs nearby but they're busy escorting settler for city 4, otherwise it's all your units.

Both Team 1 and 3 have scary Food/MFG graphs, eg I'm 4th in both categories but the leader has about double my food/MFG. We're still competitive in GNP but over time that will become less of a factor. I wish I had a better feel for where those guys are expansion wise, guess we'll have to go with our t120 8 city goal.

Once i settle my city, i can bring 5 centaurs over with Sprint. I have to rely on warriors for base defense first only though.

Well the clown has appeared:

[Image: T94%20Loki.jpg]

If he does decide to head into the inlet he should be fairly easy to kill, cover both ends and then squash him (nabaxo, are you able to place units on your side so that Loki can't pass?). If not then obviously we need to watch for more oppurtunities. Amelia, could you maybe end turn with your stack 1S of the sign? We shouldn't risk revealing your stack unless we have to.

I believe I've found the center of the map, and therefore I've determined where the 'natural borders' of our teams should be located. It's good news though, the Clan and I are actually fairly even in expansion until they settle their nearby settler, and the SE borders of Amelia's 3rd and 4th city lie very close to the edge (which is good since we've seen no sign of Team 2). Guess 1&3 must just have a population edge.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0044-1.jpg]

A barb city, with two archers. Might have to put two taurs in my city forever to deal with the barbs.

Also, i have 2 taurs converging on Loki, (3rd is stuck on barb def duty), and i can spare two more from my settler stack next turn. If he walks into that inlet he should be stuck.

I think I might have some two-movers to move in in time on my end. >_<

Looks like Loki moved away, oh well.

On the other hand, we should meet Team 2 once Amelia plays, the Hippus have some C2/Animal Capture scouts near your 4th city site.

Found Team 2. Also decided not to move to the settle spot yet, instead ending where Loki can't see me. I'll still settle next turn.

Construction unlocked Centaur Chargers (Chariots) for me, which are 80 hammers for 5/3 units (6/3 after bronze working), compared to 40 hammers for 4/4 units. My instinct tells me i'm better off building normal Centaurs, but anyone wants to point out the use of Chargers?

Actually it's 6/4 after BW.

Chargers are a better long term investment, since they can use metal. Considering the metal line is fairly cheap, I'm sure we'll pick those techs up at some point. With Iron they're 7/5 and with Mithril 9/7. Of course, it'll be quite some time before we get either of those, so I agree Centaurs are better for now.

Team 2 are indeed behind, as their score suggests. They only have RoK and Arete on us, whereas we have 9 techs on them. Their Demographics aren't too impressive either. At least we've met everyone now.

Did you guys notice someone built the Guild of the Nine?

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