Turn 78 - 925BC
We've spotted another city.
I moved our scouting spear a tile north, which gave us visibility on the German city of Worms. Currently size 3 as shown, with a barracks and a terrace inside and one quechua on guard duty. The German team has a worker in a nearby forest tile (presumably to chop) and they've irrigated two floodplains tiles for some reason. I guess they needed the food here? It doesn't feel like the best tile management to me. Worms was the second city founded by the German team, which means that their capital is probably further up that river. We now have an indisputable trade route defogged to the German team, which should go into effect when we build a road on the bananas tile next turn and discover Sailing.
Note that there is a barb warrior two tiles northeast of Mansa's Muse in the extreme right corner of the above screenshot. We have an axe that can move onto the gold tile this turn, or we can sit back and let the barb move there on the interturn and then whack it. It's probably safer just to cover the gold tile, although the barb warrior will not attack an axeman directly. Let me know what we would prefer to do.
In the southeast, I moved our scout one tile south, then saw that he couldn't be attacked by anything, and moved him another tile south next to the coast. This revealed the fish resource in the presumed lake, and pretty much locks down where we'll be placing our city in this area. The other good spot would be northeast of the corn / south of the oasis, but I thought we had promised CFC we wouldn't settle there (?) Might want to check on that. Well, you guys can talk it out on the exact spot. I expect that we'll be settling here in about a dozen or so turns, after the current round of double expansion to the southwest and spices. I still couldn't see any CFC cultural borders after moving; their city must be further east.
The barb in the southwest moved forward one tile; I'm glad that I left the axe inside Gourmet Menu and did not send him our scouting earlier. Our micro plan calls for the worker highlighted above to move southwest of the city and road that tile. This lets us settle the cows/wheat city a turn faster (on T80). I've left the worker unmoved for now; the obvious suggestion is to make that planned move and cover the worker with the axe inside the city. Let me know if I'm overlooking something obvious here.
Oh, and the axeman on the hill hasn't moved either. Suggestions? I would be fine with keeping him there for one turn to heal to full and continue providing that excellent sight range.
We also conducted two double whips this turn, at Adventure One (settler) and Horse Feathers (worker). Both cities will regrow immediately next turn to get back one of the two population points they lost. In the meantime, we had to drop the youngest plains river cottage at the capital and Mansa had to work a second Priest specialist (not that this is all that bad; it speeds along our future shrine). Gourmet Menu also grew for the first time this turn, picking up a second floodplains cottage and going to +4 food/turn. It will expand borders in 2t and finally pick up that clams tile. Tree Huggers is set to grow next turn as well, and grab that awesome grassland gems mine (2/1/7). Now that's a tile...
Two workers moved to road the bananas for our German trade route connection. Two workers finished our iron mine. Three workers moved southeast from Tree Huggers, nearly building a grassland cottage along the way. The last one is still waiting to build its road in the southwest by Gourmet Menu, as explained before.
CivStats was disconnected when the turn rolled, but fortunately we can pull the score increases from screenshots:
RB: 225 -> 231 -> 221 (4 pop whipped)
CivFr: 206 -> 209 (1 pop)
Apolyton: 196 -> 211 (Classical tech, 1 pop)
UniversCiv: 188 -> 190 (1 pop)
CivFanatics: 161 -> 163 (1 pop)
We Play Civ: 142 -> 145 (1 pop)
Spanish Apolyton: 136 -> 138 (1 pop)
Germans: 128 -> 130 (1 pop)
No score increase for CivPlayers (205 points). No one was in-game when the turn rolled, so that rules out any immediate whipping shenanigans.
Here are Demographics from before and after we whipped:
Not too bad overall. We'll be planting cities on T80 and T82; I think we'll have an excellent chance of leading all the major Demo categories after that. Depends on what everyone else does, of course.
That should be all for now. Feel free as always to post comments and suggestions.