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[SPOILERS] BaxAmeliKnight's thread

Team 1 picked up the Drama bard. banghead If they bomb their nearest city to me, then I'm kinda screwed even with mages. Fortunately the banter thread suggests it might head in Team 3's direction.

What are your plans? I don't feel confident of our chances without mages / arcane law at all.

(December 20th, 2012, 03:37)Amelia Wrote: What are your plans? I don't feel confident of our chances without mages / arcane law at all.

Oh definitely, without mages we're screwed. But we're getting that in 6t (and Arcane Lore shortly after) so for now we just have to wait it out. But we're still 3rd out of 4 and I don't see that changing quickly even with mages, and once they get Vamps/puppet summoners we're back to where we are now. It's a long shot, but I think we have enough late game stuff to have a shot. But we have to get it ASAP while not falling too far behind the other two teams.

Amurites have mages already, the next step is getting as many archmage capable units possible. I don't think High Priests are very likely, but archmages, liches and Druids are all possible. They all require expensive techs, but we do still have 2 ToD's remaining.

Malakim should get a 10xp Lightbringer factory up and running, so they can also start making instant mages (more would be ideal). I count 2xp from a desert shrine, 3 from a command post and 3 from conquest so only another 2 are needed (apprenticeship or CHA?). They would also benefit from Archmages, since upgraded mages should keep potency. Another idea is Malevolent Designs and the AV units associated with it, since Malevolent Designs unlocks Liches and Malakim are almost certainly going AV we should consider going for it. Priests are a given unit to spam, but unless they're OO or AV they don't have much military value.

Kurio's need a 3rd tier horse unit to spam. Chargers are available now but are weak without metal. Fortunately BW is probably one of the next techs after sorcery and the metal line overall is fairly inexpensive (plus Centaur archers are more expensive anyway). Raiders is the ideal next trait switch, for obvious reasons. Warhorses would be a good tech to get, as Ride of the Nine Kings is awesome and it unlocks Herne and Knights. Airships are also a possibility with Astronomy/Engineering/IW, if we survive that long. Eurobrates probably isn't worth getting.

In the meantime there's plenty of land to settle, especially since Kurio's are maxed out on cities (although settlements may be useful in hard to defend or front line places). We might even be able to get some of Team 2, but that is assuming we don't get distracted by the other teams and they don't gobble them up first (unlikely).

What about FoL priests for tiger spam? We don't have any summoning units now, and tigers will help out in that department.

I don't remember centaur knights, but i'm unfamiliar with Kurio late game in the first place. Once i complete ToD i'll swap over to charger production.

(December 20th, 2012, 05:54)Amelia Wrote: What about FoL priests for tiger spam? We don't have any summoning units now, and tigers will help out in that department.

The problem with tigers is that a) they're permanent summons, so they can't move until the turn after they're summoned and b) they're animals and everyone has animal capture units running around. Also we'll have summoning units as soon as we get sorcery, so unless we switch targets we'll get fireballs first anyway.

(December 20th, 2012, 05:54)Amelia Wrote: I don't remember centaur knights, but i'm unfamiliar with Kurio late game in the first place. Once i complete ToD i'll swap over to charger production.

Centuar Knights are actually Centaur Lancers. wink

Well Team 3 just got Sorcery. The only way I can possibly think they got it so quickly is by using the all 3 GScientists from the Undercouncil to bulb it. They also managed to get Deception, but I don't have a clue how they got that as well. They don't have Arcane Lore yet, but it's only a matter of time with the Engineer running around.

It would be nice if occasionally we weren't beaten to everything we tried for. banghead

What do we do now? Continue?

Well we knew it was a long shot getting Arcane Lore first anyway, but I wasn't expecting to get beaten that badly to it. We still want Arcane Lore anyway, so we'll continue with that plan.

Any chance of winning the game is probably gone, or will be shortly. Fortunately the other two teams will probably be focused on each other, combined with Arcane Lacuna means we shouldn't be invaded for some time. Might as well have some fun between now and then, let's get advanced units ASAP. Meanwhile keep expanding in Team 2's direction, so we have the option of invading them before we get invaded.

If Team 1 and Team 3 are going to attack each other, we should just eat up Team 2 instead. That might give us the advantage needed.

(December 21st, 2012, 13:38)Amelia Wrote: If Team 1 and Team 3 are going to attack each other, we should just eat up Team 2 instead. That might give us the advantage needed.

Maybe, but I don't think Team 1 and 3 will stalemate each other long enough for us to absorb Team 2. FFH just doesn't work like that.

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