I agree that the ivory is more important than the backup horses. Sullla mentioned in the turn report that we can't beat CivPlayers to the ivory if their current settler is going there now. There is a chance, however, that they are not headed there. In that case, what is the soonest we can get a settler to the ivory area? I would assume the same whips, from GM and AO, would be available. I estimate it would take 5 turns travel from either location to be adjacent to the ivory tile.
Micromanagement Sims/Planning
Can we make a wall of dudes to block it off?
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!
"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must." “I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”
We'd have to declare war, but funny suggestion.
Civilization IV: 21 (Bismarck of Mali), 29 (Mao Zedong of Babylon), 38 (Isabella of China), 45 (Victoria of Sumeria), PB12 (Darius of Sumeria), 56 (Hammurabi of Sumeria), PB16 (Bismarck of Mali), 78 (Augustus of Byzantium), PB56 (Willem of China)
Hearthstone: ArenaDrafts Profile No longer playing Hearthstone.
made me think of t-hawk's recent Civ5 report - he made a wall of workers to prevent prophets from entering his land
Best dating advice on RB: When you can't hide your unit, go in fast and hard. -- Sullla
Last I checked the plan was to settle the ivory 1st ring so our 'henge culture outcompetes their religion. It'll be pretty junk and we'd have to farm absolutely everything, but them's the breaks. I don't want to have to worry about 'phants if we're rushing knights.
Quick question for the micro team that got buried in the turn report: should worker F (the one on the jungle spices tile north of Forbidden Fruit) build a road on the tile before chopping the jungle? We have it written in the plan as chopping the jungle over the next four turns, but we typically build the road instead, since it then allows other workers to join in the chopping/plantation...ing. Thoughts?
(February 9th, 2013, 10:54)Sullla Wrote: Quick question for the micro team that got buried in the turn report: should worker F (the one on the jungle spices tile north of Forbidden Fruit) build a road on the tile before chopping the jungle? We have it written in the plan as chopping the jungle over the next four turns, but we typically build the road instead, since it then allows other workers to join in the chopping/plantation...ing. Thoughts? I think Seven's plan was to go to the plains tile 1SW of FF, but when I check (using the worker-turn trick) I get that we only have one cottage-turn on it, so two workers aren't enough to finish it off next turn. I think Seven's idea was to get some more cottages for MM and FF up, and the road isn't that valuable, so this might be workable: T99: F chops (1); N&Q goes 2SW, cottages (2) T100: F chops (2); N&Q finishes cottage T101: F chops (3); N&Q goes 1N, cottages (2) T102: F chops (done); N&Q finishes cottage T103: plantation (3)
Furthermore, I consider that forum views should be fluid in width
Well, for one thing that's not what N/Q are doing; they still need to finish the spice plantation on the tile shared with The Covenant on T99. Seven then has them going to finish the riverside plains cottage southeast of Forbidden Fruit on T100, which similarly looks like a good call. But then there's no instructions for these workers after that, and if we build a road on the other grassland spice resource, N/Q can head to chop/plantation it on T101. Since this is a 3/0/5 tile, I think it has much higher priority than improving 2/0/1 non-riverside grassland cottages.
Ah, right.
But it will still take 3 worker-turns to finish that plains cottage, not 2. I've marked in the number of worker-turns we have invested in-game now.
Furthermore, I consider that forum views should be fluid in width
I favored not wasting the two worker turns on the road we don't need there. I think there's actually plenty for those workers to do, and ways to get workers to the spice tile without roading it. Off the top of my head:
1) We need to farm (or cottage if ignoring NE) the floodplain of Eastern Dealers. 2) There's another river plains to cottage. 3) There are a couple river grass jungles to start chopping, so we can cottage them. 4) There is a roaded river grass of the covenant that we can put some turns into chopping/cottaging immediately prior to moving those workers to the spice to plantation. And they can continue this project on the way out. Certainly if we wanted a road on that spice we'd want to build it first thing, but I don't see any need for one. The tile seems unneeded for logistics and it's riverside for resource hookup. |