T99 - 400 BC
Cliff's Notes: WPC built an archer or barracks. The Spanish grew 2 pop, to 22. Apolyton grew 2 pop, to 43. The Germans grew 1 pop, to 26. CivFr researched a classical tech, possibly Construction. CivPlayers grew 3 pop and researched Archery. CFC received land score and grew 2 pop, to 44. Univers grew 5 pop, to 42.
Score table
Score analysis
F8 analysis gives 14 new global pop points, and the rival total population rose with 609000. Rival worst (Germans) rose with 27000. There are 8 land tiles to assign, and GNP analysis shows that one more of our known civs knows Archery (besides WPC and Univers).
Spanish: KwaDukuza grew to size 2 in 8t, and I put in another pop growth for them, giving them 22 total.
Germans: Rival worst in population rose with 27000, so I put in a growth from 3 to 4 in one of their cities. This brings them to 26 pop, and another 1000 in power, fitting with the increase to rival best in power.
CivFr: Rival best in population didn't change, so they researched a classical tech in 6t.
CFC: From map info we can see that Mantra grew to 5 and Lakshmi to 4, for 43 total pop. Analysis of APTmod culture data tells us that Mantra should expand borders from its monument about now, so CFC gets the 8 land tiles, which also fits with my reading of the way CFC has expanded.
CivPlayers: With Archery already known by Univers per last turn's GNP analysis upon contact, CivPlayers is the only remaining candidate. That leaves 7 score, for 3 pop growths. They have 29 pop total.
Apolyton: With no land tiles to assign, Apolyton gets a pop growth, to 42. Their capital has also been confirmed as size 10, since it is visible on the top cities screen.
Univers: The remaining 5 global pop fits with the 12 score increase for Univers, bringing them to 42 pop.
Power analysis
Rival global power increased with 21000, of which 8000 came from pop and 6000 from tech, leaving 7000 from other causes. WPC shows a power increase of 3000, which I put down as an archer. I thus pencil in Construction for CivFr.
Apolyton's city, Univers's whip, and CivPlayers' capital
Before our revolt, Mansa's Muse was the #5 on the top cities screen, but after the revolt it was replaced by Tenochtitlan, size 7. Since it was was whipped from size 8 to 5 on T97, it must have grown to 6 on T98 and 7 this turn. That makes it more unlikely that CivPlayers whipped a settler that turn, though not impossible. Eg, whip with 35/36F in the box to size 5 and 35/30. Grow to size 6 as the turn rolls, with 20/32 in the box. A city with wet corn, farmed banana, and grass deer is at +11F, so with another grass farm or a flood plains it reaches +12F.
Apolyton settled their seventh city, going to 43 pop and claiming 7 land tiles.
Of particular note is the new rival best in trade: up to 30 from 12 earlier in the turn, a not insignificant boost to someone's economy. I think it's Apolyton, and that they researched Currency on T95 (not Calendar), and that they now have trade routes with CivFr's two very large cities, for 12 trade routes of 2C and 2 of 3C, but that's little more than an informed guess.
Univers performed a 3-pop whip, lowering their pop to 39 and the global power with 2000. The global population shrank with 247000, so it was an 8->5 whip. Probably a settler, but one can never be sure.
Cliff's Notes: WPC built an archer or barracks. The Spanish grew 2 pop, to 22. Apolyton grew 2 pop, to 43. The Germans grew 1 pop, to 26. CivFr researched a classical tech, possibly Construction. CivPlayers grew 3 pop and researched Archery. CFC received land score and grew 2 pop, to 44. Univers grew 5 pop, to 42.
Score table
Team | Score change | Pop | Tech | Land |
RB | 27 | 15 (+6; 55 total) | 12 (Monarchy) | |
Spanish | 5 | 5 (+2; 22 total) | ||
Apolyton | 2 | 2 (+1; 42 total) | ||
Germans | 3 | 3 (+1; 26 total) | ||
CivFr | 12 | 12 (classical) | ||
CivPlayers | 13 | 7 (+3; 29 total) | 6 (Archery) | |
CFC | 10 | 5 (+2; 43 total) | 5 (Mantra 2-ring 8 tiles; 86 total) | |
Univers | 12 | 12 (+5; 42 total) |
Score analysis
F8 analysis gives 14 new global pop points, and the rival total population rose with 609000. Rival worst (Germans) rose with 27000. There are 8 land tiles to assign, and GNP analysis shows that one more of our known civs knows Archery (besides WPC and Univers).
Spanish: KwaDukuza grew to size 2 in 8t, and I put in another pop growth for them, giving them 22 total.
Germans: Rival worst in population rose with 27000, so I put in a growth from 3 to 4 in one of their cities. This brings them to 26 pop, and another 1000 in power, fitting with the increase to rival best in power.
CivFr: Rival best in population didn't change, so they researched a classical tech in 6t.
CFC: From map info we can see that Mantra grew to 5 and Lakshmi to 4, for 43 total pop. Analysis of APTmod culture data tells us that Mantra should expand borders from its monument about now, so CFC gets the 8 land tiles, which also fits with my reading of the way CFC has expanded.
CivPlayers: With Archery already known by Univers per last turn's GNP analysis upon contact, CivPlayers is the only remaining candidate. That leaves 7 score, for 3 pop growths. They have 29 pop total.
Apolyton: With no land tiles to assign, Apolyton gets a pop growth, to 42. Their capital has also been confirmed as size 10, since it is visible on the top cities screen.
Univers: The remaining 5 global pop fits with the 12 score increase for Univers, bringing them to 42 pop.
Power analysis
Rival global power increased with 21000, of which 8000 came from pop and 6000 from tech, leaving 7000 from other causes. WPC shows a power increase of 3000, which I put down as an archer. I thus pencil in Construction for CivFr.
Apolyton's city, Univers's whip, and CivPlayers' capital
Before our revolt, Mansa's Muse was the #5 on the top cities screen, but after the revolt it was replaced by Tenochtitlan, size 7. Since it was was whipped from size 8 to 5 on T97, it must have grown to 6 on T98 and 7 this turn. That makes it more unlikely that CivPlayers whipped a settler that turn, though not impossible. Eg, whip with 35/36F in the box to size 5 and 35/30. Grow to size 6 as the turn rolls, with 20/32 in the box. A city with wet corn, farmed banana, and grass deer is at +11F, so with another grass farm or a flood plains it reaches +12F.
Apolyton settled their seventh city, going to 43 pop and claiming 7 land tiles.
Of particular note is the new rival best in trade: up to 30 from 12 earlier in the turn, a not insignificant boost to someone's economy. I think it's Apolyton, and that they researched Currency on T95 (not Calendar), and that they now have trade routes with CivFr's two very large cities, for 12 trade routes of 2C and 2 of 3C, but that's little more than an informed guess.
Univers performed a 3-pop whip, lowering their pop to 39 and the global power with 2000. The global population shrank with 247000, so it was an 8->5 whip. Probably a settler, but one can never be sure.
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