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[Spoilers] Old Harry's Game

Turn 74

I've been a fool I tell you! A damn fool, damnit!

There is no sign of a Serdoa-Hydra war at all, and the perfect explanation of why Serdoa has gone crazy with power is that he's building Catephracts, not catapults. Well I'm miles away from Engineering and I've checked for bulb preferences and can't bulb it, so I'll just build spears from here on and cross my fingers.

Would a few catapults be helpful too?

After construction its about 12 turns to Engineering. I still assume he will go for Exeter, but it's possible he's planning on attacking Jarrow from the sea (his scout saw how many forests I was planning to chop there before he deleted it, so I'll assume he knows I'm building a wonder there), so I'm sending Jay Bothroyd to have a look at the ocean...

If he goes for Exeter then my Archers and spears will be on a hill with 40% culture and walls (due next turn). If he goes for Jarrow I got nothing much... I'm going to delay MOM a turn to see what is at sea, no point just giving him the wonder - in fact should I just abandon building it and use potential fail gold for military techs? The MOM was a "hope Serdoa gets bogged down fighting someone else and this lets me catch up" tactic, but very long term, so with the build up of power it's just not a good idea...




Has he actually declared war yet?

yeah catapults will help. I assume exter isn't that far from 60% cultural boundaries? he may need catapults himself to penetrate.

lots of spears, lots of catapults. and engineering asap.

do you have any great people? finishing MOM and popping a golden age may be your best bet for survival, even though its a pity to do it so soon (but better that than lose pyramids or MOM).
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

...does Serdoa has Guilds?
(March 12th, 2024, 07:40)naufragar Wrote:"But naufragar, I want to be an emperor, not a product manager." Soon, my bloodthirsty friend, soon.


If he is coming after you, I'm impressed by the feignt "declare war on hydra and then don't invade," especially in an ai diplo game
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

(February 11th, 2013, 21:11)Cornflakes Wrote: Has he actually declared war yet?

No, and if he's as smart as I think he'll be waiting for me to complete mom...

(February 11th, 2013, 21:15)Bigger Wrote: yeah catapults will help. I assume exter isn't that far from 60% cultural boundaries? he may need catapults himself to penetrate.

lots of spears, lots of catapults. and engineering asap.

do you have any great people? finishing MOM and popping a golden age may be your best bet for survival, even though its a pity to do it so soon (but better that than lose pyramids or MOM).

Great people are a few turns away yet, unfortunately. If you lose mom half way through a golden age does it still last longer?

(February 11th, 2013, 21:17)thestick Wrote: ...does Serdoa has Guilds?

I can't be sure, but all his recent power increases have been multiples of ten, he got the oracle and great lighthouse, and doesn't have calendar or aesthetics, so its a reasonable assumption. That I should have made ages ago!

(February 11th, 2013, 21:19)Bigger Wrote: If he is coming after you, I'm impressed by the feignt "declare war on hydra and then don't invade," especially in an ai diplo game

Its still possible he goes after Azza - but he gains more attacking me... I was completely fooled for a couple of turns - enough to get calendar when I should have bee-lined engineering. bang

Here's hoping its all just paranoia!

(February 11th, 2013, 23:49)Old Harry Wrote: Great people are a few turns away yet, unfortunately. If you lose mom half way through a golden age does it still last longer?


yeah GA length is determined on the first turn.. if you hypothetically triggered 3 of them all at once (say taj and 3 GP's) then lost MOM on your first turn of GA, you'd still get 3 long golden ages.
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

I'm going to need to whip myself into the ground anyway so perhaps a golden age isn't all that great anyway...

Should I redirect the remaining mom-chops into spears or will he spot that I've stopped building it? I don't think his scout got sight on Jarrow...

Well this is embarrassing rolleye

I've just done a bit of GNP investigating and since I know no-one has alphabet yet I can guess how many people have each tech:

Med . . . 128 . . 2 people
COL . . . 131 . . 3 people
Theo . . . 119 . . 0 people
Aesth . . 119 . . 0 people
Alpha . . 119 . . 0 people
Horse . . 123 . . 1 person
Iron . . . 128 . . 2 people
Metal C . 119 . . 0 people
Const . . 123 . . 1 person

So without Metal Casting you can't have Machinery or Guilds, meaning Cataphracts are miles away and Serdoa must just be building a lot of catapults. Somehow that doesn't reassure me, but at least I've only wasted a turns worth of production on spears.

I guess I'll tech horseback riding next to flank away catapults after all (although I'd prefer COL to help the economy recover) and switch to building axes and catapults of my own. Perhaps 10 cats, 10 axes and 10 Horse Archers will do? Take your time Serdoa, no rush over here...

If I'm right this time rolleye he's got approx 15 cats, 15 axes, 15 spears already, so maybe I'll need more... How I'll produce 30 units before he arrives beats the hell out of me!

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