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[SPOILERS] BaxAmeliKnight's thread

Sending most of my centaurs. This is way too short a notice though, i won't know how many i'm able to send.

Well the situation isn't good. They'll almost certainly take Balderham, and then can either threaten Malakim's core or head off to Kurio's city. Unfortunately there's not really a whole lot we can do in response other then drafting and praying.

Our current strategy is to get Govannon online ASAP along with necromancy, massed skeletons are pretty much our only hope against Warrened units (why we didn't focus on this earlier is beyond me). Should take about 5t or so, but that's way too long right now. With Maelstrom online next turn we have a shot at killing some of the Clan's massive garrisons, best case scenario we eliminate their weaker one in Griffon Ale (~15 units) but Waterloo is still threatening. Doesn't help I mispromoted one of my adepts. banghead

One thing I forgot to mention is that they also finished a tech this turn. Good news is that it isn't AV, so they still don't have collateral. Bad news is it's Feudalism, which means Vamps are finally online (also presumably the meaning of Thoth's banter post). With summons out of the question for defense I don't think we really have anything that can defend against them or massed Spectres (Skeletons don't even work since it's str4 vs str2) so that may as well be their form of collateral. Also Amelia, what's with the mass roading on our borders? I just need a road on the mana node since we already have a connection via the river, and my adepts will be 3 move anyway.

Next turn we need to all play together pretty much (Amelia and I for attack, you two for defense), so don't move anything unless we're all online.

Ah. Your adepts are 3 move, my bad. I considered that i needed to get that road connection up so that your adepts can reach the node ASAP, but if they're 3 move they can definately reach it faster then i road it.

Hey guys >< i just got a new job, and it's really time-consuming/tiring. I am still able to play my turns, but i'm afraid that i won't be around for the discussions at 5PM any longer... I think it's better off if you find someone to replace me if possible. Sorry about that ><

(March 3rd, 2013, 11:54)Amelia Wrote: Hey guys >< i just got a new job, and it's really time-consuming/tiring. I am still able to play my turns, but i'm afraid that i won't be around for the discussions at 5PM any longer... I think it's better off if you find someone to replace me if possible. Sorry about that ><

Ugh, hate to lose you but chats are crucial in team games, even though our position is fairly grim. Don't think it'll be easy to replace you this late, being teammates it's simpler if we play for you instead. Are you still able to ded-lurk with some frequency? If so then we can still keep most of our strategic planning here.

Yeah i can dedlurk, but it'll prob be once every two days. Will try my best to give advice if possible though.

Well, here's the current (terrible) situation:

[Image: T121%20Clan%20army.jpg]

Our biggest problem is our toughest unit is only 4str. What we need is collateral. I'm sending a mage down to be able to Maelstrom it, if it decides to not move in the next 2t (unlikely), we'll be able to hit it. Of course, with Clan building a road there to conveniently send reinforcements down, we'll likely die to several 6 move chariots as soon as we do, but it's something at least...

Better news came in the form of Team plako getting Arcane Lore. Now we have to race them for Hemah and Crown. rant banghead We get Crown EoT so that's irrelevant, but I doubt we can race for Hemah in our current state. I may just let them have it so they have a better chance against Team OMGWTFMFGHAX. Thoughts?

nabaxo, move any fawns not guarding Lodente onto the tile NE of your capital. Also follow the signs I gave in-game regarding workers.

Could you also tell me why the settler in Frionk has been sitting there for the last 5 turns not doing anything? OK, your being invaded, but that's only the last 2t. You need to plant your settler down S ASAP, send it to Kurio 3rd city for now so I can cover you with a soon-to-be-built Centaur. (our long term strategy should be conquering through Team Reddit for survival) After we get necromancy we'll probably get Priesthood if Clan are still harassing us (extremely likely), you need to have planted 2 more cities with the settlers we have on hand to get the most out of Religious Fervor.

The current state of the game, as I see it:


Defend Lodente. Sacrifice Kurio 4th city if all needed, it's really exposed right now and not worth saving, i think. You might even want to bait them there using a worker. Sure, it hurts, but if take Lodente, they have full access to our entire core.

Enemy stacked has moved to threaten Kurio 4th city. Cue Operation 'delete workers and GTFO'.

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