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PBEM 2 Organizing/Tech Thread

(April 19th, 2013, 09:22)NobleHelium Wrote: RNG works the same way. Just save before ending turn...

Just found out that this is a bad idea. GMR detects that the game was saved and assumes that you have ended turn. Thus, Civ 5 is closed and you get the prompt to email your save along. So do not save mid-turn with GMR active.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Huh, interesting. You can still reopen the game and then end turn though, right?

(April 19th, 2013, 22:55)NobleHelium Wrote: Huh, interesting. You can still reopen the game and then end turn though, right?

Yep. Which I'm sure is fine if your PC isn't a dinosaur
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Civ5 doesn't load very quickly on my computer either. lol

So, are we doing a blitz? lol


Well, if I get a turn in about an hour, I can play it still. After that, I'll be off (so probably no turn until tomorrow). frown

We had a good thing going on, then my mouse breaks and a fuse blows. Pfft.

Will have to hold the turn until I get a working mouse. Should be tomorrow.

Did GMR break for anyone else?

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