Whew, that was a long post! It took me all day to write. (And, er, it didn't end up being imageless.) Sorry about that. Obviously only read it if you're interested. I hope you will, though - post-mortems like that, in conjunction with the in-play narrative of course, are what I think make reporting threads (Sullla's, for example) so great.
By the way, I would be honoured if someone wrote a similar criticism of my own war-conduct in the lurker thread, either for this war or the one (presumably) coming with Azza or both. In fact, any criticisms of my play, negative or positive, will be welcome. But I will understand if no one does so; it's an involved process.
Anyway, here's the promised state-of-the-empire. Prepare for more images!

I'm aware my cities are smaller than they should be. War-weariness and drafting are responsible for that, and my abysmal population on the demographics screen below.

Still debating what to research next: the short route to cuirassiers (just Military Tradition) or the long route to riflemen (Alphabet - Printing Press - Replaceable Parts - Rifling).
After end-of-turn:

All the musketmen and macemen save one have been generated over the last four turns.

And with the completion of the Taj Mahal, my second Golden Age began (with half the first one still to go)!
Oh, almost forgot - I trust you've all heard the news from Old Harry. Caloo Calay! My New Model Army mobilized in case I decide to attempt to exploit the situation, even though it's not fully built-up yet. We'll see what the coming turns bring!
By the way, I would be honoured if someone wrote a similar criticism of my own war-conduct in the lurker thread, either for this war or the one (presumably) coming with Azza or both. In fact, any criticisms of my play, negative or positive, will be welcome. But I will understand if no one does so; it's an involved process.
Anyway, here's the promised state-of-the-empire. Prepare for more images!

I'm aware my cities are smaller than they should be. War-weariness and drafting are responsible for that, and my abysmal population on the demographics screen below.

Still debating what to research next: the short route to cuirassiers (just Military Tradition) or the long route to riflemen (Alphabet - Printing Press - Replaceable Parts - Rifling).
After end-of-turn:

All the musketmen and macemen save one have been generated over the last four turns.

And with the completion of the Taj Mahal, my second Golden Age began (with half the first one still to go)!
Oh, almost forgot - I trust you've all heard the news from Old Harry. Caloo Calay! My New Model Army mobilized in case I decide to attempt to exploit the situation, even though it's not fully built-up yet. We'll see what the coming turns bring!