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[SPOILERS] Serdoa, Ichabod and Ex-Girlfriends - co-starring NH,Bigger and Lewwyn

Thanks. smile

So what's the current plan, Serdoa?

Right now it is to wait for the game to get re-hosted, as it is on a too low difficulty level. wink

As for how to play the first few turns: Right now I tend to settle on the PH, get the worker out and research Mining. The scout will find out what the rest of the nearby land looks like and before the worker is finished we can decide how to proceed I hope. I lean very much to get a quick second city on the Stone and build SH. Some issues with that though, one being that the Stone-city would have at best only 2 forests to chop, but we need 3 to 1-turn it. Haven't found the solution for that yet, but it isn't making any difference for the first 10 turns of play so I think I have a little bit of time left.

How do you plan to get out the settler, exactly? Do we have forests left over at the cap for Henge?

Depends. First stab at a plan:

Mining -> BW -> Myst -> Masonry

EOT12: Finish Worker -> Farms Corn, Farms FP, Chops a forest
EOT18: Grow to 2
EOT20: Finish 1st Warrior
EOT23: Grow to 3
EOT24: Anarchy to Slavery
EOT27: Grow to 4, finish 2nd Warrior
EOT31: Finish Settler (2-pop-whip)
EOT33: Finish 2nd Worker
EOT41: Finish Settler, Finish Masonry
EOT42: Finish SH (w. 2 chops + overflow from settler at the cap)

So there would be a second settler to play around with but slightly on the low end of workers and warriors. Hard to say without more map knowledge if it makes sense. Also all 5 forests at the cap would be chopped at that point.

The thing I worry about is if someone else decides to go Stonehenge before a second city. While we might not think that's the smartest move in terms of growth and snowball building, look at the roster. SO yes we have super close stone, but even if Stonehenge is double by stone the likelihood that we will be able to both hook it and use it to chop out the wonder is a bit low IMO. Not that I'm not willing to try.

I think it is more likely that we can use the stone for an early pyramids instead.

I like that we go mining>BW though that will help us keep our options open.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Well, all my preliminary plans right now do have one important aspect that I try to keep: Get SH within the same turn as settling on the stone. The turn after I finish the second settler I try to have the roads in place so that he can settle immediately and SH is finished. If the turn before someone gets SH we still can direct the overflow, the chops and the settler to some other place.

Also I found a way to make SH with just one chop and overflow. Actually it is also the only way I found to get the roads in place in time etc. Timings as in last post, just different worker actions.

What different worker actions?

Well, that was actually not correct. I also changed one turn the queue from building a warrior to building the settler and than changed the worked tiles on another turn to have the settler at 99/100, so that I could whip it the next turn, yielding 37 overflow. That's actually the more important change. Worker actions just made much more work because I had issues getting the roads and the chops done in time.

Worker actions changed are mainly away from chopping that second forest to making sure that the road is in place. Micro plan below:

[Image: microplan1.JPG]

And no, I don't like it that I whip down to size 1. That most certainly has to be changed, but that is still just a first stab as I don't see much sense in doing that when I don't know where the second city will go, what it will produce and how much worker turns it might need. Because right now it has none.

So really the biggest obstacle to building SH with stone is the tech. We don't think SH is worth going for without stone right? If can buy it on sale, we go to a different store.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Yes, I don't see any reason to build Henge without stone when it's right there. It's not that good of a wonder. I think the main risk here is a coin flip loss (stupid Pitboss).

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