As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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[SPOILERS] Serdoa, Ichabod and Ex-Girlfriends - co-starring NH,Bigger and Lewwyn

Well the problem now is that we should check for seafood before settling any cities there but I'm not sure if we'll have time to do that and still modify the plan to take advantage of any seafood, potentially.

Settling where the scout is now is definitely a possibility, if we can get the city down early enough and then two workers to quarry the stone in a reasonable timeframe and a third one to chop.

It's time for another edition of the Gaspar and NobleHelium show!

Gaspar: well
Gaspar: is henge a given?
Gaspar: because i dont think id settle on the stone
Gaspar: otherwise
Gaspar: with what we can see in that SS
NobleHelium: well we definitely want to go for henge
Gaspar: I'd settle N of stone and 3E of that
NobleHelium: 3E seems excessive to me
NobleHelium: most likely we can plant further north
Gaspar: that lets you share both food sources to grow cottages and then pawn them off later
NobleHelium: sure
NobleHelium: but we're not going to keep this shitty cap
Gaspar: where did you start again?
NobleHelium: 1E
Gaspar: thats a better spot
NobleHelium: if we were going to keep the cap we wouldn't have moved
NobleHelium: at least that's what i would have said
Gaspar: how do you decide
Gaspar: to move the cap on t0
NobleHelium: but i don't think either spot is good enough for darius in a 10-player game
Gaspar: thats retarded
NobleHelium: because it's a 10 player game
Gaspar: whats your point
NobleHelium: game will be long
NobleHelium: is my point
Gaspar: you're fucking darius of sumeria
Gaspar: was this random rolls?
NobleHelium: no
NobleHelium: we picked
Gaspar: oh ok
NobleHelium: best pick on the board for sure
Gaspar: thats still insanely good
NobleHelium: india/inca/pacal/willem banned
Gaspar: i dont really get any of your plan truthfully
NobleHelium: well
NobleHelium: it's hard to get serdoa's plans
Gaspar: fuck henge, you're going to want priesthood early
NobleHelium: so?
Gaspar: so just get early religion
Gaspar: well
NobleHelium: anyway
Gaspar: stone near the cap is great
NobleHelium: henge is still good
NobleHelium: if we can build it with stone
NobleHelium: if we can't we're not building it
Gaspar: i mean
Gaspar: that cap is so fucking terrible
NobleHelium: well yeah
Gaspar: like
Gaspar: this is that overly plotting and scheming stuff
NobleHelium: well
Gaspar: sure 1E sucks too
NobleHelium: you might be right
Gaspar: but its appreciably better
NobleHelium: keep in mind that this is normal speed
NobleHelium: ph hammer accelerates faster
Gaspar: i mean
Gaspar: sure
Gaspar: but you can bang settlers plenty well with wet corn and fish
Gaspar: and plains ivory is a crap tile
NobleHelium: anyway
NobleHelium: i'm kind of agreeing with you
Gaspar: the thing is
NobleHelium: mostly i'm hoping serdoa did enough micro
Gaspar: like you can say you're going to move the cap
Gaspar: but when are slipping in a palace build
NobleHelium: to be sure that the ph acceleration matters enough for a planned tech route that skips fishing for a long time
Gaspar: because if you wait until t150
NobleHelium: t150 is really late
Gaspar: im talking normal speed here
Gaspar: in fairness
NobleHelium: i think t100
Gaspar: my normal speed calculator is off
NobleHelium: is a good estimate
Gaspar: meh
Gaspar: palace is a lot of hammers too
Gaspar: i guess ultimatley
Gaspar: maybe theres something to be learned
Gaspar: since i dont think remotely like serdoa
Gaspar: and hes a better player than me in 99% of situations
NobleHelium: nah not 99%
Gaspar: (i think i read the game better than he does, but otherwise hes better than me)
NobleHelium: on the other hand
Gaspar: anyway
Gaspar: its hard for me to play this start
NobleHelium: i think we've hit or are close to the practical limit for pitboss games hosted by one sunrise machine
Gaspar: because theres literally no situation in which anyone could have convinced me to plant the cap there smile
NobleHelium: when you have qgqqqqq logging into three pitboss games your chance of failure rises significantly
Gaspar: lol
Gaspar: so wait
Gaspar: your start is on a thin peninsula/island
Gaspar: and you're fin
Gaspar: and you're planning on
Gaspar: "skipping fishing for a long time"
NobleHelium: well long time means after masonry
Gaspar: yeah
Gaspar: thats just getting too cute because you see stone
NobleHelium: of course since we settled off the coast we may not actually need fishing then
Gaspar: ocean fish is still a good tile
NobleHelium: but yeah
NobleHelium: you're right now that i think about it
NobleHelium: fishing is cheap
Gaspar: like am i missing something, is still not 6/0/1 with a lh?
Gaspar: and you're org
Gaspar: i just want to go into the thread and post in all caps
Gaspar: 6f tiles are not to be trifled with
NobleHelium: its ok, im going to post this chat anyways
Gaspar: lol
Gaspar: i mean to me
Gaspar: you have to settle on that GH now
Gaspar: and you have no idea whats down there
NobleHelium: well we're obviously going to settle on the gh at some point
Gaspar: well you werent forced to do that if you planted the cap properly
Gaspar: i dont like to be forced to do anything on t1
Gaspar: when i have no scouting knowledge
Gaspar: wait
Gaspar: wait
Gaspar: i just looked at the competitors list
Gaspar: why are we even discussing this
NobleHelium: ok
Gaspar: sian is like the next best player
NobleHelium: wk is definitely better than sian
NobleHelium: anyways
Gaspar: whos wk?
NobleHelium: obvious cover story
Gaspar: hes not on the list
NobleHelium: warriorknight
NobleHelium: sure he is
Gaspar: im only looking at that screenshot
NobleHelium: ok well merovech logged in for that turn
Gaspar: i mean which other person is logged into wks civ
Gaspar: so basically
Gaspar: its Serdoa >> WK >>> Sian > Dazed >>> lots of terrible players
NobleHelium: cheetah might be ok now
NobleHelium: not sure
NobleHelium: kurumi seems smart but he's green for sure
Gaspar: lol
Gaspar: this is the most NH game ever
NobleHelium: you can see my rankings on the previous page or earlier up in the page
NobleHelium: hey man
NobleHelium: i am not nicolae
NobleHelium: get your story straight
Gaspar: im actually enjoying
Gaspar: deducing things only from one screenshot
NobleHelium: anyway i'm not actually playing because i don't play stupid simultaneous pitboss games
Gaspar: likewise
NobleHelium: but there aren't any other threads worth reading in this game anyways
Gaspar: i like the stuff a big roster brings
Gaspar: but its not worth the bs simul turns brings
Gaspar: anyway, itll be interesting to see how many turns it takes for SH to be worth 6f/t wink
Gaspar: wheres luddites spreadsheets when you need them
NobleHelium: you mean his thread about payback times?
Gaspar: yeah
Gaspar: not to mention with this roster
NobleHelium: yeah
Gaspar: you're probably going to lose henge
NobleHelium: probably should have gone with a more conservative approach
Gaspar: because someone is going to go henge first
NobleHelium: well i dunno about that
NobleHelium: no archduke on the roster
Gaspar: ala gaspar in 14
Gaspar: interesting question actually
Gaspar: worse first 50t
Gaspar: 14 or 47?
NobleHelium: i forget
NobleHelium: when did you build oracle in 14
Gaspar: like t42
NobleHelium: ok
NobleHelium: well 14 then
Gaspar: obviously 14
Gaspar: more of a joke about how I played my 2nd worst game like 2 years later
Gaspar: well, 26 might have been an even worse start than either
Gaspar: but that was commodores game
Gaspar: the key to a good open
Gaspar: is not to have ornate plans
Gaspar: all of my ornate plan opens have been terrible
Gaspar: the good ones are the ones where i just try to expand well
NobleHelium: what games do you think
NobleHelium: were ornate plans
NobleHelium: i can think of 47
Gaspar: 14
NobleHelium: and that's about it
Gaspar: 47
NobleHelium: 14 was just bad
Gaspar: nah, i had ornate plans
Gaspar: basically
Gaspar: when you do things like before you've seen anything other than a starting ss
Gaspar: and plan on landing 2 early wonders
Gaspar: are always bad ideas
NobleHelium: no you see
NobleHelium: that plan is not ornate
NobleHelium: because it's too vague
NobleHelium: an ornate plan is a novice version of that
NobleHelium: that's what you had in 47
Gaspar: ok fine
Gaspar: early wonders suck, basically
Gaspar: i mean they're really good
Gaspar: but trying to land them sucks
NobleHelium: well i think i prefer your "early wonders suck" position to the old "early religion sucks" position
Gaspar: early religion /usually/ sucks
Gaspar: but it has its place
NobleHelium: anyways
NobleHelium: i feel that the chance of newbies going for early religion are more likely
NobleHelium: than super early henge
Gaspar: i still thing expanding and selling out for currency is usually the best plan
Gaspar: sure
Gaspar: except you know
Gaspar: you're fin sumeria
Gaspar: so if you wanted early religion
Gaspar: you'd have gotten it
Gaspar: maybe not hind/budd
Gaspar: but certainly jud
NobleHelium: its ok
NobleHelium: we will go for judaism right after masonry BEFORE FISHING
Gaspar: lol
Gaspar: except the part where theres no reason whatsoever to go for early religion if you land henge
NobleHelium: yes it's a joke :P
Gaspar: i know
NobleHelium: anyway
Gaspar: i mean really
NobleHelium: i don't really know which is better
Gaspar: the plan here should have been oracle
NobleHelium: i definitely have doubts for sure
NobleHelium: oracle is way too popular
Gaspar: even though you seen stone and no marble
NobleHelium: i would have preferred that to be marble sure
Gaspar: oracle is garbage really
Gaspar: though with sumeria less so
Gaspar: anyway
Gaspar: ill surely forget this game even exists
Gaspar: so keep me posted on how it goes
Gaspar: i spent the last hour bitching about it, so im like 3% invested now
NobleHelium: lol
NobleHelium: anyway i'm posting the chat
Gaspar: edit out anywhere where i insult anyone
Gaspar: i have enough natural heat anyway
NobleHelium: i was going to end it before this part but now i think i have to include it
NobleHelium: i don't see where you insulted anyone anyway
NobleHelium: unless you want me to cut out the entire part where we trash the opponents but i already did that in the thread
Gaspar: nah, i dont care about that
Gaspar: i just meant anyone who is actually in the thread
Gaspar: but i guess i was restrained
Gaspar: its more of a pain in the ass to read back this chat than in gchat so ill take your word for it
NobleHelium: why so?
Gaspar: well mostly because i can just pull up the chat on one page in gchat and if i can do that here i dont know how
NobleHelium: well you scroll up
NobleHelium: just like in gchat
Gaspar: but moreso because im doing it on this piece of shit laptop without a fucking mouse, which obviously has nothing to do with gchat so whatever
Gaspar: in gchat id click the chats tab and just read it on one page w/o scrolling back
NobleHelium: i don't see how you could have read some of our chats without scrolling
Gaspar: well sure
Gaspar: but much less
NobleHelium: maybe you just need to make this window bigger
NobleHelium: you can maximize it you know
NobleHelium: yeah i know
NobleHelium: my mouse is actually always double clicking now
Gaspar: its better than this touchpad bullshit
NobleHelium: wait can't you just take your mouse from your desktop
NobleHelium: and plug it in
Gaspar: fuck laptops
Gaspar: its too modern for this piece of shit
NobleHelium: i don't buy that
Gaspar: also the usb port is broken on this laptop
NobleHelium: if you had said "my mouse uses a ps/2 port which this doesn't have" i was going to buy it
Gaspar: and when you plug something into the usb port
NobleHelium: well okay, it only has one usb port?
Gaspar: it reboots
Gaspar: well it has two
Gaspar: i didnt try the other one because it takes forever to reboot and i didnt want to deal with it
NobleHelium: ok
NobleHelium: so i guess one of your usb ports is a reset button
Gaspar: that seems retarded
NobleHelium: it seems hilarious to me lol
NobleHelium: you just said it
NobleHelium: IT REBOOTS
Gaspar: it actually has a ps2 port
Gaspar: but i dont have a ps2 mouse
NobleHelium: ok
NobleHelium: well if i ever ship anything to you i can ship this usb to ps2 converter that came with my mouse
Gaspar: if you ship something to me, SHIP ME AN ACTUAL COMPUTER

Just for the record, I'm not totally crazy and this conversation started with NH asking me how I'd play this start. Though I guess this means I'm your 46th useless dedlurker now. So, there's that.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

(May 22nd, 2013, 02:12)Gaspar Wrote: Just for the record, I'm not totally crazy and this conversation started with NH asking me how I'd play this start. Though I guess this means I'm your 46th useless dedlurker now. So, there's that.

Comic relief isn't useless.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

I laughed... hard smile

But for the actual questions that I can deduce from this chat:

1.) I don't necessarily see what I do as the best start possible, just to make that clear upfront and I do believe that some of your points are very good Gaspar. That said:

2.) I don't agree with "early religion means no SH needed". Early religion does not guarantee that it spreads to every city and as you can't influence that, you can either plant as if you have no culture (which defies the whole point of going for it) or plant assuming it will spread (and if it doesn't happen just forget the city for the next 30+ turns). Or you build missionaries. Which means Org.Rel. And 40 hammers per city potentially.

Additionally we play on a 10-player-map, so we should plant quite a few cities. Saving per city 30 hammers is well worth investing the 120 into SH. Especially if it is actually only an investment of 60. If you go for early religion you need Myst in any case so there is no additional tech-investment and early religion will at least cost you 2 missionaries which is already more expensive than SH. Not to speak of the added micro necessary to make certain you have a missionary in time for a new city.

3.) Planting on the PH does speed up early on and goes to basically equal footing later on (but still early game). Comparison:

Tiles workedCenterCornFishFarmed FPPH-MineGH-MinePH-MineIvoryTotal

So, thats pretty much the same but without the investment into a workboat (30 hammers) and Fishing (70 beakers?) early on. If you add a cheap Lighthouse it is one food ahead - and 60 hammers down. Wait, 60 hammers? Thats SH instead. And yes, I realize that we have more worker turns to invest for it to work + the Ivory means Hunting (but we'll probably want that anyway soonish for more happy AND defense against Chariots).

Quite honestly, I don't think there is much difference in the openings, except that the Fish-plant is working to get itself up for nearly the first 30 turns while the PH-plant gets the first settler potentially already at T29/T30. Which does lead to additional production, commerce etc. Of course another point is the moving of the Palace, but imo we will want to do that with either of the spots because in the end both are not really suited for a FIN-capital.

4.) I agree that planting on the Stone does not really look like something we want to do. I also do agree with 1N and 3E of that for potential cities, I had the same thought today in the morning when I played the turn. The city in the east would have 6 cottages and could grow very fast. But is the city on the PH 1N of the Stone really better? Think about it with the other city and the worked tiles of that city in mind. It will work 5 of its 6 cottages. That doesn't really leave much for the other city. And none will be a production-powerhouse either.

Tbh, I think we have to get some more scouting in before we decide where to settle. For now, I think I'll move the scout 1W on the grassland (which should show 3 more ocean tiles and potential seafood there) and afterwards 1NE onto the second PH there. Move after that probably onto the Pig to the PH in the east.

5.) I agree with Sumeria to go relatively early for Priesthood to get the Ziggurat. And that of course makes a Oracle-play interesting. Especially with as much coast as we see here, as early MC into Colossus would be great. But it would mean 3 early wonders + a forge for a non-IND civ. Not really what I'd call a good opening, as it just delays us too much most likely. But if we don't take MC, what would Oracle get us? CoL? Thats not really of benefit to us. Maths? Thats a possibility, but honestly if we don't divert hammers and tech to the Oracle we probably can get Maths nearly as quickly without that investment. Monarchy? Only if we don't have enough happy early on, otherwise we'd rather have the tech and hammers invested towards more cities, Currency and Hanging Gardens (due to Stone).

And that leads me to the really, really preliminary plan:

Mining -> BW -> Myst -> Masonry -> (get SH) -> (Fishing) -> Pottery -> Writing -> Maths -> have settled 10 cities, build HG -> win!

Thread bookmarked smile

(May 22nd, 2013, 03:41)Serdoa Wrote: Mining -> BW -> Myst -> Masonry -> (get SH) -> (Fishing) -> Pottery -> Writing -> Maths -> have settled 10 cities, build HG -> win!

Do we want pyramids? I mean the stone is just right there... I know its a huge hammer investment but the happiness pay off is pretty large.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”


Gaspar: you can bang settlers plenty well with wet corn and fish

Gaspar: 6f tiles are not to be trifled with


Gaspar: i have enough natural heat anyway

Thanks for that, Serdoa. My cost-benefit analysis tends to be all in my head so its nice to see someone less lazy do the math. smile

LH is 30h for you, but yeah otherwise I see what you're saying, and obviously its a waste of time to debate now that you've already planted. There's no question that fishing tiles are suboptimal at the start because of the investment required compared to land tiles. I still think I'd have SIP primarily because I think you'll have a hard time getting the palace done by the time your happy cap starts to grow enough that you'll want to work more tiles and also that if you have a city you don't want to overinvest in, a bunch of fin water is pretty decent choice.

Re: Stonehenge vs early religion - yeah, there's no question that Henge is much more effective and cheap than religion. I just always debate the logic of going for it because you start making other suboptimal decisions to get it done. But I'd have a hard time resisting Stone so close to the start myself.

Anyway, good luck!
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

I agree with you on nearly all points Gaspar. I think these are both decisions that are nearly impossible to give a general rule for but instead really have to be evaluated for each and every occurrence - and even then it comes down to gut feel at the end.

That said, new turn is up and I am going to play it. Stay tuned for new and exciting scout-revelations. wink

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