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La Plaisanterie, C'est Moi - Ichabod's Spoiler Thread

We got happy, but not that early happy.

I think a city 1NE of the corn can work. I can use the same strategy of growing it to size 2 with the corn (while second city stagnates while building a worker at size 3 for happiness reasons), before improving the cows. The plan would be to make this a production city: at size 4, working cows, 2 grass mines and a plains mines, it has 13 production, which is good. I could get some axes, immortals and units needed. It's a possible HE city: it can build sea units, it can grow fast if needed (corn, cows, farms), it has a lot of mines to come online quickly. Hopefully one of those hills have a strategic resource.

I need to find a way to have a unit to defend this city with the current micro plan, though.

Opponent Analysis:

SevenSpirits: Seven is probably the best player in this site. The best in using the "coattail-ride to victory" strategy, that is. Seven has managed to achieve victory on other players expenses in an astounding fashion, with an incredible capacity of really picking the winners of each game. It has done it with Novice (several times), Mackoti (several times), Lewwyn (PBEM19) and myself (PB 10, ongoing en route to victory). Now, he tries to fly solo for the first time. From what I've seen in his play on PB10, I have nothing to worry about.

He also has the tendency of making barely understanble posts on the forums, which isn't a good sign.

Threat level: Low.

Krill: Fairly unknown player. He played on some low key games, not gonna bother to check that out. Looks like a forum spammer, rather than a good player. Maybe if some good player takes pity to ded-lurk (e.s. play the game for him), he can be something else than a non-factor (i.e. a fairly-irrelevant-factor).

Threat level: Low.

Serdoa: Can someone say Stonehenge first at Capital? Serdoa never quite quit his single player games on chieftan difficulty, because he keeps on building every wonder on the game on the way to certain failure. Never updates, so can't have that good of a look on his play. His participation would likely be the following, on the Events tab:

*Serdoa has built Stonehenge (on turn 15)
*Serdoa has built The Pyramids
*You have captured "Non-named-Capital (Serdoa)

Threat level: Low

Kyan: a diplomat on a AW game? Yeah, right. Poor guy will take quite a stomp having no NAPs to hide behind. The Diplomacy forum is over there, pal --->. Go there and let the big boys here play serious games, not sympathy contests.

Threat level: Low.

Thoth: FFH noob. Nuff said.

Threat level: Low.


Seems like I'll win this handily.

You had me going for a bit lol
Playing: PB11
(March 3rd, 2012, 21:07)antisocialmunky Wrote: Civilization Economics: You have 1 Cow. You build some pastures around it to feed your people. The population grows uncontrollably. You enslave everybody and work half of them to death.

that seems about accurate, you are certainly the favorite! smile
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

Finally an honest opponent assessment! smile
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

You should post that in the banter thread lol

Horses readily avaiable. Third city likely goes for horses, so I can have some sort of meaningful defense. I'll probably get the sheep + horses with it, the sheep already being improved.

Novice, what would you do with a city, let's say, 2S of the sheep? Would you cottage it, even though there's no river on the grassland? A city 1S of the sheep could share some cottages with the capital and work some riverside ones too.

I guess early in the game, these cities can work mines. Later I could bring irrigation. But I think I don't use enough cottages...

Anything you could suggest me, Novice?

Edit: It seems like a good city to get a library and work 2 scientists for an academy. Library wouldn't be a bad build there (since I think the city will have somme commerce late game), but I wouldn't feel so bad about not running cottages (like in the capital and second city).

Looks like a good city for producing gpp and hammers. I would probably slowbuild mids there.
I have to run.

(May 28th, 2013, 11:33)novice Wrote: Looks like a good city for producing gpp and hammers. I would probably slowbuild mids there.

But how do I get 100 hammers per turn on that city?


You mean 99 modified hammers per turn. wink

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