As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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[Spoilers] Old Harry's Game

I think it's more interesting that both Democracy and Communism are dead end techs. It's like, "sorry guys, you know the grand philosophical argument of the 20th century? It's all a big dead end."

I would say its fine to look at past graphs - I believe the pbem analogy is to imagine you took pictures of EVERYTHING and you're just looking over them.

Yeah, its also interesting that Democracy is generally a waste of a research, or at least non-optimal unless you can build SoL - it feels like the developers thought that it is a lot more powerful then it is.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Totally fine to look at graphs afterending turn. Regardless of turn order.

(July 30th, 2013, 20:29)NobleHelium Wrote: I think it's more interesting that both Democracy and Communism are dead end techs. It's like, "sorry guys, you know the grand philosophical argument of the 20th century? It's all a big dead end."

But in a way they are. Or have there been any developments in govering people?

Turn 171

Got Sci Meth at the start of this turn and will get Communism at the end. Which will give me a great spy to use. I've already got two scientists waiting around, so he could keep an eye on them for me. Or I could populate Nuneaton (National epic city) with merchants and plan for my next golden age in 20 turns.

I'll lose graphs on Hydra completely pretty soon, unless I start running the slider. For now I think I might revolt to police state next turn...

Score will plateau once I start drafting again.

Anyway I'll just assume that THH is rival best of all the demographic categories.


(August 1st, 2013, 05:24)Rowain Wrote:
(July 30th, 2013, 20:29)NobleHelium Wrote: I think it's more interesting that both Democracy and Communism are dead end techs. It's like, "sorry guys, you know the grand philosophical argument of the 20th century? It's all a big dead end."

But in a way they are. Or have there been any developments in govering people?

I think its pretty accurate, historically. both are progress killers (technologically speaking), I like where they are on the tech tree.
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

Turn 172

It's been such a long time, but welcome back everybody! I guess we'll just have to feel our way back into this somehow. First up with Communism.

Which allows the Police State/Nationalism/Caste System/State Property/Theocracy brutal army build up to commence. I'll switch off research until I can switch to free religion again.

Here is my latest outpost, Stoke. No idea why anyone would want to live here... Azza is running Free speach at the moment so his culture is going to be tough to push back. He doesn't seem to be going for a cultural win though - Hydra has the three top cities.

The Kremlin would be a nice wonder to have, its eight turns in Halifax or Grimsby, neither of which is entirely safe from attack and nine turns in Ipswich, which is a bit more secure and isn't so good at producing units. I'm also wondering about the Ironworks but it takes so long to build that I can't see it paying back the investment.

There, isn't that better... I'm tempted to try and get an enforced peace with Hydra to go and do some damage to Azza or Serdoa, having such a big army just sitting around doing nothing seems wasteful mischief


(August 1st, 2013, 15:53)Bigger Wrote:
(August 1st, 2013, 05:24)Rowain Wrote:
(July 30th, 2013, 20:29)NobleHelium Wrote: I think it's more interesting that both Democracy and Communism are dead end techs. It's like, "sorry guys, you know the grand philosophical argument of the 20th century? It's all a big dead end."

But in a way they are. Or have there been any developments in govering people?

I think its pretty accurate, historically. both are progress killers (technologically speaking), I like where they are on the tech tree.

Well I'm not sure any country is democratic or communist right now - Russia, the UK and US look like oligopolies to me, perhaps in France you don't have to be rich to get elected (although I think Hollande is a multi-millionaire). Germany? I don't know much about the political system there but they do most things sensibly don't they? China certainly isn't Communist whatever it says. North Korea is a police state before anything else. Maybe Belgium is the best Democracy in the world?

Communism is dead, yes. North Korea might be communist to some degree, but it's hard to be sure because nobody knows exactly what's going on in there.

I'd say the UK is more democratic than the US. Russia has never been a democracy at all.

(September 3rd, 2013, 19:16)Old Harry Wrote: Well I'm not sure any country is democratic or communist right now - Russia, the UK and US look like oligopolies to me, perhaps in France you don't have to be rich to get elected (although I think Hollande is a multi-millionaire). Germany? I don't know much about the political system there but they do most things sensibly don't they? China certainly isn't Communist whatever it says. North Korea is a police state before anything else. Maybe Belgium is the best Democracy in the world?

While Communism is not existent any longer (if it ever was) there are several Democracies around. Swiss for example but also Germany,Austria, the scandinavians and a lot of the other EU-states. England I'm doubtfull about for the neglecting of a free press (the actions taken against the guardian) and the excessive sniffing and violation of privacy. Will be interesting to see if the Democracy Index for 2013 will reflect that.

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